41. The Wolves

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*Third POV*

Angrily Jacob kicked his motorbike away and his human form transitions into his russet wolf form, his mind is consumed by a raging emotion, his senses heightened to a razor's edge. With each powerful stride through the dense forest, the earth trembles beneath his paws, echoing the turmoil within him. His fur bristles with tension as he races through the familiar terrain of the Olympic Peninsula, the wind whipping past his fur in a frenzied rush. The scent of pine needles and damp earth fills his nostrils, mingling with the tang of his own anxiety.

The words spoken between himself and Bella, himself and Edward, all were consuming his mind as a red haze covered his vision. Through the dense canopy above, slivers of sunlight pierce the darkness, casting dappled patterns on the forest floor below. But Jacob pays no heed to the beauty surrounding him; his thoughts are consumed by Bella, by the revelation of her pregnancy, and by the overwhelming sense of helplessness that threatens to engulf him.

His heart pounds in his chest as he replays the conversation with his packmates, their words echoing in his mind like a relentless drumbeat. The weight of their expectations presses down on him, a heavy burden that he struggles to bear.

He could hear his packmates shouting for him, but he only pushed forward, closer and closer to the edge of the reservation. With each stride, Jacob pushes himself harder, desperate to outrun the gnawing sense of despair that threatens to consume him. His muscles tense and flex beneath his fur, propelling him forward with a primal urgency born of instinct and emotion.

But no matter how fast he runs, he cannot escape the truth of Bella's predicament, nor the tangled web of emotions that entwine his heart. Fear, anger, and longing collide within him, a tempest of conflicting desires that threaten to tear him apart. He jumped through the dense foliage of the forest, landing on the road, his hazed mind not seeing the silver truck until the last second before he sped off again, the truck skidding to a stop.

In the depths of the forest, Jacob's howl echoes mournfully through the sky, a haunting lament for the impossible choices that lie ahead, and for the woman he loves whose life hangs in the balance.

Jacob ran again, jumping off fallen trees before he broke through and jumped into the logging yard of the Reservation, his packmates following.

"Is it true, Jacob?" Paul asked worriedly as he neared his friend.

The pack circled around him, "What will it be?" Quil huffed.

Embry growled, "It's growing fast."

"It's unnatural," Leah shouted through the mind link.



"An abomination."

"On our land."

The wolves agreed collectively, "We can't allow it," Jacob just stood there huffing before the growls of Sam, came from above. His dark wolf form standing tall on the log piles.

"We have to protect the tribe," Sam growled, angered by the baby, his mind clouded by his hatred for vampires, so much so...he forgot about Victor, the imprint of his packmate, "What they've bred won't be able to control its thirst. Every human will be in danger."

"We're ready," Jared stated.

"No time to waste," Leah growled somewhat happily.

"Now?" Jacob questioned.

Sam growled, "We must destroy it before it's born."

This statement, not only frightened Seth but Paul as well, "You mean, kill Bella?" Seth whimpered slightly as Paul started shaking worrying for his imprint and Marissa.

"Her choice affects us all," Sam stated.

"Bella's human," Jacob stood defiantly, "Our protection applies to her."

Irritated by the special treatment Jacob receives, Leah shouted and got in Jacob's face, "She's dying anyway!" this statement caused Jacob to attack her, his teeth snapping dangerously close to his throat. Jacob dodges her attack with lightning-fast reflexes, his paws throwing her to the ground easily both snarling and growling. Sam grew tired of the petty fight, his massive form towering over the wolves. His authoritative presence and deafening growls halt the fight in its tracks, his voice ringing out with command as he orders Jacob and Leah to stand down.

"We have real enemies to fight tonight," Same growled.

"Tonight?" Jacob questioned.

"You will fight with us, Jake," Sam growled, his alpha presence exuding from his body as the alpha command forced the pack to their haunches.

"I will not," Jacob growled with great strain, his body and mind pushing back against the alpha command, Jacob slowly rose to his four feet, his body towering over Sam who lowered to the ground, "I am the grandson of Ephraim Black. I am the grandson of a chief! I wasn't born to follow you, or anyone else," With a snap of his teeth Jacob takes off with Paul and Seth watching after him.

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