Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

I skimmed the papers once more. At the bottom, she left "I will keep sending this Jordyn. Until you stop ignoring it. I know you." After I read the sentence, Mariah started crying.

I rushed upstairs, "Shhh, Mariah. Shhh," I panicked as I rocked back and forth.

A million thoughts and memories raced through my mind. The sirens, the lights. Mariah finally stopped crying. I placed her in the crib and left out. I attended the papers I left on the counter. I kept skimming through them as I panicked even more. Beads of sweat started to form on my forehead. I put the papers down and covered my face with my hands. I cried silently. "I just... I just can't believe it." I thought to myself. My cries got louder as I sniffed. My phone started ringing but I declined it. A few minutes later, my phone rang again. I declined it once more. I few minutes later, my phone rang again. I looked at the caller ID and it read "Michael". "Oh goddd," My cries got even louder. I got a paper towel and wiped my eyes. I threw it away and sat back down. "I can't believe this is happening. What if Michael finds out?" My head shot up at the last thought. I put the papers back in the envelope. I walked upstairs to my room. I opened the closet and aggressively got the shoebox from the top of the shelf. I threw the envelope in there, put the top back on, and closed the closet door. I ran back downstairs and flopped on the couch. I still couldn't even get over the fact that she would do this. I didn't do ANYTHING to her and she just wants to jump in my business. Mariah started crying again. You've got to be kidding me. I checked her diaper and bingo. She needed to be changed. I changed her and took her downstairs with me. I sat down gently on the couch and flipped through the channels. I stopped on VH1. Love and Hip Hop was on. Yessssss! That would take my mind off of things. I watched the episode silently as Mariah eyes started to get heavy. She eventually closed her eyes. I kissed her forehead then put her in the crib. My phone rang again and it was Michael.

"Hello?" I sniffed.

"Hey J, what's wrong?" He sounded concerned.

"Nothin', just tired." I faked a yawn.

"Well, go to sleep. I was just checking on you. Goodnight." He said.

"Goodnight Michael," I smiled.

And with that, we both hung up.

👉A few months later👈

The boys came back this Saturday. Marlon walked in, "Where is daddy's baby?"

I handed him Mariah and he kissed her forehead.

"I miss you so much," he rocked.

All she did was smiled and laugh.

The brothers and I talked a little. Mainly talking about the tour. They soon left and it was about 5:30. Mariah was sleep.

"Where is Mariah?" Michael flopped on the couch.

"She's sleep." I said.

"She's always sleep," Michael laughed.

"Don't be talkin' about my baby!" I playfully punched his shoulder.

"That's my baby!" He said.

"Whatever you say," I warned then laughed.

Michael went upstairs and ran his water.

👀Michael's POV👀

I needed to get something out of the guest room closet. I opened the door and grabbed the shoebox from off the shelf. When opened it, it was an envelope sitting at the top. Out of curiosity, I opened the envelope and read the first page. "Why would Jordyn do this to me?! I trusted her and she took advantage of it." I was filled with anger. I stormed downstairs and threw the papers in her face.

"Get out of my house," I said with a straight face and pure anger in my eyes.

😁Jordyn's POV😁

All of a sudden, papers where thrown at me.

"Get out of my house Jordyn," His eyes burned straight through me.

"Wait, Michael let me explain." I got up.

"I don't even want to hear anything. You were a drug dealer when you were 15! You don't understand how much I trusted you. I took you in my home. I gave you something when you had nothing. But you go behind my back and keep secrets from me." He said through gritted teeth.

"Let me explain. Please." I put my hands up.


"Alright, there's no point in arguing. I'll just leave." I got my keys off of the key rack in the kitchen, got Mariah and put her in her carryall.

I walked to my car and drove to Marlon's house. I knocked on the door. He answered, "Jordyn what are you doing here?"

"Michael kicked me out." I sniffed.

"Why?" He questioned.

"Can I come in?" I looked down.

He stepped aside and let me in. We sat down at the table and he got me a glass of water.

"I got these record papers showing all of my records and Michael found it..." A tear rolled down my eye.

"And?" He raised an eyebrow.

"I was a drug dealer when I was 15 and I got arrested..."

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