Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

Still Jordyn's POV

"Jordyn. Jordyn! Jordyn wake up," Michael pushed my shoulder back and forth.

I jerked up, "What happened?"

"You were dreaming I guess." Michael laughed.

I quickly put my hands over my mouth, "Oh my god!"

I got up and ran to the bathroom.

"What's wrong?" Michael asked.

"Nothing. It's nothing." I sighed.

"Oh yes there is something wrong. I'm gonna find out sooner or later." He left.

Why am I feeling this way about him? It just doesn't make sense to me. I went to check on Mariah. She was still sound asleep so I smiled. I met Michael back in his room.

"J, please tell me. Is there something wrong?" He cocked his head to the side.

"Michael, no." I lied again.

My phone lit up on the night stand. I checked it and it was a text from Jas. She told me to meet her at her house.

"Michael I have to go." I said getting a pair of sweatpants and some converse.

He sighed, "Alright. I'll see you when I-. I mean when you come back." He laughed nervously and kissed my forehead. "And can you turn off the lamp and close the door?"

"Sure Michael," I giggled.

"If you wake up to use the bathroom or anything, can you check on Mariah?" I asked.

"Of course." He pulled the covers up to his neck.

I did what he said and left out. I pulled up in Jasmine's driveway. I walked passed her car. I heard someone knocking on the window.

I looked back. Jas mouthed something. I got in the car.

"What's happening?" I questioned.

"Your mom," she looked at me dead in the eyes. "She... She's in the hospital."

As tears started to form, they made my eyes burn, "What happened?"

"She was in a car accident," Jas bit her lip. "It was bad."

"Well let's go!" I yelled. She parked the car in the parking lot and rushed to reception.

"Monique Carter." I taped finger on the desk.

The receptionist got up, "Room 108." She had a nurse guide us to the room. I closed the door after the nurse left. My mom had bandages all on her face, her left leg was amputated, and her arm was in a cast. I turned my head to the wall as the tears freely flowed down my face on my shirt. I turned back around and slid down on the wall to the floor. So many emotions were going through my body. Jas and Kaitlyn sat down beside me. I wiped my tears. I put my head against the wall and sniffed.

Kaitlyn patted my arm, "You okay?"

I nodded my head. We stayed a few quite for a few minutes. All of a sudden, the line on the machine went flat and made that noise. We all looked up at the same time. I guess they thought I was supposed to make this dramatic scene because they both look at me confused.

"She's gone." I whispered.

They both rubbed my back. The doctor walked in and asked us to leave. Once we got in the car, I sat in the back, put my head on my hand, and stared out of the window for the rest of this ride. When they dropped me off I waved and walked in the front door. I took of my shoes and my sweatpants. I checked on Mariah then went to sleep.

•Sorry this part was sucky lol :/

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