21: Honeymoon

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*Marissa's POV*

I smiled at Carlisle as we entered the house and waited for the seats to be moved so we could begin the reception, "I can't believe you're finally mine forever," he said with a smile, I pressed a gentle kiss upon his lips and smiled up at him.

"I was always yours forever," I responded, he chuckled and caressed my cheek before we headed back outside to see the piano had been moved and in place was a speaker system and DJ station. I giggled, "Only Alice wouldn't allow us to book a band instead," I laughed.

"It's the thought that counts," Carlisle smirked as he guided me through the crowd of people.

I was having a lovely conversation with one of Carlisle's old friends when I felt myself being lifted from behind, I looked over my shoulder to see it was Emmett, "Now we can call you mom and not get weird looks," he chuckled before placing my feet on the ground. I shook my head as he ran off to dance with Rose when the DJ called out to the crowd.

"Alright everybody," he started, "It's time for the bride and grooms first dance," everyone cheered as Carlisle took ahold of my hand and led me to the center of the dance floor. I wrapped my arms around his neck as his own circled my waist, the familiar tune of Mozart played in our ears as we began our dance.

He twirled me around the dance floor as other couples joined us, I smiled as Victor pulled Paul into a dance with the other couples, I laid my head on his chest as we swayed to the music, I then felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned and saw it was dad, "I believe it's time for the father daughter dance," he chuckled, I giggled with him and placed my hand in his as the music changed. We swayed to the music before I looked up at him to see tears in his eyes.

"Daddy," I giggled, "Don't cry, you're gonna make me cry."

He sniffled, "I know but, you're my oldest girl," he said through his tears, "I'm not ready to give you up yet."

I smiled and caressed his cheek, "I will always be your little girl daddy," I whispered and kissed his cheek as our dance ended. I had danced with almost everyone at the reception even the girls which gave Carlisle a few laughs with the boys when it was time for the flower toss and the garter toss. I stood up on the stage with my bouquet in my hands, "You ready ladies?" I asked causing them all to squeal, "Here it comes," I turned my back and smirked before throwing it over my head.

I quickly spun back around to watch as it feel right into Bella's hands, I winked at her causing a blush to spread across her cheeks. Just then I was pulled to the middle of the dance floor where a chair sat waiting for me, I sighed and sat down as Carlisle walked in front of me. He smirked and kneeled down before lifting my dress and ducking underneath it before anyone would see my panties.

I laughed as I heard Emmett wolf whistle at us causing chuckles to erupt form the crowd of me. I jumped slightly when I felt his finger graze my womanhood, making me subtly kick his leg, I felt him chuckle as his teeth gripped ahold of the garter and pulled it down my leg, he came back from under the dress and took the garter out of his mouth before tossing it to the crowd of me. I smirked as Edward caught it, I stood back up as both Edward and Bella came up to us, "You two planned that didn't you?" Bella questioned.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I replied, deciding to play dumb. Alice the popped up out of nowhere and dragged me off to change outfits before leaving for my honeymoon. I exited Carlisle's and my shared bedroom wearing my reception dress, it was an off-white dress with a black floral pattern across the left breast and a black ribbon around the waist. I paired it with a pair of black heels with an ankle strap and a large diamond bracelet, I walked downstairs to see Carlisle waiting for me.

He held my hand as we walked down the steps as people threw rice into the air, Carlisle went to help Charlie with bags as I said my goodbye to mom, "So you really don't know where he's taking you?" she questioned.

"Nope, he said it was surprise," I told her with a smile, "I'll see you soon okay?" she nodded and pulled me in for a hug before I walked over to dad who pulled me into a tight embrace.

"I love you Marissa," he whispered into my hair.

I smiled into his chest, "I love you too," I muttered before I pulled away and walked to the car, Carlisle held the door open for me as I slid into my seat. He closed the door before walking around to the driver side and climbing in and starting the car, I watched as we drove down the drive as people waved.

-Time Skip-

We pulled up to the airport where a private jet was waiting for us, a gift from Eleazar and Carmen, we boarded the plane and took our seat as the Plane got ready for takeoff. I smiled as Carlisle poured us each a cocktail of blood and wine before handing one of the glasses to me and clinking his with mine. I took a gulp before placing the glass down, "So where are we going?" I asked curiously.

"Not telling Darling," he countered with chuckle.

I groaned and took another gulp of my alcoholic blood; we had a nice conversation for the rest of the ride until we pulled into landing. We walked off the plane and I saw the statue of Jesus, "Our Honeymoon's in Rio?" I questioned.

"Sort of," he chuckled and led me down the ramp, we grabbed our bags and walked towards a dock, he helped me into the speed boat before placing the bags with me and then climbing in himself. He started the boat and we made our way through the ocean until we came upon an island with a building on it, "This is your wedding gift from me," he stated causing me to look at him in shock.

"What?" I questioned, "Are you serious?"

"Yes, I am," he chuckled.

I let out a breathy sigh, "I have a lot of making up to do," I muttered knowing he could hear me, I climbed out of the boat with Carlisle following me with the bags, as we came up to the door I heard a thud behind me. I was suddenly swept off my feet, I yelped, "Is this really necessary?"

"Well, I am nothing but traditional," he stated and pushed the door open before placing me back on my feet, I gazed around at the beautiful décor before walking around to explore the house. I smirked as I stumble upon the master bedroom.

"Vampires don't sleep," I muttered feeling Carlisle move my hair away from my neck and press kisses along my neck.

"It's not for sleeping," he replied and trialed his kisses up to my jaw. I gripped his arms and threw him onto the bed before straddling his hips, I pressed a heated kiss to his lips as he gripped my hips.

I pulled away and smirked, "I'm gonna get your present ready," I stood up, "In the meantime, you better be ready when I get back," I grabbed my bag and walked into the bathroom. I opened my bag and pulled out the lingerie I had brought specifically for this occasion, I pulled out my white lace bra and pantie set with a pair of white stockings and lace garter belt before pulling off the dress I was wearing and changing into it. I brushed through my hair before walking out to see Carlisle propped against the pillows with candles lit and the doors to the beach open. I smirked and crawled my way up to him from the end of the bed before sitting on his hips, "Let's have some fun," I muttered and pinned him to the bed and pressed a heated kiss to his cold lips.

*NOTE: Stop reading here as the next chapter will be smut, so please if you're under the age of 18 then please do not read

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