Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Michael's POV

I walked up to my room and put my hat down. It was about 5:00. I change my clothes. I totally forgot my face had patches on them. I've must've looked like an idiot! I sigh. I walk in Jordyn's room and check on her. She had her headphones on and her pillow was soaking wet. Was she crying? I put the cover over her and leave. I turn on my television and pull the cover up to my neck.

[Later that night]

Jordyn's POV

I woke up to music blasting in my ears. I yank my headphones out and get out of bed. I walk to the bathroom and saw the same thing I saw for the past weeks: red, puffy eyes and tear stains. I'm tired of living my life like this! It has been some emotional weeks and I don't know what to do. I hang my head low and close my eyes. Just then, I feel a pair of hands touch my arms. Startled, I look up and see Michael in the mirror. He puts his chin in the crook of my neck. He wraps his arms around my stomach and squeezes tighter. I shed a tear and gaze at the image that reflected from the mirror. Michael is such a good man. Why can't all men be like that? I rub my fingertips softly against his arms. He lets go, grabs my hand, and turns off the light. He walks me to the bed. We lay in it, still in a hugging position(I don't what to call
I whisper in his ear, "Thank you." He rubs my back and kisses my forehead. Shortly after, I fall asleep.


I woke up and Michael wasn't in bed. He walked in with a tray with eggs, pancakes, and orange juice.

"Thank you," I said still tired.
He sat it over my legs and stared at me. I picked up my fork and stuck it into the eggs. I slowly put it in my mouth while staring back at Michael.

"Soooo," I say awkwardly.

"Oh, oh! Sorry!" He apologizes. He sits on the edge of the bed and lays his head in his hand.

"Is there something wrong Michael?" I suck my teeth.

"Oh, nothing. Just thinkin'." He replies.

"Okaaaay," I take a sip of my orange juice.

[Later that day]

Michael's POV

"You want to go see the new album that I'm working on?" I ask Jordyn.

"Sure." She smiles.
We drive to the studio and I put in the CD. I skip to P.Y.T and let her listen to it.

"I love it!" She smiles.

"Thank you! I wrote it for Brooke." I say.

"Oh," she looks down.

"Why you said it like that? You don't like her or something?" I asked with a hint of concern in my voice.

"She hasn't even met me." She chuckles.

"Oh yeah, right," I put my hands in my pockets.

"What's the name of the album?" She asks playing with her fingernails.

"Thriller." I take the CD out of the CD player. We sat on the couch and talked a little.

"You ready to go?" I pat her thigh.

"Uh, yeah!" She stands up. I grab the keys and drive back to Neverland. We unlocked the door and I saw Stephanie Mills sitting on the couch.

"Uhhhh," I think to myself. She is my ex from a loooong time ago.

"Hi, Michael." She gets up from the couch.

"Um, Hi. Stephanie. How did you get in here?" I say in disbelief.

"Oh your security guard let me in." She touches my chest.

"Oh, what a joy!" I mumble sarcastically.

"Well, um Stephanie, this is my friend, Jordyn. Jordyn this is my ex, Stephanie." This is getting really awkward.......

"So, would you guys, well, girls like to sit on the couch?" I say touching Jordyn's back.

I inhale deeply making it even more awkward. "Oh why today?" I think to myself.

"So, Jordyn tell me about yourself." Stephanie says.

"Well, I'm 17. I like dancing and music I guess." Jordyn half smiles.

"Oh, good to know." Stephanie smiles. Then her phone rings.

"Oh I have to go! Sorry!" She stands up.

We walk her to the door and she whispers in my ear, "I'll be back." She says and licks my earlobe.

I shut the door and slowly turn around to Jordyn.

"Well, uhm, that was, uhm, interesting." I say in disgust.

"I can't, oh god I can't." Jordyn bends over laughing. "Help Lord Jesusssss! Help me!" She's on her knees about to fall.
I roll my eyes and walk upstairs to my room. A few seconds later, she walks in.
"I'm s-or-ry. It's just the, whole earlobe thing! Oh gosh." She laughs some more. I'm pretty sure my face is red and hot right now.
"You need to chill," I say sternly.
"Okay, okay!" She stops. I squint my eyes at her. A few minutes later, the room becomes filled with silence.
"My side hurts Michaaaael," she whines.

"Well that's what you get." I say giggling. Then she gets serious once more. Looking the mirror, she rubs her stomach. She inhales and then exhales deeply. "No, this is what I get."

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