Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Jordyn's POV

When Jayden and I got home, my mom and Reggie were already there. I walk upstairs and just watch tv. It's so boring! I stare at the television until my eyes get heavy and soon fall asleep.

*3 hours later* *phone rings*

I wake up to "Forbidden Fruit" playing . I look at the caller ID and it read "Stanka"(Michael). He wanted to FaceTime me. I slid my finger across the screen and waited for it to connect.

"Hey!" Michael said.

"Hey." I responded.

"Were you sleeping?" Michael asks.

"Yeah." A yawn came out my mouth.

"Do you want me to call you back?" Michael questioned.

"Nah, it's cool. Needed to wake up anyway," I chuckled. We talked about things that happened in school and other things. When we hung up, dinner was ready. I dragged myself out of bed, still a little tired. I smelled meatloaf, mash potatoes, and peas. We wall sat at the table and said grace. Everyone started eating and shortly after, we finished.

*Next day* *6th hour*

Jasmine and I just sat around in PE. Our coach didn't really do anything. We sat against the wall quietly. I gazed at all the people in the gym. The girls were talking and the boys were playing basketball like usual. Michael came and sat next to us.
"Hey," Michael smiled.

"Hey," I smiled. He laid his head on my lap. Yep! That's my friend! I ran my fingers through his hair. Then Kim walked by us. She rolled her eyes when she got closer to Michael and I.

"Hey Mike," she smiled.

"Hey," he smiled back.

"You still comin' over later?" She smirked.

"Yeah." He chuckled. The bell rang and we rushed to 7th hour.

*End of the day*
At home, I laid in my bed and I heard a knock at the door. I opened it and Jas was standing there.

"Wassup?" She walked in and sat on the couch. We both plopped on the couch and did what we usually do.

Michael's POV

I walked over to Kim's house. She answered the door with shorts on, a tank top, and some socks on. "Good. You're here." She smiled.

I walked in admiring the inside of the house. She led me to her room. When we got there, she pushed me on the bed and climbed on top of me. She started kissing me neck and tugging at my pants.

"Wait...wait...hold up." I said with my head thrown back.

"What?" She questioned. "Oh, I got one!" She reached in her drawer and gave it to me. I put in on and we continued. *Fast forward: 9 months later* I wake up to birds chirping out of my window. I look out of it and see the bright sun shining high up in the sky as the clouds move slowly above the trees. I walk downstairs and fixed me some breakfast. I fix my plate and sit down. Can't believe there's only 2 weeks before school is over! I need to look for a job. I'll go today. When I finished, I got dressed and called Jas.
"Hello?" She asks while yawning.

"You feel like going to the mall with me?" I'm hoping she'll agree.

"Sure, what time?" Jas asked.

"In about 30 minutes, bye."


I know exactly where I wanna work.

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