35: Wedding Prep

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*Marissa POV*

I smiled at Carlisle as he carried a large tree log in front of Emmett, I stood on the veranda with Alice and Bella. Bella was attempting to learn to walk in heels for her wedding – attempting that is. I cringed as the scrapping echoed in my ears, I turned back to Bella as she struggled, she looked up at Alice and I for some context, "Umm..." Alice trailed off.

"You just have to break them in some more," I suggested with a weary smile.

Bella looked back at her feet, "I've been breaking them in, for three days," she said before pleading, "Can I just go barefoot?"

This questioned offended Alice, "No!" she replied, "Absolutely not."

Bella leaned against the railing, "Just thinking it's a little much you know?" Bella insisted, "The dress and the shoes..." she trailed off before gesturing to the venue, "All of this."

Alice smiled happily, "No it's exactly enough," she said, "Tomorrow will be perfect."

Emmett climbed towards us with a large log, "Where do you want them, boss?" he questioned with a cheeky smirk.

I rolled my eyes, "On either side of the aisle," I stated and pointed towards the aisle.

Rosalie walked up with another log, "What aisle?" She asked.

Alice became irritated, "Does no one have vision?" she questioned before hurrying down the steps and towards the venue to help.

I giggled as I watched Alice boss everyone around, Bella gently kicked off her heels and pulled her brown converse onto her feet before she gazed up to Carlisle's office where Edward was standing just staring out into the woods. I pulled her face towards me and smiled, "You, go home and get lots of beauty sleep," I smiled.

"That's an order!" Alice called from the alter where she and Jasper stood arranging the flowers.

"Okay," Bella giggled as she and I walked out to my car, and I drove us home.

-Time Skip-

That evening I was sitting on Bella's bed as she started packing up her room, I was folding her clothes when she stopped and just stared at the small dream catcher that Jacob made for her many months ago just after she first moved here. A slight whoosh came form the window causing me to smile, "What part of no seeing each other until the wedding, do you not understand?" I questioned with a smirk as Edward climbed in the window.

"Sorry mom," he chuckled, "I was just checking for cold feet."

Bella smiled happily, "Well, mine are toasty warm," she insisted.

Edward worriedly grabbed her hand, "lt's not too late to change your mind," he muttered.

Bella looked at him offended for a second, "What? Now you're having second thoughts?" she joked but when she didn't get a response, "You are."

Edward chuckled, "No, l've been waiting a century to marry you, Miss Swan."

Bella looked expectantly, "But?" She worried.

Edward looked over at me for a second and I gave him a nod before standing up and jumping out the window to where Emmett and Jasper stood waiting.

*Third POV*

Edward took an unneeded deep breath, "l haven't told you everything about myself," he stated.

Bella giggled and tried to joke, "What? You're not a virgin?" they both laughed for a second, "Look, you can't scare me away now."

Edward then began his story, "Look, a few years after Carlisle created me, l rebelled against him. l resented him for curbing my appetite. And so for a while, l went off on my own. l wanted to know how it felt to hunt... to taste human blood."


The year was 1950, in a movie theatre Edward sat near the back entrance watching...waiting. A lady who sat a few rows ahead of him, stood from her seat and climbed the steps, walking past him. Edward hearing the thoughts of a perverted man, watches as she passes him before looking back and seeing a man beginning to follow her. He sees that he plans on attacking the woman. Edward follows the man.

The lady walked through the theatre, it was eerily quiet, she didn't notice the man that followed a few paces behind her. As the woman walks down some steps the man attempts to follow before he was pressed against the wall by Edward. The man breathed heavily as his heartbeat in his ears. His blood pumping through his veins. Edward couldn't take it any longer, he pressed his face into the man's neck and breathed in the delicious scent and drinks his blood.

[Flashback end]

Edward sighed heavily, "All the men I killed were monsters. And so was I."

Bella stood from her place on her bed and held his hands, "Edward, they were all murderers. You probably saved more lives than you took," she reassured him.

Edward scoffed, "Bella, that's what l told myself," he shook his head in sadness, "But they were all human beings. l looked into their eyes as they died and l saw who l was, and what l was capable of," venoms brimmed his eyes

Bella shook her head, "And what I'll be capable of," she said before it dawned on her, "Why are you telling me this tonight? Did you really think this was gonna change my mind about you?"

Edward looked at Bella with love, "l just wondered if it would change your mind about yourself, and who you wanna see when you look in the mirror a year from now," he stated with a sad smile.

Bella tightened her hands around his own, "l know l can do this. Let me tell you why. Because you did. You should give yourself some credit for that. Now, hopefully, a year from now, l'm gonna look in the mirror and see someone like you. l mean, someone capable of courage and sacrifice and love," they smiled happily and Bella pulled Edward down for a kiss.

*Marissa's POV*

"You think they're done?" Jasper aske sarcastically, I giggle because we can hear them but it was nice to play around with my boys once and a while. Emmett placed his pinkies in his mouth and let out a loud whistle.

"Come on! Let's go!" he called with his hands cupped around his mouth.

We heard Edward laugh, "l'm late for my bachelor party."

Emmett jumped up onto the window ledge, "Send him out, Bella, or we're coming in after him," he jokingly threatened before jumping down to Jasper and me, the boys then started play fighting and pushing each other around.

Bella sarcastically sked, "So, this party, will there be strippers?"

They're laughter echoed out the window, Edward replied happily, "No, just a couple of mountain lions. Maybe a few bears."

Jasper then jumped onto the ledge, "Don't worry, Bella, we'll give him back in plenty of time," he fell back down and he and Emmett kept joking around.

Bella then told Edward, "Okay, go, before they break my house."

Emmett kept calling for him, "Let's go! Let's go!"

Edward stood on the window's edge, "l'll meet you at the altar," he said looking back at Bella.

I heard Bella take a deep breath, "l'll be the one in white," she stated.

Edward laughed happily, "That was very convincing," Bella laughs. Edward jumps out the window and playfully shoves his brothers around before turning to his mother, Marissa smiled at him before kissing his cheek. Bella looks out the window staring as the mother and son had a small moment together before Emmett, Jasper, and Edward laugh and then run off.

Bella looks after them, and then goes back into her room just as Marissa jumps up and climbs back into the room, Bella had changed into her pyjamas and cuddled up in bed. Marissa smiled at her little sister and turns one of her lamps off and then walks over to the bed. Bella turns off the lamp right beside her bed as Marissa laid on the other side of her bed, where Edward would normally lay.

Bellacuddled into her big sister and slowly fell asleep as Marissa stroked her head.

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