Chapter 8: Let the Chase Begin

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*Marissa's POV*

The jeep quickly made its way out of the forest and onto the street, "What now he's coming after us?" Bella queried in fear.

"Listen to me," Edward commanded, "James is a tracker, the hunt is his obsession, I read his mind. Carlisle and my reaction in the field, set him off. We just made this his most exciting game ever," he looked up at me, "He's never gonna stop," he said.

"Well, what do we do?" Bella asked as she shook in fear.

"They have to kill him," I informed her, "Rip him apart and then burn the pieces," we continued to speed down the trail. Suddenly a hand gripped my own, I looked at Carlisle had taken ahold of my hand seeing that I was shaking in fear, I gripped his own as we gained speed.

"Where are we going?" Bella asked.

"Away from Forks," Carlisle said, "We'll get a ferry to Vancouver-" he was then cut off.

"We have to go home," Bella stated, "Now we have to go home."

Edward turned to her, "You can't go home," he began, "He's gonna trace your scents there, that the first place he'll look," Bella shook her head.

"Our dad is there," Bella tried to reason.

Edward then got angrier, "It doesn't matter!" he exclaimed.

Bella scowled at him, "Yes it does he could get killed because of us!" she yelled back.

"Just let Carlisle get you two out of here first-" Edward started but was quickly cut off.

"He's our dad, we have to go back," Bella insisted. I racked my mind for a plan when suddenly I had an idea. I turned to them causing them to look at me.

"I have an idea," I stated," But you two aren't gonna like it," hearing this they looked at each other.

*Time Skip*

As we pulled up to the house, I quickly got out followed by Bella, I grabbed her wrist and pulled her up the drive on onto the porch before slamming open the door and dragging her inside, "Edward I said leave me alone," Bella stated as she held open the door.

"Bella, don't do this," he begged.

"It's over, get out," she yelled and slammed the door before running up the stairs with dad following behind her. I hurried into my room and started packing a bag tuning out Bella's and dad's conversation until he came into my room.

I looked up at him, "What happened?" he asked while pointing to Bella's door that was most likely locked.

"They had an argument at the field, so I took her home and he followed behind us," I informed him, Bella then exited her room and grabbed some toiletries before throwing mine at me. I caught them and put them into a separate bag before putting them in my duffel bag.

I followed her downstairs, "Home? Your moms not even in Phoenix," he stated as he followed behind us. I grabbed some food and put it into my bag.

"I'll call her from the road," She said.

"You're not gonna drive home right now," Dad called, "You can sleep on it if you still feel like going in the morning ill take you to the airport."

Bella sighed, "I-I wanna drive it'll give me more time to think," she stated, "If I get really tired I'll pull into a motel I promise," she finished as she grabbed food and put it into her own duffel bag.

"Look, Bella," Dad called, "I know I'm not that much fun to be around, but I can change that we can do more stuff together," he stated.

Bella looked conflicted for a moment before speaking, "Like what? Like, watch baseball on the flat screen? Eat at the diner every night steak and cobbler? Dad that's you and not me," she then brushed past him towards the door.

"Come on Bella," he started, "I just got you back," he sighed.

She froze at the door as tears filled her eyes, "And if I don't get out now," she started, "I'll just be stuck here like mom," she finished and went out the door slamming it behind her. I looked up at dad before wrapping my arms around his middle.

"It'll be okay I'll follow behind her to make sure she'll be okay and try to convince her to come back," I told him before pressing a kiss to his cheek and hurrying out the door and into the jeep where Carlisle had waited for me. I quickly hopped in and buckle my seat belt before he took off down the road, we took the short cut to his house where a certain vampire was waiting for us.

We quickly headed inside with Laurent following us, "I don't mean any harm, I just wanted to warn you about them," he started.

I looked up at Carlisle, "Go on," he stated and led us into the living room after he raced up the stairs to put my bag in his room.

Laurent then began explaining, "I have never seen anyone like James in my years, he is like no other. And his mate Victoria? She is ruthless, she should not be underestimated," he spoke with direct eye contact to Carlisle and I. Suddenly I saw Laurent with a woman, she had beautiful curly blonde hair, they smiled at each before my vision returned.

I looked at Laurent, "Your mate, she's waiting for you," I said causing the two to look at me.

"What'd you mean darling?" Carlisle asked.

I looked at him, "I just saw something, a woman was smiling as they stood in the snow, she had long curly blonde hair and stood about 5'9"," I said.

"That sounds like Irina from the Denali's," Carlisle explained.

"Irina," Laurent muttered with a smile.

Carlisle smiled at him, "They live in Alaska, I can give you their address," He offered. Laurent smiled and nodded when the door opened, they sped to the entryway as Jasper, Alice, Rosalie, Emmett and I made our way to the garage with Carlisle, Edward and Bella following.

"I've had to fight our kind before," Jasper stated, "They're not easy to kill."

Emmett and Jasper opened the cupboards, "But not impossible," Emmett stated, "We'll tear him apart and burn the pieces."

"I relish the thought of killing our kind," Carlisle spoke as he started putting cash into a small bag, "Even a sadistic one like James," he sighed and handed me the bag and I put it in the trunk. He raced upstairs and grabbed my bag before throwing it into the car, then Rosalie spoke up.

"What if he kills one of us first?" she questioned sitting on the counter.

"Carlisle and I are gonna run Bella and mom down south," Edward stated, "You guys lead the tracker the other way-"

Carlisle cut him off, "No Edward, James knows we wouldn't leave them, he'll follow us," he mentioned.

Alice then spoke up, "Jasper and I will drive them south," she said, Edward looked conflicted, "I'll keep them safe Edward," she promised.

"Will you keep your thoughts to yourself," he said.

"Yes," Alice spoke and gently grabbed Bella before leading her to the car where I waited in the other side with Carlisle next to me.

Edward then pulled out one of Bella's and one of my jackets, and handed them to Rosalie, "Rose can you put one of these on, and hold onto the other please," Edward said.

"Why?" Rose asked, "What is she to me?" gesturing to Bella who stood across from me near the car.

Carlisle looked at her, "Rose, Bella and Marissa are family now," he insisted, "And we protect our family," he picked up the jacket. She begrudgingly took ahold of Bella's jacket and slid off the counter before putting on my coat. I climbed into the car and Carlisle leaned on the open window with a sad smile.

"Please stay safe, for me?" I begged.

He smiled and gently caressed my face, "I promise," he whispered and gently pressed his cold lips onto my warm ones. When he pulled away, he stepped back and Jasper sped out of the garage, I turned in my seat and waved to my beloved before turning to Bella and taking ahold of her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.

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