4: Confrontation

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*Marissa's POV*

I smiled as the scenery flashed by before we exited the mass of trees to see a beautiful house with numerous windows. I stared at it in awe before looking at Carlisle, "You live here?" I questioned. He only chuckled and got out of the car before coming around and opening my door, I smiled at him and took ahold of his outstretched hand before closing the door and following him into the house.

I smiled at him as he helped me take my coat off my shoulders before he directed me up a set of stairs and into a room that I could only guess was the living room. I took a seat and turned to him, "I'll be right back with that bottle," he said and walked away.

I looked around the room as I waited to notice that most of the house consisted of glass windows, Carlisle came back in with two glasses filled with red wine and a bottle, "Now that we're in a much more appropriate setting, as I have said I've not been in any relationship for quite some time after adopting my kids and they've been my life ever since," he said as he sat down.

I giggled and took a sip of my drink, "Well I haven't been with someone since I started my education in college and then work became my life," I explained and put my drink on the table. I sat back and looked at him, "I just learned to replace romance with work seeming to have more success helping kids pass classes rather than be with a guy who doesn't understand why I do what I do," I smiled at him and looked down to my lap as I fidgeted with my hands.

Suddenly, my left hand was taken by his own, "I guess we both have a high work ethic and enjoy helping people," he whispered, "I became a doctor so I could save people and try and make them better. I work more hours than I should be, only because right now there is nothing to come home to other than the kids but even, they're getting older," he sighed.

I frowned and grabbed both of his cold hands turning him to face me, "Okay, enough with the sad talk," I said, "Seeing as we barely know each other, why don't you ask me some questions."

He smiled, "What is your full name? How old are you? What are your likes? Dislikes? And what is your story?" he asked with a smirk.

I giggled at the last question before answering, "My full name is Marissa Charlotte Swan. I am twenty-two years old. I like cooking, hiking, reading and walking under the stars. I dislike people taking advantage of me. And my story..." I trailed off thinking about the divorce.

"Hey," he called out softly, "If it pains you too much you don't have to say at least not now when you're not comfortable," he whispered while tilting my head up to look at him.

I nodded in thanks, "So Mr Cullen what about you?" I questioned with a smirk as I picked up my glass.

"My full name is Carlisle Cullen. I like helping people, hiking and spending time with my family. I dislike when my family argues. And my story, is for me to know and you to find out," he smirked at me as my mouth fell agape.

I smiled and shook my head, I turned away from him, "What about the part about you being a cold one," I stated, picking up my glass and taking a sip.

It went deathly quiet. You could hear a pin drop, "I don't know what you mean Marissa," he denied.

I placed my glass on the table and turned to him, "Carlisle, I have lived in Forks my whole life, my father is friends with Billy Black, I know about the legends of the Quileute tribe, and I know for a fact that you, Carlisle Cullen, are a cold one," I stated while staring into his eyes. When I blinked, he was suddenly gone from in front of me, I felt my hair move behind my ear.

"Are you afraid?" he whispered in question.

I shook my head, "I know you won't hurt me so what's there to be scared of," I stated and turned to him.

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