Chapter 44

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Chapter 44

I walked to my room and went to sleep.

I threw the cover off of me then walked to the bathroom. I started brushing my teeth. I slowly stopped when I started thinking about last night. "I wonder if Janet knows," I thought to myself. I rinsed my mouth out and walked downstairs. The only person I saw was Messiah, so I'm guessing the rest are sleeping.
"Messiah is it?" I asked.
"Yeah, that's me," he smirked. "And who are you?"
"Jordyn," I raised my eyebrow.
"Well it was nice meeting you!" He smiled then left.
My eyebrow was still raised, "Nice meeting you too." I sucked my teeth.
I walked half way up the stairs when I bumped in to Marlon.
"Well good mornin'." He laughed.
"Morning," I giggled. "So we're the only ones up?"
"I think," he looked up the stairs.
I followed him downstairs. We both plopped on the couch. He turned on the tv and flipped through the channels. He stopped on World's Dumbest. I stared at him while he was watching tv. I wanted to tell him about Messiah but I want to be sure that Janet knows first. About a hour later, everyone was up. All of the girls, including me, were cooking breakfast. The food was finally ready. Everybody sat down at the large table in the dinning room and ate their breakfast. After we finished, we just sat around watching tv. Janet wanted the party to start at 3 and it was about 1:30. The time flew by. I went up to Janet's room.
"Jan-," her and Messiah were kissing. "Well, um okay." I left.
I rushed downstairs to Marlon.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
"Nothing. Why?" I nervously laughed.
"You seem so... Jittery." He laughed.
"Okay, okay. If I tell you this, promise not to get mad?" I stared at him.
"I can't promise that, but what is it?" He laughed.
"I caught Janet and Messiah kissing!" I said really fast.
His laugh faded. "What?!" He screamed.
"Chillllll," I put my hands up.
"Alright," he slumped back down.
"Hey J!" Michael said.
"Heyyyy!" I gave him a hug.
He sat down beside me. Janet came downstairs and we all looked at her. I looked behind me to see Marlon giving her a death stare. I nudged him. I walked her to the kitchen where the rest of the girls were. I greeted all of them, but Latoya kept staring at me like she wanted to fight me or something. I just walked back to where Marlon was.
"You betta get yo sister!" I said.
"Which one?" He asked.
"Latoya! She keeps staring at me like she wanna fight. But I got hands boo," I replied.
Marlon just laughed. The party was about to start so I decided to get dressed. I walked to the bathroom in my room then grabbed a face towel out of the closet. I wet it then put some soap on it. I washed my face quickly then put the towel in the hamper. I put my hair in a loose messy bun and put on some lip gloss. I wiped the corners of my mouth. I grabbed my phone off of the nightstand and my sandals out of my bag. I strapped them on the walked out. I walked downstairs where all of the brothers had their swim trunks on.

☺️Jasmine's POV☺️
Jailynn came over and we just hung out. Kaitlyn couldn't make it because she was already with Jacob. They've got really close. The look like a cute couple though.
"I bet J's having so much!" I sighed.
"I know right!" Jailynn said.

😌Jordyn's POV😌
"You look beautiful J," Marlon said.
"Thank you! Not too bad yourself." I laughed.
Janet came downstairs and all of the attention turned her way. Tito made a "I know not!" face.
Jackie walked over to her, "Girrrll, you need to cover up." He buttoned her flannel.
"Stopppp!" She laughed, then unbuttoned it.
"Coincidence?" Marlon asked.
"Nah, she said she wanted us to be twins." I chuckled.
Messiah walked to Janet and gave her a kiss on the cheek, "You look beautiful."
We all walked outside. I looked back at the beach house and Joseph was lighting the pit. Then a car pulled up. A girl stepped out and Janet ran to her. They walked back to where everybody was. Her, Janet, and Messiah were walking over to Michael, Marlon and I.
"J, this is Valencia. Valencia this is J." Janet said.
"Hey," I said.
"Hi!" She smiled. They left then went in the water.
Jackie walked over to us, "So we finally get to meet Jan's boyfriend."
We looked over to Messiah.
"Hold up," Jackie left.
He walked to Messiah and put his arm around him. "Look, I see you and my sister are a couple. Am I correct?"
"Correct," he said nervously.
"So if you break her heart, I will break you. Understood?" Jackie said.
"Y-yes." He stuttered.
He patted Messiah on the shoulder then left.
"Poor guy!" I laughed.
"Are more people coming?" I asked Michael.
"Yeah, some more of Janet's friends. My mom's friends and some of our friends." He said.
Then my phone started ringing.
"Hey J."
"Heyyy, is Mariah alright?"
"Yes! She's fine! Having fun?"
"Well I was just checkin' on ya. Love you!"
"Love you too."
I put my phone in my back pocket. When the rest of the people came, Janet got out water balloons and water. We picked teams.
"Girls against boys!" I said.
All of the brothers were on team 2 and on team 1 were Janet, me, Valencia, Kyria, Malaysia, Alexis, Latoya, Kayce, and Lauren.
"So 9 against 7? Not fair! Jermaine laughed.
"Y'all be aight!" Janet said.
"1, 2, 3. Go!" Katherine yelled.
Before I knew it, water was splashing every where. We started on the sand and eventually moved in the water. Everybody was laughing, watching, and having a good time. I threw a balloon straight at Marlon's fave then started laughing. He threw one and it hit my stomach.
"Ha!" He laughed.
I started shooting at Michael and he shot back. Janet was throwing water balloons at Messiah. Every time I looked around, all I saw were beautiful smiles. All of us dropped our guns and ran towards each other. I pushed Marlon and he fell into the water. When he got back up, he threw me over his shoulder.
"Say you're sorry!" He laughed.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" I laughed then grabbed on to his swim trunks. He lowered me closer to the water.
"Okay, okay!" I screamed.
He put me down and everybody was laughing at us. We all stopped and laid on the sand catching our breath.
"THAT WAS SO FUNNNN!" Janet burst out.
We all started laughing. By that time, the sun was setting. It was beautiful. We all got up and washed the sand off of us then dried off. We went back inside to open Janet's gifts. She sat in the chair and Joe brought out the birthday cake. We sang happy birthday then she opened her gifts. I bought her diamond earrings and a Pandora bracelet.
"Thank you J!" She hugged me.
"You're welcome," I smiled.
Messiah was next. When she opened the box, she was speechless.
"Messiah! Thank youuuu!" She screamed and hugged him.
"No problem," he kissed her cheek.
She opened the rest of the gifts and thanked everybody. Her, Messiah, and her friends went up to her room. The rest of the family met up in the kitchen.
"She's growing up, lawd have mercy." Jackie said.
"For real!" Michael said.
"Well I'm going to sleep," Jermaine said then left.
"Good night," we said in unison.
A few minutes later, they all went upstairs.

👌Jackie's POV👌
While I was walking to my room, there was a blue shirt in the middle of the hallway. I picked it up and it was the shirt Messiah was wearing when he came. It smelled like Usher cologne and weed...

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