5: Bella Knows

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*Marissa's POV*

I groaned as rays of sunlight spewed into my room through the small gap in my curtains, I smiled as I climbed out of bed and stretched. It's been about a week since Carlisle and I got together and so far, it's been the best week of my life. I smiled and walked to my wardrobe and picked out a salmon pink, puffed sleeve top with a thin brown belt around the waist, beige dress pants with a pair of open-toe sunset orange heels. I headed into the bathroom and quickly performed my morning routine before walking downstairs and starting breakfast as Bella walked into the bathroom.

I smiled as Bella and dad walked down the stairs and sat at the table, I placed a plate of eggs, bacon and toast in front of each of them before I quickly headed upstairs and collected my purse. I hurried back down the stairs and kissed dad on the cheek before kissing Bella's head and heading out the door. Just as I had climbed into my car, I heard a whoosh next to me, I smiled and looked up before turning my head to face the man I had grown to love very quickly.

Carlisle smiled at me, "Good morning my love," he said and took ahold of my hand after I had put the gear into drive and started towards the hospital.

"How was your night Dr Cullen?" I asked already knowing the answer.

He chuckled, "The same as always love, watching the most beautiful woman I've ever had the pleasure of meeting sleep peacefully," he said and pressed a kiss upon my knuckles. When we pulled up to the hospital I climbed out with Carlisle and walked him inside, I turned to him and wrapped my arms around his neck as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pressed my lips to his for a few seconds. I looked out the corner of my eye to see most of the nurses that were in the room glaring at me in jealousy before moving on.

"I love you, darling," Carlisle said as he moved his arms from around my waist to hold my sides.

I smiled back, "I love you to Carlisle," I said before kissing his cheek and walking out to my car. I started the car and headed down the road towards the school after I had parked my car, I climbed out only to see Bella walking towards the forest and Edward following behind. I walked toward Rosalie, Emmett, Jasper and Alice and whispered, "I think she's figured it out," knowing they could hear me.

*Time Skip*

I had finished packing up for the day when Bella burst into my classroom, "Did you know?!" she accused.

I looked at her, "Know what Bella?" I asked in confusion.

She glared at me, "That the Cullen's are vampires," she growled. My eyes narrowed as I walked past her and to the door before looking out into the hall. When I saw no one, I closed the door and locked it before turning back to her.

"Bella," I started, "It wasn't my secret to tell, so don't come to me and started spouting things when I wasn't allowed to say anything because Edward was worried it would put you in danger," I growled out before grabbing my belongings and leaving the room after unlocking the door. I burst out of the front entrance only to see Carlisle waiting by his car which was parked in my car space.

"I had Rosalie take your car to the house," he said before pecking me on the lips, "You'll be staying at the house for a little bit, I've already asked your father," he finished before opening the passenger door for me. I slid into the seat with a smile as he closed the door, I saw Bella then exit the school and look at the car before Carlisle climbed into the driver's side and started the car and drove away from the school.

As we pulled into the driveway Bella pulled in next to us, I quickly walked inside and up the stairs to pack my duffel bag with clothes for a few nights having been given a few days off from work. As Bella ascended the stairs, I walked past her and wrote a note for dad before walking back outside to Carlisle who had waited in the car for me. After I had buckled my seat belt, Carlisle pulled out of the driveway and started the journey down to his house.

I smiled as we pulled up to the house when my door was suddenly opened causing me to smile at Carlisle before taking his outstretched hand and climbing out of the car. I saw that Carlisle had already grabbed my bag as we headed up to the front door where Alice and Rosalie were waiting for us. They smiled at me before I kissed their foreheads and walking inside and made my way into the living room where I knew the boys would be.

Just like I had expected Jasper and Emmett were seated on the ground playing COD while Edward was watching them. He must have heard my thoughts about what had happened with Bella because he stood up and walked over to me, "I'm sorry about Bella," he apologized.

I smiled and put a hand on his shoulder before gently pulling him to my height and kissed his forehead, "It's alright sweetheart," I said with a smile.

"I'll explain everything to Bella tonight," He said and headed towards the door. I smiled as he left and made my way to Emmett and Jasper and knelt between them. I paused their game and they turned to me, I brushed Jasper's hair away from his face before kissing his forehead. I then turned to Emmett and gently ran my finger through his hair before placing a gentle kiss on his forehead as I had done to his siblings.

"Goodnight you two," I said as I stood up.

Emmet smiled at me, "Goodnight momma bear," he said.

"Goodnight Marissa," Jasper said.

I smiled, "You can call me mom Jasper, your siblings do," I explained.

He smiled and nodded his head, "Goodnight mom," he replied, and they turned back to their game. I smiled gently and turned around to see Carlisle waiting for me, I gently grasped his hand and we walked up the grand flight of stairs before walking into his room. Carlisle passed me my bag before I entered the bathroom to change.

I quickly undressed and pulled out my wine-red lingerie with white lace trim and a slit on the left side. I slipped it over my head before pulling my hair out of its ponytail and exiting the bathroom with my clothes and bag in hand. I placed them on the ground before drawing back the covers of Carlisle's bed and climbed under the sheets when a cold body was pressed against me. I smiled and placed my head on Carlisle's chest, "Goodnight my sweet," he whispered and kissed the top of my head.

I smiled and kissed his neck, "Goodnight my love," I whispered and closed my eyes before falling into a deep sleep.

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