Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

Still Jordyn's POV

"Why you said it like that?" Michael asks.

"'Cause this isn't my house. It's yours." I calmly say.

"As long as you're staying here, it's yours too." He kissed my cheek.

"Aww Michael."

He took the carryall and sat on the couch. He stared deeply in her light brown eyes and whispered something to her. He laid her back in the carryall and kissed her forehead. He met me in the kitchen.

"She's so beautiful." He looked back in the living room where he left her.

"This happened so fast! I'm exhausted!" I closed my eyes.

"You wanna go sleep in my room?" I look at her.

"No, I'll sleep in the guest room." I head up the stairs then stop. I looked back and he had a frown on his face. "If it makes you happy, I'll sleep in your room... And one question, Why do you always want me to sleep in your room?"

"...You deserve it."

I chuckle then go upstairs.

Michael's POV

Today has been a looooong day. I exhale and rub my eyes. I get a bottle of water and take a few sips. I put it back in the refrigerator. I pick up the carryall off of the couch and walk in to my room. Jordyn was wearing a pair of my boxers and a long sleeve button down shirt. I shake my head. I kissed her head and closed the door. I walked in the guest room and put Mariah in her crib. I slip my Nikes and jacket off and go to sleep.

Jordyn's POV

I woke up to a blank white wall. I turn on my other side, adjusting my vision. The room door was closed. I yawn, stretched, then got out of bed.

"Michael?" My voice cracked.

I looked down the hall, over the stair railings, and in the bathroom.

"Now he know this house too big for me to be lookin' for him!"

I put my hands on my hips.


I check the guest room. He was sleeping peacefully in the clothes from yesterday. I pick up Mariah. I kiss her forehead. Her huge eyes were wide open. She started crying and I walked out of the room before Michael woke up. I walked in the kitchen. I rocked back and forth to silence her.

"Shhhhhh." I whispered.

I kissed her on the forehead once again. I was turned to the tv. I heard foot steps but I didn't turn around. Michael kissed me on my cheek and kissed Mariah.

"Aww. Did we wake you up?" I look at him.

"Kinda." He chuckled.

"I'm sorry! I promise I didn't mean to Michael." I say.

"Don't worry about it J. It's okay." He laughs.

Mariah started to cry again.

"Aww Mariah..." I rock again.

"Maybe she's hungry." Michael suggested.

"Breast feeding..." I roll my eyes.

"What about it?" Michael asks.

"I don't know how to do it." I laugh.

"Google it." Michael giggles.

"My phone's upstairs!" I sigh.

"I'll go get it." Michael laughs.

"Thank you!" I yell.

"Mhmm." He responds.

He ran back downstairs and almost dropped my phone but he caught it.

"I got it!" He laughs.

I laugh. We both sat down on the couch. I unlocked my phone and went to Safari. Google popped up. Okay.... I typed in "How to breast feed" I laughed immediately. A list of steps came up. I skimmed them first then I went to go get a blanket. I sat back on the couch and stared at Michael.

"What?" He made a face.

I cleared my throat.

"Oh. Oh!" He left the room.

I unbuttoned Michael's shirt. I put Mariah closer to me. At first it tickled but then I got used to it.

"Is it safe to come out yet?" Michael yelled from upstairs.

"Yes Michael!" I chuckle.

He walked downstairs covering his eyes. He finally took them off and looked at me.

"Okay. Good." He smiled. "Does it tickle or anything?"

"At first it did but not anymore."

She stopped. I laid her on the other side of the couch. I stood up with the blanket still on. I turned my back to Michael. I buttoned his shirt and turned around.

"Umm, J?" He cleared his throat.

"What?" I asked.

"Mirror." He said.

I walked to the mirror that was on the wall. I scanned my face then I looked lower.... You can see my boobs through the shirt! I covered myself then walked back over to Michael. He had Mariah in his arms. Michael looked at me then laughed.

"Not funny!" I whine.

I grabbed the blanket and walked to Michael's room. I took off the shirt then Michael walked in.

"Okaaaaay." He turned around.

I quickly got another shirt from his drawers.

"Okay. Done." I put his shirt in the hamper and close the hall door.

"Well then...." He says.

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