42. From Bad to Worse

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*Third POV*

"Your rib is cracked," Carlisle sighed as he looked over Bella's current x-rays, Bella was laid up in a hospital with Marissa sitting behind her trying to keep her cool, Edward stood near the door with his arms crossed and a scowl on his face, "But there are no splinters. You haven't punctured anything."

"Yet," Edward growled somewhat.

Marissa closed her eyes and sighed heavily, "Edward."

Edward simply glanced over at his mother, "It's breaking her bones now. It's crushing you from the inside out," he stated, his eyes drifting to look at Bella who dared not meet his gaze, "Carlisle, tell her what you told me. Tell her," he demanded.

Marissa stared down at her sister, already knowing what he was going to say, "Carlisle, tell me. It's all right," Bella weakly stated.

Before he could even say a word, Marissa interjected, "The fetus isn't compatible with your body. It's too strong," She started and everyone's eyes flicked to her but her gaze remained on Bella, "It won't allow you to get the nutrition you need. It's starving you by the hour. Carlisle can't stop it or slow it down."

Carlisle realised she wasn't going to share anymore as she became quiet once more, "At this rate, your heart will give out before you can deliver," he spoke solemnly.

With a weak expression, and pleading eyes, Bella begged, "Then I'll hold on as long as I can, and then..."

Carlisle felt his heart clench, "Bella. There are some conditions that even venom can't overcome. You understand? I'm sorry," he apologised and left the room, Marissa got up to give her sister and Eward some space but Bela's shaking hand kept her in place. Despite the room's physical stillness, the tension crackled like electricity, causing invisible sparks to fly between its occupants. Bella's breaths came in shallow, uneven gasps, each one laden with unspoken emotions.

"Edward, I'm sorry," she sobbed slightly but no tears came as she was severely dehydrated

Edward only glared at the woman he loved and the mother he missed, "I can't live without you," he grumbled.

"You won't," Bella whimpered, "You're gonna have a part of me. He'll need you," Marissa couldn't help but shush her sister slightly and gently moved her brittle hair away from her face.

With a scoff, Edward pushed off the wall and stalked closer to the two women, "Do you honestly think that I could love it or even tolerate it if it killed you?" he asked, his tone dark and serious.

Bella weakly snuggled into Marissa's body as she whimpered more, her husband's tone getting scarier and scarier, "It's not his fault. You have to accept what is."

Edward couldn't stand it anymore, "Because you've given me no choice!" he yelled, letting his frustrations out, "Bella, we're supposed to be partners, remember? But you decided this on your own. You've decided to leave me," he whimpered towards the end of his sentence as venom lined his darkened eyes.

Also near tears again, "Don't see it that way," Bella whimpered.

Edward continued to shake his head and pace, "Well, I have no other way to see it. 'Cause it's me who'll lose you. And I don't choose that. I don't choose that," he stated and walked out. 

Marissa sighed and continued comforting her sister, Bella sobbed and wailed into her sister's chest, "Let's get you back to the sofa, hmm?" Marissa suggested as she slid off the hospital bed. Bell nodded and wound her frail arms around Marissa's neck, with little effort Marissa lifted her off the bed and slowly walked towards the living room.

Slowly she set Bella on the couch and grabbed the blanket from the recliner, with a warm smile Marissa shimmied between Bella and the sofa arm and threw the blanket over her legs. Bella had ceased crying by this point and only snuggled further into her sister, gradually the rest of the Cullen clan joined them in the living room. Edward sat on a recliner close to Bella's head, Emmett and Rosalie sat on the ottoman a few metres away from her, Jasper and Alice sat on a small love seat close to Bella's feet and Carlisle stood near the entryway gazing at Marissa who paid him no attention.

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