Chapter 48

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😌Jordyn's POV😌
"What...?" I was shocked overall.

"You heard me," he rubbed his eye.

The tension was broken by Mariah crying. I took her downstairs to fix her bottle. While it was in the microwave, she was sucking on her fist. Marlon walked downstairs. When he looked at me, he started chuckling.

"What's funny?" I asked.

"My babygirl fat!" He started laughing.

"Marlon, you're stupid." We both laughed.

I got the bottle out of the microwave and tested it. I handed it to Marlon.

"What you want me to do with this?" He asked.

"Feed your daughter. Duh!" I replied.

I handed him Mariah and we walked to the couch. He looked at me and shrugged. When he started feeding her, he smiled. My phone started ringing so I went to go get it. When I came back, Marlon and Mariah were in the kitchen.

"Is she finished?" I looked over his shoulder.

I turned the fauset and got the soap from under the cabinet. I washed out her bottle and dried it. After I finished, I followed Marlon in to the living room.

💭Janet's POV💭
These last few days with Messiah has been rocky and awkward. He's acting all funny and one time when I called him, he sounded weird; like he was high. I don't know. And it's driving me crazy not knowing what's going on with him because he won't tell me! He was supposed to be here to have dinner with me, Joseph, and Mother. He's already about two hours late.

"You sure he's coming?" Joseph asked.

"I don't even know," I rolled my eyes.

I went upstairs to call him but when I did, all I heard was music.

"I like smoking weed, I like getting high!" The music blasted on the other side of the phone.

"Hello? Messiah?" I sat down on the bed.

The music turned off, "Hello? Janet?" He said mocking me and laughing.

"Where are you?! You were supposed to be here two hours ago!" I yelled.

"Oh yeah, I forgot." He laughed. Then I heard a female laugh in the back.

"Look I'ma call you back, Jan." He hung up.

How could he? I took off my shoes and laid in bed, crying. I pulled the comforter up to my neck and turned the lights off. About 30 minutes later, my door swung open and Kyria walked in.

"Hey Jan!" She sat down on the bed. "What's wrong?"

"Messiah," I replied.

"Oh, him." She rolled her eyes at the thought. "What did he do?"

"He was just off. Like when I called him, he was actin' funny and all. Then I heard another girl in the back." I cried harder.

She rubbed my back, "Don't worry, he's gonna get arrested soon." Kyria laughed.

"Arrested? What happened?" I wiped my eyes.

"You don't know? Oh yeah that's right, you don't tell your girlfriend those type of things but everyone knows." She said.

"What are you talking about? Who is everyone? Tell me!" I demanded.

"Sweetheart, he sells and smokes weed." She bit her lip.

I was speechless. I quickly grabbed my shoes and stormed downstairs.

"Where are you going?" I heard Kyria yell behind me.

I ran in the kitchen and grabbed Mother's keys off of the kitchen table.

"Janet, baby, where are you going? You know you can't drive!" Mother screamed.

I slipped on my shoes and tied them.

"Janet, you heard your mother! Where are you going?!" Joseph yelled.

I didn't reply, I just ran into the garage. Kyria already beat me there. I'm not even old enough to drive but I know a little bit about it. At this time it was around 6:30 and it was getting dark. The whole drive to Messiah's parents' house was quiet. When we pulled up, the two cars were gone but there was this unfamiliar car. We both got out and to my luck, the front door was unlocked. We quietly walked upstairs and waited by his bedroom door. I heard a few female voices talking and giggling and the smell of marijuana escaped from the crack of the door. Kyria and I bursts in the room and the females jumped. I jumped on him and Kyria took out the other females one by one. After they were finished, we dragged him on the floor and jumped him. Kyria kicked him in his stomach while I punched him in his face. I took off the necklace he gave me and threw it at him. We stared at him for a few seconds and left.

On our way back, it was pretty dark and there was a lot of traffic. The ride back was quiet too. We stopped at a red light for a few seconds then it turned green. I pulled off in the while a 18-wheeler came even though the light was still red. I looked to my right to see a pair of headlights coming... Next thing I knew, the half of the car was dented, all of the windows are shattered, and we were off the road.

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