33: The Battle Begins

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*Third POV*

The Cullen family ran through the woods as a family, laughing and joking, having some fun before the inevitable. Marissa smirked at her son as they raced faster and faster until they came upon the clearing where the battle will be held in the coming morning, Marissa and Victor sat on the grass floor. They gazed at the sky as the many stars shimmered.

"You know Victor," Marissa started as her son laid his head on her lap, "When I found out I was pregnant with you, I was terrified. More than I am now for the battle," Marissa brushed her son's hair back, sensing her children and husband standing in the tree behind them.

"You're growing so fast, and we don't know how much time together we have," Marissa spoke sadly as venom brimmed her eyes, "All I hope is that we all survive this, and then we can travel. Just you, me and your father," Marissa looked down at Victor, "What do you think?"

Victor smiled up at his mother and cuddled into her cold stomach and spoke, "I'd like that, mom, but we need to bring Paul with us."

The family chuckled at that statement as they joined the two, they all just sat there staring at the sky as it changed from dark blue to orange, then yellow, the sky blue.

The Battle Day has come.

-Time Skip-

On the misty deserted beach, Riley eerily rises from the water. Muddy and drenched but unfazed by the frigid water. He doesn't break stride, simply heads for the woods. One by one the rest of the army appears behind him. They follow Riley, picking up speed. First walking, then running – an unstoppable force.

The Cullen family stands behind the trees, waiting. A branch snaps and a singular newborn male steps out, then suddenly from behind him, the whole newborn army blitzes out of the woods and into the field! You can see the frenzy in their eyes. Their rabid thirst as they follow the scent of Bella's blood. But the scent trail ends here. They're confused...Suddenly something bolts from the trees with lightning speed and tackles a newborn.

The other newborns spin to find a lethal-looking Jasper in a crouch beside his victim's body. They rush Jasper but – Bam! Bam! Bam! Three of them go down, tackled by Esme, Rosalie, Carlisle, Emmett and Alice. Out of nowhere lunges Sam – in wolf form, flanked by two wolves. They tear a newborn to pieces. Four other wolves dive into the fray. Emmett sprints full-bore into the fight, relishing the battle. The wolves work as a pack, coordinated, and deadly. Jasper controls the field – strategy and speed vs strength. Rosalie fights with icy calm. Alice with precognition. Esme and Carlisle fight side by side. The newborns are brutal and strong as hell. Our vampires/wolves are taking some vicious hits.

Suddenly, Jacob charges into the clearing, also in wolf form, tackling a newborn, going for its neck. Sam and Jacob charge a newborn – each wolf grabs an arm in their mouth and rips it from the socket, Paul and Victor are surrounded by Three Newborns; Emmett comes to their aid. They share a look, a battlefield rapprochement. Carlisle and Esme move in on a newborn – Bree – but she backs up frightened. Esme and Carlisle share a look. They relax their attack stance, try to calm her, and talk to her.

Alice darts from newborn to newborn, not even looking at them, knowing their next move. She sweeps their feet, keeping them off balance, and confusing them. Jasper is a step behind her, trying to give her cover. As a newborn appears behind Jasper and bites into his shoulder. Alice spins, flinging the newborn to Rosalie, Emmett, and Carlisle who tear him apart. Alice tends to Jasper, "I can handle myself," she chastised as he chuckled warmly at her.

*Bella's POV*

Edward was watching the battle and filling me in on what was going on, but suddenly Edward stops, blinks, briefly disoriented as his mind is cut off from the battlefield. He looks around and finds Seth frozen as well. They share a tense look. "Someone's hurt?" I questioned but was ignored.

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