Logan night with the girls

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Logan and Erin were grateful that Scarlett was an easy baby from the get go. She didn't cry very much at all. She only cried when she needed a new diaper, she was hungry, or she was lonely, and wanted to be held by either mommy or daddy 

"How long are we going to keep everyone waiting to see Scarlett?" Erin asks as she starts to nurse the baby that was very hungry at the moment

"Until her cast come off tomorrow cause I don't want nobody to know what happened to her while she was in the hospital. After she was born, and before we picked her up to bring her home" he says as he leans agaianst the doorway to his baby gorl nursery

"Good point, and I don't want us to have the girls taken away either if anyone saw the casts that were on Scarlett's little body" Erin says as she continues the tiny baby that she had in her arms and was nursing happily

"How is she doing?" he asks her

"She is doing really good. It was a rough go at the beginning, but she seems to have adjusted well" Erin says as she starts to rock as she nurses Scarlett who was still nursing

"After she is done I'll change her, and later me and you can retreat to the hot tub for some heavy breathing" he says as he looks at her

"That sounds like agreat idea I can't wait to spend some time with you since the twins are still asleep" Erin says as she checks to see if Scarlett was done nursing

"She must be quite hungry this time" he says with a chuckle

"She must be she must be going through a growth spurt" Erin says as she relaxes in the rocking chair with Scarlett who was still nursing like a good little baby

Logan comes over to massage Erin's shoulders a little bit, so she wasn't so stiff as she nursed the baby

"That feels so good" she says when she feels his strong arms on her shoulders as she closes her eyes as she nurses Scarlett

"I thought you would like this" he says as he continues the massage on her upper body as she was nursing

Erin loved she part she was in complete heaven with Logan 

"Can i have you do this everytime I nurse?" she asks him

"Sure and tomorrow I'll take Scarlett to the doctor's cause I don't think you want to be there when the doctor takes her cast off her body from her birth mom" he says as he goes and gets the nail polish, so he could do Erin's toes

"Yeah that would be great cause i want to catch up on my sleep a little bit cause I have been feeling sleepy by dinnertime" she says as she yawns

"I'll take the night feeding too, so you sleep longer I don't mind getting up with Scarlett" he says as he strokes Scarlett's hair as she nurses from Erin

"Thank you Logan" Erin says as she gived him a kiss on the lips

"You are quite welcome" he say to her 

Erin was grateful that Logan was going to do the nighttime routine with the kids cause she was exhausted at this point from tending to the girls while Logan was at work


"Night girls I want you guys on your best behavior for daddy cause I'm going to bed early tonight" Erin says as the girls were having their snack at the table that night

"Erin we are going to be fine I took care of Ellie on tour I'm sure i can handle three girls by myslef tonight" he says as he grabs a bottle from the fridge for Scarlett cause he knew that she must be hungry 

Erin goes up to go to bed cause she felt really tired and she felt like she was going to fall asleep at any minute on the floor or somewhere

"Girls after your snack it is straight to bed and no nonsense got it" he says as he grabs Scarlett from the swing that she was in

"You got it dude" the twins tell him

"I knew you girls would say that" he says with a chuckle as he feeds Scarlett her bottle

Logan multitask while he feeds Scarlett her bottle that night

"Do we get our story and song?" Ella asks him

"Yes you guys always get your story and your song before i tuck you in" he says as he rinses the twins dish and sippy cups that they had that night with snack time

The girls waited until daddy was done to go upstairs to their room for the night

"Okay girls go up I'll be in after I change Scarlett" he tells them

The twins race each other up the steps and to their room that they shared

"You Scarlett I think a new diaper is in order for you" he says as he takes Scarlett upstairs to her nursery for a new diaper


"Daddy going to lay you in your crib while he tends to your sisters" he says as he lays Scarlett in her crib on her back

Scarlett coos at him

"I'll be back" he says as he grabs the monitor before leaving and going to the twins room to change them before he puts them in their crib as he read them a story

Logan changes the twins in no time at all cause they were waiting for him by the changing table, so they could have new diapers on before bed that night

"Okay girls what story would you guys like?" he asks as he goes over to the bookshelf that was up high

The twins started saying suggestions before Logan decided on a book to read to them

"Before daddy reads the story he is going to put you girls in your crib to sleep" he says as he lifts each of the twins into their crib to sleep

Ellie didn't want to go in her crib she kept getting out of her crib

"Brielle Marie Henderson" he says as he taps his foot at her

Ellie goes under her crib cause she knew she was in trouble with daddy

"Ellie you are going in your crib no buts" he says as he puts her back in her crib to go to bed

Logan knew he was in for a long night with the girls and this was just the beginning of it as he puts Brielle back in her crib to listen to her story

"And it begins" he says as he goes back over to the rocking chair to beging the story for the girls

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