Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Jordyn's POV

After Reggie left, I called Michael.

"Hello?" He answered after a few rings.

"HAAAYYYYY!!!!!" I was overly excited.

"Girl, calm down! I know you're excited to talk to me and all but calm down!" Michael laughs on the other end.

"Boy please!" I turn on my stomach.

"So wassup?" He exhales.

"Nothing much. You?" I ask.

"Same. Oh and who is Reggie?" Michael ruffled over the phone.

"My mom's boyfriend." My eyes just automatically roll when I hear or speak his name.

"Oh. Cool." Michael responded to my answer.

"NOT cool! He's-" I was cut off.

"JORDYN! GET OFF THE PHONE AND GO TO SLEEP!" Reggie yells from wherever he is.

"Shut the fuck up, you ol' ass nigga." That last part was a mumble.

"Said somethin'?!" Reggie pops his head in the door.

"No. " I mumble again.

"Aight then! Go to sleep!" He slams my door.

"Mike, I'ma have to call you in the mornin'." I sighed because I really wanted to talk to him.

"That's okay. Bye." He waited for me to say bye.

"Bye." I whine on my end.

Why does he have to ruin my life?!


I wake up slowly as my eyes feel like they're stuck together. I put my pillow over my head while groaning in frustration. Then my phone started ringing.

"HELLO?!" I yell into the speaker.

"Uh, J? Is this the wrong time?" Michael sounded horrified.

"No. Good mornin'. I struggled to get a yawn out.

"Good mornin'? It's 2:00 in the afternoon!" Michael said.

"No it's no-. Oh wait yes it is."

"Lawd have mercy! I'm bored." Michael exhaled.

"Then come over." I rested my head on my palm.

"Okay. I'm on my way." He hung up.

I hang up and put my head back on the pillow.

Michael's POV

I walk on J's front porch and knock softly.

"Hi Michael!" Jordyn's mother greeted me at the front door.

"Hi Mrs. Carter!" A smiled formed on my face.

"Please! Call me Moni!" She cleared the way.

"Okay.... Moni." That's kinda awkward, I thought to myself.

"J's right upstairs." She headed back to wherever she came from.

I walk upstairs to J's room.

"Heeey-" My smile faded as I found J still in bed. "Now how you gon' invite me over and you still in bed?"

"Huh? What?" Her head raised from
under the covers.

"Girl! Wake up! Get dressed!" I encourage her to get out of bed.

"I don't feeeeel like it!" She whined and whined.

"Too bad!" I pull her arm as she drags herself up. "Ugh! C'mon!"

"Fine!" She yanks the covers off with her other hand.

I let go of her hand and she rubs her eyes.

"I'm really not a morning person." J explains.

"I see!" I go through her dresser to find some clothes for her. Instead, I found her bras and panties.

"Okay! I see your clothes ain't in here!"
I walk over to her closet and open the door.
"Yep! Here we go!" I get a T-shirt off a hanger, some jeans, and some Nikes.

"Here!" I throw them at her.

She gets up and goes to the bathroom. She comes out a few minutes later with her hair curly. She grabs a Gshock, ring, and necklace. She puts them on and stare in the mirror.

"So?" She looks at me for confirmation.

"Gorgeous! I snap my fingers

Then she hugs me.

"What is this for?" I asked out of curiosity.

"I'm still sleepy." J whines even more.

I walk us to the bed and sit down. Then my phone rings. I look at the caller ID and it's Kim.

"Hello? Hey bae... Foreal?...Can't wait! Bye!" I hang up the phone.

"So, I'm guessin' that was yo girl." J raises her eyebrows.

"Yeah!" I say excitedly.

"What happened?" She looks me up and down.

"She's movin' to Cali!" I put my hands together.

"I thought she was already over here....?" J sounded confused.

"No. I visited her hometown a few years back and we just...we just....connected." I smiled thinking about the memory.

"Awwweee!" J smiles.

Jordyn's POV

Oh great!

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