15: The Birth of My Son

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*Marissa's POV*

It's been about two months since I arrived in Alaska and my bump has only grown, what once looked like four months turned into what looked to be seven months. Every day I've grown weaker and haven't been able to hold down any food, but I can hold down some liquids like water and milk, but I was losing too much weight. I had been staying on the couch for the last few days and Kate had been keeping me company most of the time with Eleazar coming into the living room to check on me once and a while.

Tanya would visit me a few times a week just to make sure I was comfortable; Irina had been distant the last few days because Laurent had left and hasn't returned when I got a call from Billy saying he was killed by the wolves. Irina hadn't taken this very well and had grown somewhat distant from the family.

"What're you going to name the baby?" Carmen asked sitting in front of me with a smile.

"I don't know," I said before beginning to think, "Maybe, Victor Carlisle Swan if it's a boy and, Rosamett Alisper Swan if it's a girl," I smiled before nodding confirming that they were to be called those names depending on their sex.

Suddenly, the sweetest smell wafted into the room, where I lay on the couch, "What's that smell?" I asked right as Eleazar walked into the room with a Styrofoam cup.

He sighed, "It's just a theory but if you can't hold down food maybe," he paused, "You could hold down blood," my eyes widened before swallowing and reaching for the cup, Tanya and Irina had joined us in the living room. I cautiously brought the straw to my dry and cracked lips and slowly sipped, the taste of animal blood entered my mouth and slowly made its way down my throat. I took the straw away from my lips and swallowed what was left in my mouth, I licked my lips free of any leftover blood.

"Tastes," I paused, "Great," I giggled and went for another sip, I sighed in content and relief as Eleazar came over and took ahold of my wrist and pressed two of his fingers to my pulse point.

"Your pulse is already getting stronger with just two small sips," he whispered with a bright smile, then Carmen came in with a plate of chicken alfredo and placed it in front of me, I put the cup to the side and grabbed the plate, I took a deep breath and started eating. Surprisingly, I was able to hold it down, I smiled as I kept eating feeling my baby move around slightly trying to get comfortable when my rib suddenly broke.

I gasped in surprised before dropping the plate, Eleazar hurried over to me upon hearing me gasp in pain. He gently felt over my rib only to feel that one of my ribs was snapped in half, he sighed, "Her rib cracked but there are no punctures anywhere," he explained, I let out a shaky breath before lying back down on the couch with tears in my eyes.

*Time Skip*

It's been almost a week and my baby has only grown stronger, Eleazar has set up a temporary hospital room in a spare bedroom for me and I moved from my place on the couch into the room. Kate is still keeping me company because I could be giving birth any day now, so she was keeping an eye on me while Eleazar and Carmen hunted.

I was just peacefully lying in bed when suddenly pain shot through my abdomen, I cried out in pain Kate immediately had me open my legs and prop them up on the bed while Tanya called Eleazar, "Eleazar the placenta must have detached," she explained while holding my hand to calm me. Irina prepared all the equipment next to the bed.

"Get them out," I cried as my face dripped in sweat and tears ran down my cheeks, "Now!"

"Marissa you're gonna need to push as hard as you can," Kate instructed calmly, "There's no time for morphine or any anesthetic, so just try and push."

I nodded my head as best as I could and pushed, I cried in pain and I felt the baby slowly make its way out of my body. I continued to cry as the baby was finally born, "He's here, its Victor," Kate said as she placed him on my chest.

I gazed at him bloody face and he was still the most beautiful thing I've ever laid my eyes on, "My handsome little man," I whispered before my breath suddenly stopped and my eyesight went black.

*Third POV*

"Marissa," Kate called as she handed the baby to Carmen who had just returned with Eleazar. As Carmen exited the room to clean Victor, Eleazar and Kate started to bite into Marissa's skin. They bit her arms two times each and the same with her legs before Eleazar bit into her neck, they back away as her heart slowly begun to stop.

"Now we must wait," Eleazar said while exiting with Kate. Ove the next few days, Marissa slowly began healing, her hair started to gain its volume and became healthy once again, her sunken face filled out, her once stick-thin body became full and thick again.

And soon her eyes will open.

-Time Skip-
-3 days later-
*Marissa's POV*

My eyes fluttered opened and I could see perfectly, I could see the specks of dust that flew through the air, the name on the spines of books that lined the wall and I could see the squirrels that scurried up the trees outside. I quickly sat up and flashed over to the mirror that hung on the wall, the baggy shirt I was once wearing was changed into a pair of denim jeans with a white long sleeve shirt, I had a pair of white knee-high boots and a sleeveless turquoise jacket. I smiled at my flawless reflection, there were no blemishes, my skin was perfect, and my teeth were as white as snow, suddenly, the door opened to reveal Kate, "Hey beautiful, ready to hunt and then meet your son?" I smiled at her and quickly embraced her in a hug.

"Let's go so I can meet Victor," I spoke with a smile. We hurried out the door and raced through the snowy landscape. I closed my eyes and listening to the sounds around me, birds were flying through the air, squirrels scurrying across branches and the crunching of snow under a moose's hooves. My eyes snapped open and I pushed my legs to take me to the moose, when I came to the clearing it was in, I hid behind a tree.

I stared at the graceful animal before pouncing on it like a predator would their prey. It cried out in fear and confusion before it began to thrash around, I quickly snapped its neck and sunk my teeth into its shoulder. I quickly drunk the moose free of its blood before pulling away and digging into the ground before burying the dead animal, I looked up hearing a twig snap. I saw it was Kate, "Want to see your son now?" she asked with a smirk.

"Like you have to ask," I laughed as we raced back to the house and made our way inside. I held her hand as we entered the living room, everyone was gathered, and Carmen's back was to me so I assumed she was holding Victor.

"You look amazing," Irina complimented, I nodded in thanks.

Tanya smirked, "Sexy as ever," she joked, I giggled.

"Someone's been waiting for you," Eleazar said, "Carmen," she turned to reveal my son, my little Victor. I held my arms out and she placed the small baby in them. I smiled at him and then he surprised me by smiling back and having a full row of top and bottom teeth.

"I thought I was only out for three days," I muttered in astonishment.

"His growth rate is exponential," Eleazar explained, "But it will most likely slow down as he ages."

I smile at Victor once more, "Hi sweetie," I whispered, "I've been waiting so long to meet you," tears of venom brimmed my eyes but would never fall, Victor raised a tiny fist and gently caressed my cheek. I grabbed ahold of his small hand and felt the temperature difference between our hands, I giggled and gave him a small smile to which he returned showing his teeth, I decided not to think about his growth rate. He is a hybrid after all, but he's my hybrid.

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