Chapter 36: I Do

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*Third POV*

Bella sat in front of a vanity dazed from a dream she had the night before, "What did I say about beauty sleep?" Alice chastised as she blended Bella's foundation, Marissa giggled slightly as she painted her sister's nails next to her. Alice was already dressed in her bridesmaid gown, a pair of Capezio dancing shoes, tan tights, and jewellery from Swarovski including a bracelet, ring and earrings, while Bella sat in a white robe, Marissa was also dressed to impress.

Marissa was dressed in lilac A-Line Cocktail Dress with short sleeves, a slight V neckline with a floral lace over the dress, her shoes were simple lilac purple strappy heels, and her makeup was perfect.

Bella smiled slightly, "Sorry, bad dream," she sighed before inhaling deeply, "It was wedding jitters," Marissa paused for a second and looked at her in concern, "I'm fine Mari, I promise," Bella smiled.

"You better be," Marissa smirked, "Alice and I spent a lot of time preparing your wedding."

They all laughed when footsteps came from the hallway, "Need some help?" Rosalie asked from the door, she was dressed in a short dark purple robe and heels, "I could do her hair," She suggested with a small smile.

"Really?" Bella asked in disbelief.

Rosalie scoffed slightly and walked to stand behind Bella, "Please," she started and played with Bella brown tresses, "I'm not offended by your choice in groom."

Bella narrowed her eyes slightly and smiled, "Just my blatant lack of respect for mortality," she spoke.

Rosalie stared at her through the mirror, "Essentially," she smirked before they all broke into giggles.

"Weddings," Alice stated and hugged Rosalie, "They bring everyone together."

*Charlie's POV*

I stared thoroughly confused at the amount of graduation caps sitting in a frame on the wall, footsteps echoed from my left, "Hey, so, did you find our daughter?" my ex-wife Renee asked.

"Are those graduation caps?" I questioned while holding a small blue box.

Renee turned and stared as well, "Hah!" she exclaimed, "How creative."

She started up the stairs, "Or weird," I stated and followed her.

"Alice? Bella?" She called out looking down the hall.

"In here, mom," Bella replied and Renee started down the hall.

*Third POV*

Renee gasped at the sight of her youngest daughter all made up, "Oh my gosh!" she gushed, "You're so beautiful, oh honey," suddenly tears sprung to her eyes, "Crap! My mascara," she tried to carefully wipe her eyes.

Alice smiled and pulled a handkerchief out of nowhere and handed it to the crying lady, "Thanks," Renee said and wiped her eye before turning and calling, "Charlie get in here!"

Charlie slowly came from around the corner, "Are you sure?" he asked, "I don't wanna..." he trailed off as all the ladies in the room stared at him, he looked handsome in his wedding tux, "I know I look hot," he smirked causing all of them to laugh.

Rene gasped, "We thought you needed something blue," she said as she took a box from Charlie.

"And something old," Charlie added, "Besides your mother," he joked with a smirk.

"Nice," Renee scoffed.

Bella opened the box to reveal a hair comb, it was silver with diamonds and sapphires, Bella carefully picked it up and stared, "It was Grandma Swan's," Charlie informed the girl.

"But we added the sapphires," Renee added.

Bella smiled happily as faint tears brimmed her eyes, "It's beautiful, you guys. Wow. Thank you so much," Bella gives it to Alice to put in her hair, she sat in front of the vanity again as she admired her beauty, Marissa smiled at her family and fixed the brown tresses that framed her sisters face.

Renee started to cry again as she stood behind her daughter, "It's your first family heirloom. Pass on to your daughter, and her daughter," she sobbed not noticing the looks between all the girls. Marissa squeezed Alice and Rosalie's hands before standing up and cradling her mother in her arms.

Bella stood from the vanity seat and smiled through watery tears, "Mom, I love it.," mumbled happily, as she goes to kiss her parents, Alice stops her by grabbing her shoulders.

"Nope. No smudging my masterpiece," Alice chastised the woman with a smile.

Renee gasped, "She's right."

They all broke away from each other as Alice hurried to the hanging white dress bag, "Okay. Time for the dress! Do you wanna see it?" she asked happily as she held the bag delicately and giddily.

Renee gasped happily and clapped her hands as she rushed over, "I want to see it!" she exclaimed.

"I'll see you downstairs Bella," Marissa stated and kissed her head before walking out of the room.

*Marissa's POV*

Classical music played throughout the backyard, the guests were making their way to their seats waiting for the wedding to begin. I smiled at everyone I passed and greeted a couple people I recognised, I gasped happily when I spotted four familiar head, "They have got to be related," Eric stated as he, Mike, Jessica and Angela stared at three familiar blonde women.

Mike stared intensely, "What a gene pool," he drooled, literally

Jessica being jealous, "You've got some... The drool," she said and pointed to the edge of her mouth before turning to look around at all the people, "So, you think Bella's gonna be showing?" she questioned and bit her lip to keep her giggles in.

Angela defended Bella, "Jess, she is not pregnant," she said and smiled when I popped up behind Jess.

"Okay. Who else gets married at 18?" Jess asked and turned around fully, her face dropped when she found me behind her.

I smiled happily but there was a hidden anger behind my eyes, "I don't believe you have any say on when people get married Jessica," I stated with crossed arms, "Edward and Bella are in love, and that's all that matters so I'd keep your mouth shut."

With that I made my way to the front of the of the crowd and took my seat between Victor and Carlisle, "Everything okay Mom?" Victor asked as he clasped hands with Paul who attended as Victor's plus one, Paul looked over at me as well and rose an eyebrow.

"I'm fine you two," I assured, "Now shush, it's about to start."

'Here Comes the Bride' started playing causing everyone to stand to there feet and turn to the back doors of the house. Charlie and Bella exited outside the door and begun their way to the alter, Bella looked severely nervous as she looked around, when she made eye contact with me I smiled and demonstrated taking a deep breath to which Bella did.

Charlie kissed Bella's head and handed her off to Edward who stood at the alter with a bright smile on his face, Charlie sat next to Carlisle as the minister began, "Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here on this glorious day to witness the union of Edward Cullen and Bella Swan. Please repeat after me," He stated and looked at Edward who gazed at Bella, "I, Edward Cullen."

"I, Edward Cullen."

"Take you, Bella Swan."

"Take you, Bella Swan."

"To have and to hold."

"To have and to hold."

"For better or for worse."

"For richer, for poorer."

"ln sickness and in health, to love, to cherish. As long as we both shall live."

Edward smiled as he finished his vows, "I do," he mumbled happily.

Bellafinished he vows, "I do," Bella's heart was pounding in her chest as the twowhispered 'I love you' to each other before they kiss and everyonestands and claps. My heart, although no longer beating, was swelling with prideand happiness for my sister and my son-in-law...or is he my brother-in-law now?

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