40: Try

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*Marissa's POV*

I ignored all the looks the children and Carlisle gave me at my harsh words, I took a deep unneeded breath as I stroked Bella's warm forehead and ignored the conversation going on outside with Jacob and Edward. Their conversation meant nothing as Edward begged Jacob to help change Bella's mind and if he can't Jacob can kill him. I heard several loud heavy footsteps echo through the house as Jacob came back inside. Just as he was about to enter the living room Rosalie stood next to the door and he paused.

I looked up now realising that everyone had left the room, it was now just Bella, Rose and me. "Rose, I'm fine," Bella assured Rose as she leaned against my cold body.

I looked at my blonde daughter, "Can you maybe go prepare something small for Bella to eat, perhaps she'll be able to keep it down now," I suggested.

Rose nodded and hurried out of the room, dying to get away from the smell of wet dogs.

Jacob stood in the entryway. I nodded to the recliner next to Bella, "Come sit," I beckoned. He obliged and sat down heavily before just staring at Bella.

He chuckled for a moment before just staring at Bella's ever-moving stomach, "So Edward sent you in here to talk to me?" Bella asked already knowing the answer.

He sighed through his nose, "Sort of," he muttered, "Though I can't figure out why he thinks you'd listen to me, I mean you never have before," he joked. This made Bella and I crack a small smile at each other before looking at Jacob, we were all quiet for a moment before Jacob gestured to Rosalie who had left, "Sine when are you and blondie BFFs?" he questioned thoroughly confused.

"Rose understands what I want," Bella sighed snuggling further into my body.

Jacob shook his head before answering the question he so desperately wanted to ask, "What are you thinking, Bella?"

I tightened my grip on Bella slightly knowing this was gonna hurt him more than anything else, "I know this seems like a scary thing but..." she trailed off for a moment, "but it's not," she gestured to her swollen belly, "It's like this miracle or something, the miracle that happened to Marissa is happening to me like we were chosen to do this," she stared at Jacob, "I can feel him."

Jacob scoffed, "So it's a bouncing baby boy," he shook his head, "I'm sorry I didn't know, should've brought some blue balloons," He joked.

"It's just a guess," Bella shook her head, "Marissa thinks it'll be a girl," I smiled down at Bella, "But when I picture him, I see a boy," she continued, "We'll see."

Jacob took a deep breath, "You won't," he started, I glared at him knowing this was going to happen.

"Jake I can do this," Bella assured him, "I've got Marissa to help me she's been through this before and I'm strong enough."

"Come on," Jacobg pleaded, he stood up and started pacing "You can spout that crap to your bloodsucker, but you don't fool me," He turned back to us, "I can see what that thing's doing to you Bella," he glared at her, "It's a killer, Bella."

"You're wrong," She cried softly.

"And when you die," Jacob walked towards us slightly, "What was the point? Of me loving you, you loving him. How is that right for anyone? Because I sure don't see it," Bella stayed silent in my arms, Jacob walked closer to us and knelt down to be at eye-level with Bella, "Listen, please" He begged, "Just don't do this. Live, okay?"

Bella shook her head as he pleaded once more, she gripped his hand, "Jake, everything's gonna be okay," They silently stared at each other as tears welled up in Jacob's eyes, it wasn't until he grabbed his leather jacket and stood to his feet and begun walking away, "Jacob, don't go," she pleaded.

He paused, turned around and stared at us before speaking, "I know how this ends," his voice was soft but it was hoarse from eh pain he was hiding, "And I'm not sticking around to watch." With that, he stormed out as Bella called for him once more.

Bella started tearing up as she snuggled into my chest before her eyes drifted outside, I followed her gaze and saw Edward staring at us through the window. I glared at her before gently moving Bella off me and pulling the curtains with a harsh tug, I settled behind Bella again and began stroking her warm forehead, "Mari," she called softly.

"Hmm," I expressed, acknowledging that I heard her.

"How did you conceive Victor?" She asked looking up at me

I paused for a moment, "Do you really want to know?" I asked, and she nodded, "He was a C-section baby, I knew I wouldn't be strong enough to have him naturally, the day he was born..." I trailed off remembering the horrific amount of pain I was in, "He broke two of my ribs and my spine I was in excruciating pain the entire time and when he was finally here, I didn't get a chance to hold him before I died," I felt venom line my eyes, "I wouldn't be here if Eleazar hadn't changed me when he did and for that and all that they did for me, I will be forever grateful," I finished.

Bella remained silent as she collected her thoughts, I knew everyone in the house was listening to me express the amount of pain I went through, I wouldn't be telling them exactly how I survived to give birth to him, not until they all stopped being children and act like the adults that they are, especially Carlisle.

I saw and heard Bella slowly falling asleep on my chest, I carefully picked her up bridal style and ascended the stairs, I couldn't handle seeing my baby sister in so much pain but I had to be there for her. I laid her down in my bed in the spare room that I had moved into and covered her with a warm blanket before silently lying next to her to keep her head cool. I heard someone standing at the door and when I looked up, I saw the darkening eyes of my husband.

My frozen blood boiled as I carefully launched myself out of the bed and over to the door, I went to slam it shut but he stopped it, we didn't say a word to each other only staring, "We may not be each other's favourite person at the moment," He started, "But I am still your husband."

I scoffed, "A husband that doesn't support his wife's decision and blatantly undermimes her for sending her son away."

"OUR son," Carlisle hissed angrily, "Victor is our son."

I shook my head, "Not legally, I never put your name on the birth certificate," I challenged, "Now leave us alone," I closed the door in his face and hurried back over top Bella who had started sweating heavily again but slowly cooled off from my temperature. I silently sobbed into my hand at the pain in my chest.

I hated this. 

I hated fighting with my children.

I hated seeing my sister in pain.

I hated lying to my father.




I hated pushing away my husband.

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