32: Night Before the Battle

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*Marissa's POV*

I giggled as Alice skipped down the stairs of Dad's house, "Okay Alice," Dad chuckled, "Don't be a stranger," he pointed at her as she approached Bella on the sidewalk.

"Your alibi for the battle is all arranged," she muttered as Dad walked away.

"Really?" Bella questioned.

"We told him that we're all going camping so," I trailed off with a small smile, "You and Alice are having a sleepover at the house."

"Charlie's going fishing anyway," Alice waved off with a smile.

"Charlie?" Bella questioned causing me to roll my eyes and shake my head, "You guys are on a first-name basis now?"

Alice smirked, "Me, he likes," she giggled before biting her lip, "Actually, you and Edward will have the house to yourselves tonight."

That statement made me clench my hand into a fist, "I'll see you inside Bells," I stated before rushing at human speed into the house. I stood in the kitchen and braced myself against the sink that was full of dirty dishes, "Dad," I sighed before making a start.

I heard footsteps come up behind me, "You, okay?" Dad asked gruffly.

I sighed as I put the plate on the drying rack beside me, "It's just...Bella. I feel like she's...I don't know, planning something that could get her killed..." I trailed off whilst I dried my hands.

Dad came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my neck, "It'll be okay Marissa," he said and kissed the back of my head, "Now move aside, I'm making myself a sandwich."

I giggled and moved out of the way as Bella entered the house, "Hey, you want a sandwich?" dad asked.

"No I'm good," Bella replied and leant against the counter.

"Well, the sister, I like," Dad joked while he made his sandwich.

Bella went to finish the dishes that I had started as I leaned on the counter next to dad, "Alice? Yeah, she's great," she stated, "Hey, Dad, I was wondering, why didn't you get remarried? After Mom," she asked.

I clenched my jaw, "I don't know," Dad sighed, "Guess I still haven't met the right gal. Why?"

Bella shrugged her shoulders and kept washing the dishes, "I don't know," she replied, "I thought you just maybe gave up on the whole institution of it, of marriage. But do you think there's any value in it?"

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah. Yeah, marriage has value," he stated before double taking towards Bella, "When you're older. Much older. Like your mother, it seemed to work out fine for her
the second time around, later in life."

Bella finished the dishes and leant on the sink, "Yeah, I guess," she replied.

Dad took in a deep breath before stating, "I mean, you definitely don't wanna have to get married because you weren't careful."

Bella looked confused for a second, "What?" she questioned.

Dad clenched his jaw and stretched his neck slightly, "Look, you know what I'm talking about. There are things you need to think about if you're gonna be physically intimate," he tried to explain.

I was silently dying of laughter in the background, "Okay. Don't have "the talk" with me, please," Bella begged.

Dad sighed, "Well, it's just as embarrassing for me as it is for you."

"I doubt that," Bella sighed dreadfully, "And don't bother 'cause Mom beat you to it like 10 years ago," She explained as she walked towards the stairs.

"Well, you didn't have a boyfriend 10 years ago," Dad said turning to her, I was still dying.

Bella awkwardly waved her hand, "I'm sure things work the same way," she replied.

Dad, just as awkward, "All right, so...You guys are taking precautions and..." he replied carefully.

Bella timidly took a deep breath, "Okay, Dad, please, just don't worry about that," she sighed, "Edward is old school."

Dad thought carefully for a second, "Old school. Great. What's that? Like, code for something?" he asked naively.

I finally got sick of the awkward tension and blurted out, "Oh, my God. Dad. She's a virgin."

Dad tensed and waved me off, "Okay! Good. Glad we covered that," he stated to Bella as she rushed up the stairs.

Bella called out, "Me, too."

Dad leaned on the counter with his sandwich in one hand, "Virgin," he whispered, "I'm liking Edward a little bit more now," he took a big bite of his sandwich.

I laughed happily, "Jesus Dad," I sighed, "I've got to go now, I'll see you another day."

I kissed his cheek and walked out of the and too my car, as I opened the door I saw Bella staring at me from her window, I just stared back at her before climbing into my car and speeding off.

-Time Skip-

Night had come and we were all dressed in our exercise gear, I was tying my shoes as a hand glided against my back making me look up to see it was Carlisle. I smiled at his as he held out his hand, I gracefully took it and he pulled me to my feet and wrapped a hand around my waist.

I turned to the kids who were watching us with a smile, "You kids ready to go?" I asked and received various response of affirmation.

We all then sped out of the house, racing each other, and laughing as we had our family time together. This time I really hope it's the end of all this tyranny.

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