Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Michael's POV

[Next morning]

My face was burning from last night. I got up and went to the bathroom. I grabbed a bag of cotton balls and some alcohol. I dabbed the alcohol on the cotton ball and rub my face softly. It starting burning and I bit down and inhaled making a "shhhh" sound(you know what I mean._.) I patch my face up and brush my teeth. I walked back to my room and put on a T-shirt and some pajama pants. I decided to cook breakfast. I cooked some pancakes with eggs and bacon. I wrapped Jordyn's plate in Saran Wrap and left it on the stove. She came downstairs; eyes still red and puffy. She did not say one word to me. She didn't even look at me. That's okay. I'm not gonna beg her to either. I finish my plate, put it in the sink, and flop on the couch. I switch through the channels on television. Nothing interesting was on so I just turned it off.
"What to do? What to do?" I mumbled repeatedly.
Jordyn sat by me on the couch. After a few minutes of silence, I spoke up.

"Are you mad at me?" I questioned. No answer. She kept her head down. "Okay then." I sucked me teeth and rolled my tongue on the side of my cheek.
"We ain't gotta talk then." I said before I went upstairs. I called Brooke Shields.
"Hey, you wanna come over? You can come at about 1:30. Cool? Cool." I hung up and just laid in bed. I stared at the ceiling thinking about Brooke. I have this crush on her. She's beautiful, smart... Beautiful. I blush at my thought. It was about 10:15 so I just decided to take a nap.


My phone rings and it's a message from Brooke: "Hey! I'm almost there!" I look at the time and it's 1:20. I grabbed a pair of jeans, a black button down shirt, and some loafers. I rush and put them on. I wash my mouth out with Listerine. I comb my hair, leaving the curls in. There was a knock at the door. I sprayed on the last bit of cologne and walked downstairs. I guess Jordyn went upstairs. I open the door and there stood Brooke; one of the most beautiful women in the world! She smiled and hugged me,

"You smell great Michael!" She burst with excitement. I loved it!
"This place is amazing." She says scanning the whole room.

"So what do you wanna do?" I smiled.

"Lets ride some rides!" She smiles really big. I just love her when she's excited. We go out to the back and I call Rico to operate it. First we ride carousel.

"Michael, you did a really great job of designing this place. It's just perfect!" She touches my should.

"Thank you Brooke! That means a lot coming from you." I hug her.

We did everything she wanted to do.

"Lets ride the Ferris wheel!" She grabs my hand and we run over to it. The sun is about to set, perfect. I didn't even realize what time it was. Man, time flies when you're having fun! I get Rico to stop us at the very top.

"Awww, the view is beautiful." She says in awe.

"It really is!" I agree.
We go back down and walk in the house. "Excuse me Brooke, I'll be right back." I say heading upstairs.
I can hear Jordyn talking, "So you heard? What are we going to do? No abor-! Will you be there? I have to call you later Marlon. Bye."

Wait, is she talking to my Marlon orrrrr? It sounded like she was going to say abortion. "Is she pregnant?" I thought to myself. She opened the door and I bent down like I was tying my shoe, which didn't work because I had loafers on:/

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