34: The Volturi

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*Third POV*

A massive fire burns as the Cullens and the wolves hurriedly drag what's left of the newborns to it for incineration. A purple-black smoke rises from the flames as Edward and Bella emerge from the mountains with Seth in tow, they made a beeline for Alice and the rest of the Cullens gathered near the fire.

Edward stared at Alice, "How long?" he demanded gripping tightly onto Bella's hand.

Alice stuttered for a moment, "A few minutes. Maybe ten," she guessed as her hand clutched her sleeves.

Marissa watched as Bella scans the field looking for Jacob, Rosalie scoffed, "They timed their arrival well."

Emmett scoffed as well, "Probably hoping the newborns took a few of us out,"

Edward stops as he sees someone by the fire, "What's she doing here?" he questioned before grabbing Bella and putting her behind him.

Bella, terrified, looks to the fire – which covers the newborn Bree, Marissa glared at the two, "We offered her safe haven if she stopped fighting, she took it," she stated, "Be nice."

Carlisle gazed upon the wolves, "The pack needs to leave. The Volturi won't honour a truce with the werewolves," Marissa nodded and went to inform the pack.

Bella finally stopped looking and asked, "Where's Jacob?"

Edward, slightly frustrated at her question, looked before pointing to his right, "There..." he trailed off.

On the tree line, clear across the field, Jacob still in his wolf form emerges from the woods, Bella breathed a sigh of relief as they make eye contact. He started making his way towards her – but suddenly – he hears a vicious snarl come from behind him in the woods, he quickly turned to see, a light grey wolf – Leah – cornering one last male newborn who was hiding. Leah charges.

Edward seeing the conflict called out, "Leah, don't!"

The male newborn manoeuvres out of her way spin and grabs her ruff, fiercely YANKING her off her paws but, Jacob leaps onto the male newborn, tackling him – they roll further into the clearing where Jacob bites a piece of its face off. But the male newborn gets his ARMS AROUND JACOB AND CRUSHES HIM! Jacob HOWLS in agony. Bella sees this from afar.

Bella screams, "Jacob!"

The pack are instantly there and pounces on the male newborn, their teeth forcing him to release Jacob who crumples to the ground. As they pull him apart Edward and Carlisle appear at Jacob's side with Marissa following, she lifts his head gently as he shifted back to human form. Bella was racing across the field to reach Jacob.

She gasped when she saw Jacob, naked, grotesquely twisted and broken, barely able to breathe. Carlisle quickly examines him as he writhes in pain; Edward steadies him, gripping his hand. Edward, albeit still despised the boy, reassured him, "Hold on, Carlisle is gonna take care of you."

Carlisle quickly moved his cold hands along Jacob's body, "The bones on the right half of his body are shattered," he sighed sadly.

Jacob, in excruciating pain, squeezes Edward's hand, Bella reaches them, dropping to her knees beside Jacob. She strokes his face, trying to comfort him. Only for Marissa to smack her hand away when Jacob winces in more pain at her touch, only for Jacob to call out to her, "Bella," he pleaded.

Bella ignored Marissa's hard stare, "Jake, I'm right here," she assured

It wasn't long before Sam, Paul, Jared, Embry, Quil and Leah, now in human form race up to the group, Leah scoffed, "Jacob, you idiot. I had it," she defended only to be shut up quickly.

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