Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Michael's POV

We started watching a movie. When the movie was over, J got up and stretched.

"Hungry?" She picks up the remote to turn the television off.

"Actually, yeah." I can sort of feel my stomach about to growl.

"What do you want?" J looks in the kitchen.

"Brownies!" I spring up.

"Okay. Lets g-." Jordyn was cut off.

Jordyn's POV

Before I finished my sentence, my phone rang.

"Hello?...Hi, Mrs. Johnson... Oh! I completely forgot! I'm on my way." J hangs up the phone.

"So...?" My hands move in this motion.

"I forgot Jayden had a sleepover at her friend's house." She scratches the back of her head, "Oops."

"Jayden?" I make this confused face.

"My sister." She informs.

"Ohhhhh." I nod my head.

"You wanna go?" She grabs the keys off of the table.

"Yes." I followed her to the back door.

We got in my car and went to Mrs. Johnson's house.

*At Mrs. Johnson's house*

I knocked on the door and waited for her to answer.

"Hi J!" Mrs. Johnson greeted me with a smile.

"Hey!" My greeting was dry but exciting.

"Jayden's right in here." Mrs. Johnson leads us to the living room.

We followed her and saw Jayden and Nikki playing.

"I don't wanna go!" Jayden whines.

"Well we'll see what mama says when she gets home...we might be comin' back Mrs. J." I watched as Jayden got up.

"Anytime! You all are welcome!" She assures.

"Thank you for having her over!" We all walked to the front door.

"No problem." Mrs. Johnson smiles like always.

We left and headed back home. Michael and I finally started making the brownies.

Michael's POV

I dragged my fingers around the bowl in the brownie mix.

"Michael! I don't know where yo fingers been!" J screams at me.

"Don't even play like that!" I try not to grin.

We put the brownie mix in the pan and let it bake.

"Now you can stick your fingers in the bowl." She licks the spoon 

I stuck three fingers in the bowl and swirled them around. I took them out and rub them on Jordyn.

"Michael!" She screams again.

"What?" I tried to act as innocently as I can.

"Look what you did!" She looks down at her shirt.

She stuck her whole hand in the bowl and rub them on my shirt. I took a look down at my shirt. I begin to walk slowly to J and wrap my arms around her.

Jordyn's POV

Michael hugged me as tight as he could. I started squirming to get free. Ugh! It's not working. He picked me up and sat me on the counter as he stood between my legs. He started tickling me. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he kept tickling me.

"Stop! Stop! Okay! I give up!" Michael made me beg.

He stopped and we caught our breath. Then Jayden walked in the room.

"Who is this? Is he from school?" Jayden asks while walking in the kitchen

"No, he's your fairy god father!" I said with a straight face because she killed the vibe.

She rolled her eyes and got some water.

"I hope you know that Reggie is like 3 minutes away from the house." She smirked then walked out.

A loud gasp came out of my mouth, "Oh no! You have to go! Now!"

I started pushing him to the door. He kept stopping and trying to turn around.

"Go! Go!" I pushed as hard as I could.

"But wait! Who's Reg-" Michael kept trying to ask me questions.

"I'ma call you tonight," I slam the door and looked down at my clothes. Then Reggie pulled up in the driveway. My eyes became huge. I ran to the kitchen, took the brownies out, and put the dishes in the sink. I ran upstairs and changed clothes and ran back downstairs and started doing the dishes right when Reggie walked in the door. He gave me a weird look and walked upstairs. I sighed in relief and looked down at the dish water draining out of the sink. I decided to call Kaitlyn.

"Hello?" Kaitlyn answers quickly.

"Girl! Guess what happened!" My head rests on my pillow.

"What?" She sounded interested in hearing what just happened.

"So you know Michael right?" I trace my finger on my wall.

"Yeah." She replies.

"So, he came over and we watched a movie. Then, we made brownies and we started playing around and then he started tickling me. So Jayden came in the kitchen and told me that Reggie was a few minutes away from the house. So that led to me rushing him out of the house. Then I had to hurry up and do the dishes." I took a breath.

"Oh. Reggie be trippin'!" You can tell she was annoyed.

"You can say that again," then I head a knock at my door, "Look Kaitlyn, I'ma have to call you back."

"Okay." Kaitlyn hangs up.

"Come in!" I said, sitting my phone next to me.

Reggie walked in.

"Who was here?" Reggie squints his eyes.

"Uuuuhhhh....Me and Jayden duh." My tone had a hint of aggravation.

"Alright." Reggie says 100% unsure.

•Author's note: Michael is on his way to being famous.

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