16: Returning to Forks

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*Marissa's POV*

It's been about three months since I gave birth to Victor and he looks to be about five years old now. He has fluffy brown hair with my dark blue eyes but what stood out the most was Carlisle's features showing through. He stood with his back straight like Carlisle, he walked like Carlisle and he talked like Carlisle, soft and gentle. He was incredibly intelligent and wanted to become a doctor to save the lives of many people, just like Carlisle.

I had just put the last bag in the car and buckled Victor into his seat before turning to the Denali's, "Thank you for everything," I thanked them and embraced them all in a hug, one by one.

"Don't be a stranger," Tanya said as I backed away.

"Yeah," Kate started, "And give us a call if something happens," I nodded and climbed into my white Mercedes and drove away from the place I've called home for the last four months.

It was silent most of the until Victor spoke up, "Mommy, what's Forks like?" he asked.

I let out a breathy laugh, "Well it's very wet," I stated, "It's almost always raining but it's very green and beautiful," I smiled at him in the rear-view mirror.

He looked down for a second, "What was dad like?" he asked.

I froze for a second, "Um," I started, "He...he was a kind man, always wanting to help others, like you, he was a doctor. A very respected one," I swallowed the venom gathering in my mouth, "He...was the love of my life...until he left...but no matter what he'll always have my heart."

"Don't worry mom," Victor spoke with a smile, "He'll come back, I'm sure of it."

I smiled at him, "How about some music?" I queried before turning on the radio and 'Boom, Boom Pow' by the Black-Eyed Peas came on. Victor cheered in excitement and started dancing in his seat, I laughed and danced with him, this continued for the whole way back to Forks.

*Time Skip*

After a long journey, we finally arrived in Forks. I pulled up in front of the house before putting the car in park, I took an unneeded breath before quickly putting my dark blue contacts in. I turned to my son, "Okay so remember, Papa doesn't know what we are and he can't ever know, okay?" I asked.

Victor nodded, I smiled and got out before helping him out of the car and walking up the stairs and knocked on the door, placing Victor behind me. I waited for a second before the sound of boots echoed until they stopped at the door. It opened to reveal my dad, "Hi Dad," I said.

"Marissa," he breathed and embraced me in a hug, "You're back," he muttered into my hair.

"Yea," I replied and pulled out of the hug, "And there's someone I want you to meet," I moved aside and put my hand on Victor's back, "This is my son, Victor," he smiled at dad and waved politely.

"Y-your son?" he questioned, I nodded in response, "Okay then," he kneeled down to be eye-level with Victor, "Well it's nice to meet you, Victor, you can call me Papa if you want to."

Victor smiled and embraced dad, "Yeah that'd be nice," he whispered before dad picked him up and set him on his hip before letting us inside. I smiled at the familiar household, dad brought Victor into the living room and got to know him while I made my way upstairs and knocked on Bella's door,

"Bella? It's Marissa, I'm coming in," I called through the door and opened it to reveal my sister sitting in front of her window just staring. I kneeled down in front of her, "Hey," I called, her eyes wandered to me before looking back out the window. Suddenly, her gaze flashed back to me in surprise.

"Marissa?!" she called before standing up and embracing me in a tight hug, I smiled and nuzzled my head into her shoulder. She pulled back and took a closer look at me, she realized how cold my skin was and how flawless my skin looked, "What happened?" she asked.

I smiled and said, "I'll show you," I took a hold of her hand and pulled her downstairs. When we reached the bottom, dad and Victor were watching football together, "He's a hybrid," I whispered just so Bella could hear, "He's half-human, half-vampire and I was turned because I almost died during childbirth."

She looked at me, "Is he..." she trailed off and I knew what she meant.

"Yes," I said, "He's Carlisle's," I said that loud enough so dad would hear as well.

He turned to look at me, "Carlisle's?" he questioned, I nodded, "He is not coming anywhere near either of you," I sighed and walked towards him.

"Dad," I started, "I know you're not happy with the Cullen's right now but no matter what Carlisle will always have a place in my heart," he sighed and embraced me in a hug and kissed my head.

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