Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Michael's Perspective

I was speechless. I looked over at Marlon and he had a straight face with tears running down his face. Jordyn had a straight face with no emotion. I grabbed her hand and rubbed it with my thumb. I pat Marlon's shoulder. I pulled him into a hug and we both cried silently. We both walked over to Jordyn. Marlon kissed her forehead and then sat down. I can't imagine the emotions running through his body right now. The entire room was quiet as the doctor kept moving the stick around on Jordyn's stomach. His face had about a hundred different looks. He put it in the middle of her stomach and smiled.

"Found it." He smiled even wider.

Marlon looked relieved. He squeezed Jordyn's hand and smiled. I put my hands together and smiled at the both of them. Jordyn was smiling with a tear rolling down her face. The doctor rubbed a towel on her stomach and put her gown down. 

"Now Jordyn's going to have to stay a few more days just to prevent other things from a happening." He pulled his gloves off.

"I'm gonna stay over night." Marlon puts his hands in his pockets.

"Do you want me to stay?" I ask quietly.

"If you want to." Marlon lays his head on the back of the chair.

I stretch out on the couch and stare at Jordyn. She was fast asleep with that one tear stain on her face. I stared until my eyes grew heavier and heavier. Then I fell asleep.



Marlon's Perspective

My phone rang and it was Nia. I got up and walked to the bathroom.

"Hello?" I grab the bridge of my nose.

"Where are you?" She sounds annoyed.

"At the hospital." I rub my eyes.

"Who?! What happened?" She yells.

"Jordyn," I respond.

"Oh." She says with an attitude.

"What's with you? Okay, I messed up! That's it! Why are you so angry with her? She did nothing wrong. It was all me! She's pregnant with my baby and I have to be there whether you like it or not. Okay?!" I hung up and walked out of the bathroom.

Everyone was still sleeping so I sat in the chair and went back to sleep.

Nia's Perspective

I locked my phone then sat on the bed. She's pregnant with his baby! I thought he cared about me! I wanted to be the first and only women to carry his baby. This destroys me so much. I fall back on the bed while my tears go to my ears and onto the comforter. I get under the sheets and roll up into a ball in the cold bed. I don't even know what to do right now.

Michael's Perspective

I woke up to the sun beaming through the window. I looked over at Jordyn. Her arms and face had white pads on them. The television was on and the remote was in her hand. Marlon was still knocked out. Mmm. It was a plate on a cart thing in front of Jordyn's bed. I threw a pillow at Marlon and he groaned.

"Whaaaaat?" He grabbed the pillow.

"Wake up!" I say.

He threw the pillow back but it hit the window.

"You suck," I laugh.

He pulls his head up and rubs Jordyn's head.

"You want some food?" He asks.

"Subway?" I grin.

"Yeah," he grins back.

We open the door, "Where are you two going?" Jordyn yawns.

"To Subway. Hungry?" Marlon replies.

"Nah, not really." She says.


We left. It took us like 30 minutes just to fine Subway! We finally found it. I ordered a cheese pizza and Marlon ordered a pizza as well. We payed and walked back to the room. Jordyn was watching tv.

3 Days Later


Jordyn's Perspective

I was doing fine. A little happier than I was so that's good. My phone rang,

"Hello?" I answer.
"Hey Jordyn." My mom says.

I haven't talked to my mom in forever!

"I miss you so much! Why haven't you called me earlier?!" I ask excitedly.

"I don't know. How's the baby?" She asks.

"The baby's doing good. Who told you?" I shift my feet position.

"Michael. Is that a bad thing?" She asks curiously.

"No, not all. I'm actually glad you know." I say slowly.

"Well, J I have to go. Bye!" She hung up before I could say anything.

"Bye," I say as I put my phone down.
I walk to the couch and sit down. I already know nothing's on.  I grab a magazine off the table. It was this page that caught my eye. It read: "Is Michael a new father? Is Marlon a new father? Which one?" It showed pictures of Marlon, Michael, and I leaving the hospital. "Damn," I whisper.

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