26: Try and Get Along

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NOTE: I will be starting school back up on the 27th of this month so update will be more sparse as I have assignments and driving lessons to complete. I will update when I can.

*Marissa's POV*

I stood next to Edward as Bella and Jake walked out of the house, "Whoever it was, he left his stink behind," Jake confirmed, I nodded my head in approval, "It's be hard to miss when we cross it again," Edward stared at Jake, "We'll handle it from here."

I closed my eyes knowing what was about to happen, "We don't need you to handle anything," he insisted with a slight growl, "Or anyone."

Jake scoffed, "I could care less what you need," eh and Edward continued their stare down.

Edward smirked and looked down at Bella and me, "Alright we're done here," he gently grabbed Bella's arm and mine while attempting to pull us away only for Jacob to step in.

"No, you're done here," he growled while grabbing my hand and pulling me away.

Seeing this Edward growled, 'Stop!" he grabbed me again and pulled me to his chest as if to shield me, seeing how defensive Edward had gotten, Bella had decided to step in.

"Okay, I'm tired of this," she started before motioning to herself between them, "From now on I'm Switzerland, okay?"

The two didn't answer only continued to glare at each other before Dad stepped out of the house, "Whoa," he gasped rushing up to us, "Okay break it up guys," they broke away before Edward pulled Bella and I back to his Volvo.

-Time Skip-

A few days had passed and Bella and I had somewhat successfully gotten the Cullen's and wolves to work together, Bella and I stood by her window to see that Emmett and Alice were standing outside the house near the edge of the forest. That's when I noticed that Leah Clearwater and Jared had crept up behind them causing them to spin around and subtly glare at them. The wolves growled but stopped upon seeing my glare from Bella's window.

I sighed and closed the curtains before joining Bella as she sat on the bed, "I was wondering," Bella started and rubbed her hands along her thighs, "What does it feel like?" I titled my head, "The change, I asked Edward but I wanted to know from you since, you were changed not long ago."

I giggled a bit, "Well," I started, "The venom is excruciating, we humans can be changed into vampires by a vampire bite, and vampire venom is nothing more than a deadly poison to animals," I explained, "Transformation from human to vampire is the sharpest memory we will have of our human lives. Once bitten, the venom from glands inside the vampire's mouth is injected into the bloodstream and will travel throughout the body to change every living cell," she scooted closer, "Depending upon how much venom is in the bloodstream, and how close the venom enters to the heart, the transformation could last anywhere from two to five days," I smiled, "My transformation lasted about three days."

She nodded, "During this time, we endure indescribable pain. Once the venom is injected, the victim feels very close to being burned alive. The venom will then make its way throughout the body, then through the heart, and it will pump again and again in the heart until it starts meeting itself in the veins. Then it will burn all the veins until the heart stops beating. It moves slower than blood because it is thicker, which makes the transformation long-lasting. Each beat of the heart can only push it so far. The changing/burning process is slow," I trailed off, "The venom has to saturate every cell in the body before the process can be completed."

I took a deep breath before looking her into the eyes, "There is no medicine that is strong enough to numb the pain; the best one could do is to immobilize the body," I finished causing her to let out a small breath, "So I implore you to do this," I dead into her eyes, "If you truly want to change, you will need to give up everything human," her brows furrowed, "Until you are able to control the thirst, anything you done as human will be stopped."

She nodded, "I understand," she confirmed causing me to nod in response.

The rest of the night was spent sisterly bonding, we joked, watched chick flicks, we painted nails and done so much more, we have not been able to do this in so long, so it was very peaceful. I sat next to her as she slept when I felt a presence outside the window, I looked up and saw it was Edward, Victor and Carlisle. I smiled as Edward gently pried the window open as not to wake her, her quietly walked towards me and helped me stand without waking Bella, he kissed my forehead before taking my place as I quietly left with my boys.

-Time Skip-

It was just me, Carlisle, Emmett, Victor and Jasper at the house right now as Edward who had gone to pick Bella up from her stay at the Reservation while we all hunted, we were all sat on the couch as CNN played on the TV.

"Police are baffled by the escalating murders and disappearances," The news anchor spoke, "Theories range form a vicious new gang to a wildly active serial killer," Edward and Bella entered the room, "Reporting live, Dawn Chubai. CNN." She finished and Carlisle shut off the TV.

"It's getting worse," he sighed as I gripped a hold of his hand in slight fear as Victor held my shoulder in comfort, "We have to do something."

"It takes more than one of our kind to cause the damage they're reporting," Jasper muttered but we all heard it clearly, "Quite a few more," he sighed, "They're undisciplined, conspicuous..." he trailed off.

"It's a newborns," Edward announced causing heads to turn to him.

"What, like new vampires?" Bella questioned.

Edward explained, "In their first few months after the change."

"That's when we're at our most uncontrollable," Jasper continued, "Vicious, insane with thirst."

"Something to look forward to," Emmett joked.

Jasper looked over at him, "No one has trained these newborns, but this isn't random," I nodded.

"I agree," I sighed, "Someone's creating an army," everyone looked at me before Emmett stood up on the couch.

"Oh," he chuckled, "Now we definitely going to Seattle."

I shook my head with a smile, "An army of vampires?" Bella questioned.

I nodded, "And they've been created to fight someone," Jasper explained.

Edward shook his head in disbelief, "We're the only clan even close to Seattle," he realized.

Carlisle looked at him, "Regardless, of who they were made by, if we don't put a stop to them, the Volturi will," the room went silent for a minute, "I'm surprised they've let it go on this long."

"Maybe they're behind it," Edward suggested this caused Carlisle and I too look at him in disbelief, "In Italy, I read Aro's mind..." he trailed off, "He want me and Alice to join," he paused and looked at me, "As well as Mom," everyone's eyes averted to me before looking back at Edward, I felt Carlisle grip tighten on my hand, "He knows we'd never choose him as long as our family is still alive."

I scoffed, "An army could solve that for him," Jasper sighed.

I shook my head, "Well we have to think of something," I stated, and everyone looked at me, "But for now we keep going on as we have, protection detail and searching for Victoria," I looked at everyone, "Until we know what to do about the army, we do nothing, agreed?" everyone nodded in agreement before leaving to do their own thing.

I sighed as I rubbed my forehead, life was not a simple as I wished it could be, I felt a kiss being placed on my hair, I turned and saw Carlisle was still sitting with me, I smiled and kissed his lips before we got up and headed to his office to complete our paperwork.

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