28: This Family Has Issues

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*Marissa's POV*

I sat on the couch with Carlisle gripping his hand as hard as I could, with Jasper sitting next to me and Emmett sitting on the couch back. We were watching the news about Seattle, "Police are baffled by the sudden murders and disappearances..." the reporter continued but I turned away as Bella and Edward entered.

"Theories range from a vicious new gang to a wildly active serial killer," The reporter said before Carlisle shut off the TV.

"It's getting worse," he sighed, "We're going to have to do something," he placed the remote on the coffee table.

"It takes more than one of our kinds to cause the damage they're reporting," Jasper spoke form his spot, I reached over and held his hand, "Quite a few more. They're undisciplined, conspicuous –"

Edward cut him off, "Newborns," he sighed.

"Like...new vampires?" Bella asked.

I looked up at her, "In their first months after the change," I said and looked down, "Kind of like how I am right now."

Carlisle and Jasper gripped my hands, "That is when we're at our most vicious, uncontrollable insane with thirst—" Jasper was once again cut off but this time by Emmett.

"Something to look forward to," he grinned at Bella.

Jasper rolled his eyes, "No one has trained these newborns, but this isn't random..." he finished.

Carlisle looked up in realisation, "Someone's creating an army," he founded.

Jasper nodded in confirmation while Emmett stood up on the couch, "Oh, now we definitely gotta go," he chuckled but stopped upon my look.

"Wait," Bella started, "An army? Of vampires?" she questioned.

Carlisle nodded, "There haven't been any newborn armies in over a century that I know of," he explained.

Jasper looked at him, "There is now," he stated, "And they've been created to fight someone," we all exchanged looks.

"We're the only clan even close to Seattle," Edward stated.

Carlisle shook his head, "Regardless, if we don't put a stop to it, the Volturi will," Carlisle looked conflicted for a moment, "I'm surprised they even let it go on this long."

Edward looked at us, "Maybe they're behind it," he stated which gained mine and Carlisle's attentions, "When we were in Italy...I read Aro's mind, he wants me and Alice to join him," This revelation caused Jasper to swallow venom in anger, I gripped his hand harder. "He knows we'd never choose him as long as our family is alive..."

"An army could solve that for him," Jasper sighed, we all sat there silent until I stood up.

"Come on Bella, I'll take you home," I muttered and walked passed her and to my car where I waited. Once she got in and buckled up, I began our journey.

"We can't wait two weeks until graduation Marissa," Bella started, "If you could just change me now I could—" I immediately cut her off.

"You will be a liability, Bella," I growled which shocked her, "You think this life is perfect, but really it means you have to say goodbye to friends and family as you watch them grow older around you," I glared at her, "If you try and convince anyone else to change you early, I will make sure the change never happens," I pulled up to dad's house and sped out an to the front door.

I opened it and walked in as Bella hurried after me, I saw Dad sitting at the table looking at a missing persons flier, I leaned over and said, "It'll be okay Dad," I kissed his head as he held my hand, "You'll find him."

I walked into the kitchen and started making them dinner, when Bella walked in and started up a conversation with dad to which I didn't listen to. After I had made their dinner, I walked out to the living room with a large cheese pizza and placed it on the table before kissing dad's cheek and saying goodnight before heading home.

I stood outside the Swan house between Emmett and Alice when a twig snapped behind us, Emmett and Alice swung and crouched only to relax at the sight of the wolves, here to take over. They were all tense until I walked forward and pet their heads before walking away still silent, with Alice and Emmett behind me.

-Time Skip-

My brow twitched in anger as Edward sped towards the Swan household where Jacob was dropping off Bella, we both got out and Edward immediately rushed up to the wolf. Edward shoves the boy for a second and sneered, "If you ever touch her against her will again—" Jacob cut him off.

"She doesn't know what she wants," Jacob growled, I quickly stood between the boys.

"Oh, just wait for her to say the words," Edward muttered calmly over my shoulder.

Bella tried desperately to convince them to stop when Charlie walked out and stood between them with me, "Okay, guys that's enough," the boys backed up a step, "Now what the hell is going on?"

It was quiet for a second, "I kissed Bella," Jacob sighed causing Charlie to look at him, "And she broke her hand...punching my face."

I sighed and growled before grabbing Bella's shoulder and shoving her towards the Volvo, "I'll take her to Carlisle," I said and pushed her into the back seat, "I'll call you later Dad," I kissed his cheek and climbed into the front seat as Edward got into the driver's side.

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