Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

(Meanwhile at Michael's house)

Michael's POV

Kimberly and I are just laying in bed, watching television. Then Kimberly sighs.

"What's wrong baby?" I say patting her thigh.

"I've been thinking," she stops. Uh oh... Whenever she says something like that and stops, that usually means it's something bad. I hope it's nothing bad.

"Well, this is kinda hard... Do you know any lesbians?" She says with her head down.

I clear my throat, "No."
She scoots further away, LUh, well you do now. I'm a lesbian....... I've been praying for God to change me! And it's like he won't listen. I lie to myself everyday, saying everything's gonna be alright and nothing is alright! I've lied to myself, you, my family. I'm just a big screw up!" She keeps her head down.
I'm lost for words. I have no idea of what to say. My mouth starts to get dry. I lick my lips and I see tears rolling down her cheek.

"Awww," I whisper. I hug her as I began to say, "The only thing I can say is, don't be afraid to be yourself and if someone judges you just shrug it off because it doesn't matter. We're all made the same." I kiss her on her forehead.

Jasmine's POV

For a second, I thought Marlon had a heart attack.

"Hello," I say looking at the house phone.
"Hellooooo," I loudly whisper.

"Oh! I'm here. I'm here." His voice dies down. "This is bad, ohhhh this is bad." Marlon says worriedly. He hung up the phone, so did I and I put it on the charger.

"What did he say?" Kaitlyn asks.

"He said that this is bad..." I reply. She stretched her lips in a "yikes" way. I walk upstairs to Jordyn.

"You hungry?" I say while knocking on her door.

"No," she says with a straight face.

"Call me when you need something." Then I leave.

Jordyn's POV

I've learned a few things these past days. I've learned that if you have a tough problem you shouldn't cry and mope around. Crying will only make it worst. I should just suck it up and accept the fact that I'm pregnant. I just fucked up Marlon and I's whole life. Tears start to come. I wipe them away and remember what I learned.

[Few days later]

Jeremiah and Jacob came visit again.

"Jordyn, can I speak to you?" Jeremiah says while getting up from his seat.

"Sure," I walk upstairs.
We sit on the bed.
"Well, I know it's none of my business but what's happening?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" I acted innocent.

"Ya know. The "Skittles box", the bruises and scratches. I know about Vincent too." He says with his head hung low.

"Okay okay okay! Well, I'm pregnant. And Vincent beats on me. But promise not to tell dad, mom, any of your friends or other family members!" I hold my pinky out.

"I would go beat Vincent's ass but I don't want to make anything worse and I promise.... You're breaking and we all see it, so remember that you're my little soldier and I don't want you to give up." I embrace, then he leaves.

"Oh and I have one more question: why are you still with Vincent?" He stands by the door. To be honest, I don't really have a answer for that question....

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