22. Returning Home

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*Marissa's POV*

It's been two months since Carlisle and I left Fork for our honeymoon in Rio, we have gone to the mainland a few times to sight see and get some gifts for the kids back home. But now it was time for us to leave and return to the place where we call home. I had just finished packing my bag when a very familiar pair of arms wrapped around my waist and pull em against a firm chest, I giggled and let my hand rest upon Carlisle's as he buried his head into my neck.

"Do we have to leave?" he asked, nuzzling into my neck.

I nuzzled my head against his, "Yes, as much as I would love to stay here longer, we have a family to return to," I said and moved out of his arms causing his to pout. I smiled and took his chin between my index finger and thumb and pressed a gentle kiss upon his lips before picking up my bag and speeding outside with Carlisle behind me, he locked the door and climbed into the speedboat after untying the rope to anchor it to the port and we began our journey to the mainland.

After an hour we reached the mainland where a limousine was waiting for us, Carlisle grabbed our bags and we climbed out of the boat and into the limousine. As we sat in the moving vehicle, Carlisle poured us each a glass of red – blood that is – I gratefully took my and we clinked our glasses before taking a sip. I cuddled into his side in happiness, he pressed a kiss to the top of my head, "I love you, Husband," I sighed looking up at him.

He gazed back at me, "I love you too, Wife," he replied and kissed me.

*Time Skip*

We made our way off the plane and down the tar mac to where Carlisle's Mercedes was waiting for us, we climbed in after putting our bags in the trunk before making or way to the reservation. Upon arriving at the small wooden home, thundering feet could be heard before ten people came clambering out of the house. I quickly rushed out of the car at the sight of Victor, I lifted him into my arms, "Oh my baby boy," I cried in happiness as he tightened his hold on my neck.

"Mom," he mumbled into my neck, "I missed you and dad so much."

I pulled away from him and gently kissed his head, "We missed you too baby," I said and put him on the ground, "Go see your dad."

As he rushed over to Carlisle, I turned to the pack, "Welcome home, Marissa," Sam greeted with a pleasant smile.

"Thanks Sam," I replied before looking at everyone, "I see you gained some more pups," I giggled causing him and Emily to join me.

"Hi Marissa," Seth and Quill greeted with wide smiles while Leah just glared.

"I'll come and catch up with you guys later," I said, "I need to get home to my other kids," I turned to Paul, "Are you coming with?"

He nodded and followed me to the car where Carlisle and Victor were waiting in the car, I climbed back into the passenger seat while Paul got in the back with Victor. I waved to the pack as we made our back to Forks, at the sight of the familiar sign my heart skipped a non-existing beat, two months was a long time to be away from home. We decided to stop at Dad's before making our way home.

I walked up the blue steps and knocked on the door, when it opened a gasped came form Dad before the screen door was yanked open and I was enveloped in a warm hug, "Your home," he whispered.

"Yea," I muttered, "But I can't stay long I need to go and see the kids," I pulled away and saw tears in his eyes, "Oh dad."

I gently wiped his tears away and pressed a kiss to his cheek, "You and I need to catch up soon okay?" he stated with his hands on his hips. I nodded and said my goodbyes before making my way back to the car, waving out the window before we made our way down the road towards the familiar gravel road to the house. As we pulled into the drive four set of feet rushed onto the front porch. I climbed out with the boys following before I was engulfed by a familiar mop of blonde hair, "Hi my soldier," I whispered in his ear.

"Hi mama," he replied and pulled away, I pressed a gentle kiss to his fore when another head of blonde and a pixie bob wrapped their arms around my waist.

"Welcome home," the girls said and pressed a kiss to each of my cheeks, I done as I did to Jasper and kissed their forehead.

It was then that I was picked up and spun around by a familiar pair of bear arms, "We missed you so much momma bear," Emmett said putting me down, I grasped his shoulder and pulled him to my height to kiss his forehead.

"I missed you all as well," I stated, that's when two pairs of feet came walking out of the woods, I turned and saw Bella and Edward.

Bella rushed forward and threw her arms around my neck, "Marissa!" she cried.

I wrapped mine around her waist, "Hello Bella," I greeted and kissed her temple as she let go before Edward wrapped me into a gentle hug, "Thank you for caring for her while I was away," I thanked him.

"It was no problem," he replied and kissed my cheek, I then pulled him to my height like I had done to Emmett and kissed his forehead. We all then walked inside after the kissed gave their greeting to Carlisle, we all gathered in the living room as Carlisle ran our bags into his room except one, the one that contained all the gifts.

"I got you all something," I said and pulled out each present giving it to each person.

I brought Emmett a soccer ball or football as it is known in Brazil, signed by Roberto Carlos, who was one of the most known professional football players for Brazil.

I knew Rose enjoyed scented candles, so I brought her a set of twelve scented candles that range from floral to fruity, knowing she would enjoy it.

Since Alice loved fashion and accessories, I brought her three expensive bead necklaces that I thought she would like.

I decided to purchase Jasper an intricately designed box for him to put anything he deems of value for himself, I also brought him a new leather jacket knowing his old one was fraying.

Seeing as Edward loves anything music, I brought him a signed photograph of pianist Marlos Nobre, as well as a cd with all his music.

I remembered how much Bella liked the crystal I got her for her tenth birthday that I got her a large piece of sapphire which happened to be her birthstone.

Even though it is a bit girly, I know how much Paul enjoys sleeping under the stars I brought him a hammock that he can set up at the house so he can watch the stars on a clear night.

Seeing as Victor enjoyed anything sweet like I used to, I brought him a wide variety of Brazilian sweets for him to try.

I was so happy to be home with my family, and hopefully things will be okay for once.

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