Chapter 9: The Trip to Phoenix

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WARNING: Short chapter............Sorry

*Marissa's POV*

We had been driving all night with no contact with the others, I had fallen asleep along the way and had just woken up as we travelled down the highway to Phoenix. Bella was trying to phone mom but was unsuccessful many times, she sighed and hung up the phone before turning to me, "Have you heard from them?" she asked.

I sighed, "No but I can try soon, just let me wake up a bit," I stretched as best as I could while sitting in a car. We had just pulled into a motel after driving all night, I climbed out of the car and stretched my back before opening the trunk and grabbing my bag and the small bag of cash before walking inside with Alice, Jasper and Bella behind me. I walked up to the front desk and leaned on it, "Hi, do you by chance have a room available for four people?" I asked politely with a smile.

The woman behind the desk smiled back and quickly searched her computer, "We have a three-bedroom room available; will that be okay?" she responded.

I nodded, "Yes that would be perfect, how much is it?" I asked

She looked at the price and said, "It's two-hundred and sixty dollars a night."

I smiled, "We'll take it," I pulled out five-hundred and twenty for two nights. I was then given three room keys before we headed up to the room where Bella immediately crashed on a bed for a few hours. I sighed and picked up her phone to call mom but once again no answer, she then walked out of her room when Alice was pulled into a vision.

"What do you see?" Jasper questioned.

Alice spoke dazed, "The tracker...he just changed course," I handed Jasper a pen and notepad and he told her to draw, "Mirrors...a room full of mirrors," she spoke.

"Edward said her visions weren't certain," Bella spoke.

Jasper looked at her, "She sees the course people are on while they're on it," he explained.

"They change their minds the vision changes," I finished before realizing what Alice was drawing, "And James seems to be going to a ballet studio," this caused Alice to stop drawing and them to look at me.

"You've been here before?" Alice asked.

I pointed to Bella, "Bella took lessons as a kid, the school she went had an arch just like that," I explained.

"Was her school here in Phoenix?" Jasper asked receiving a nod of confirmation from both of us.

Alice and Jasper had gone downstairs to collect our car keys and sign us out as Bella and I pack the bags when suddenly Bella's phone rung. I gave her some privacy when my phone rung, I saw it was Carlisle, "Hey what's going on?" I questioned.

"We lost the tracker," He said with a sigh, "We're on our way to Phoenix to get you and Bella then we're gonna go somewhere else," he informed me.

I sighed, "Okay, I'll see you in a few hours," I said, "I-I love you," I stuttered.

I heard him chuckle, "I love you too my love," he replied, I could practically hear him smirking from over the phone. We then hung up the phone and then Bella's phone rang again but this time it was our mom.

"Hey mom, I'm glad you got my message," Bella stated after putting the phone on speaker, "What're you doing home?" she asked.

"Bella? Bella, where are you?" mom questioned frantically, Bella and I looked at each other in confusion.

"Calm down everything is fine," I sighed still confused on why she was home.

"Bella!" mom called.

"I'll explain everything later-" Bella was cut off by static, "Mom are you there?" she asked.

We expected to hear her voice when a masculine voice came through the speaker, "Forks High School doesn't keep it students' privacy very well," the voice taunted. It was James. He continued to talk, "It was just too easy for find your previous address. It's a nice house you have here. I was prepared to wait for you, but then your mom came home after receiving a very worried phone call from your dad," he spoke, "And it all worked out quite well."

Her voice came through the speaker again, "Wait, wait..." she pleaded.

I growled, "Don't touch her. Don't-" he cut me off.

"You can still save her,"  he informed, "But you're gonna have to get away from your friends. Can you handle that?"

"We should we meet you?" I asked.

He gave us the address for the ballet studio, we quickly grabbed our bags and made our way down to the lobby where Jasper and Alice were waiting for us, "Give us a sec? I gotta go to the bathroom," Bella said as we backed away towards the restroom.

After we entered, there a small opening of which we climbed out and made our way to the parking lot, where a cab was situated. We climbed in, I gave the driver the address and told him to get there fast, just as I asked, we got there in under ten minutes, I paid him the required cash and we entered the building. What we didn't know was that someone was waiting for us and it wasn't our mother.

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