The new set is born

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The twins were allowed to come home after being in the hospital for a while and the chances of them dying kept going up cause their body couldn't handle it, so Kendall and Logan were going to spend it with the babies as much as possible

"Kenny i am not ready for them to die" Logan says to him

"Me either Logie the twins are really sick and there might be hope that they will make it and will survive this and we might to say good-bye" Kendall says as they entered the hospital to see if the girls could come home or will they be preparing to say good-bye


Kendall and Logan entered the hospital and they were shocked that both babies passed away due to heart failure

"Can we say good-bye?" Kendall asks

"Sure they haven't taken them yet" the nurse says as she leads Kendall and Logan to Coco and Malibu

Logan broke down when he saw the babies laying there lifeless

"Logie they are in a better place apparently they were sicker then what the doctors thought" Kendall says as he was hugging Logan close to him right now

"Guys we had a mother come in a little bit ago just found out she was pregnant with twins and she wants to give the twins to you" the doctor says to them

"Is the mother healthy?" Logan asks as he was wiping away the tears

"Yeah she wants to meet you two and maybe Coco and Malibu names will still be used cause she loved the names that you had and the babies that she has loved the names" the doctor says to them

"Babies?" Kendall asks him

"Yes the babies are totally healthy and will be born in a few days cause she is on bedrest right now" the doctor says to them

"Oh Kenny we get the twins after all" Logan says as they kiss

"Yeah these two are our angels so Angel and Cherish is their name now" Kendall says as he was looking at the dead babies

(Days later)

Kendall and Logan had their phone on them at all times cause they wanted to get to the hospital right away

"Kenny the hospital" Logan says when he heard his phone ring

The hospital told Kendall and Logan the mother went into labor and she was going to be having a C-section to have the babies cause of the way her pelvis was right now

"Let's go and maybe we can bring the girls home" Kendall says as they shared a kiss that night

Kendall's brothers came over to watch the others while Kendall and Logan were at the hospital with the babies

"Maybe I want to bring them home" Logan says as they were getting ready to leave


Kendall and Logan had to wait in the waiting room until they could see the girls

"I can't wait to put the girls in these blankets" Kendall says as he was opening the blankets right now so they could wrap the girls up once they were brought out in a bassinet cause Kendall and Logan wanted to wrap the girls up

"Me either" Logan says as they shared a kiss cause they were really happy to be experiencing this finally

Soon two nurses brought out two good size girls

"These two are precious" Kendall says as he was looking at the girls

"I say they are" Logan says as he was going to wrap the first one up

Logan had Malibu while Kendall had Coco in his arms

"Kenny we have our girls" Logan says as he was holding Malibu cause she was looking up at him right now

"Yeah we do and how much did these girls weight?" Kendall asks the nurse cause the babies were going to be going to the nursery 

"9 pounds each" the nurse tells Kendall

"We got some big girls" Logan says as he was rocking Malibu right now

"We can get bottles for you guys and you can feed them" the nurse tells them 

"Can we?" Kendall asks her

"Yeah and then they have to go to the nursery for their check-up and soon they can be released" the nurse tells them cause they wanted to get the babies out as soon as possible due to the virus that was spreading and she hated to have the babies get it

Kendall and Logan were shocked that they were going to be taking the girls home soon and they could not wait to get settled in and get used to a new normal

"I better go get the car seats" Kendall says as he was going to go

"Yeah you better and I can feed these two cuties" Logan says as he was going to feed the girls right now before they go to the nursery for their check-up

Logan loved being with the girls and interacting with them while Kendall went to get the car seats so they could take the babies home

"I have the stroller, so we can push these cuties out of here" Kendall says as he returns with the car seats for the babies and they were going to get them adjusted as well as they waited

The babies ate really good for their new parents and they were taken to the nursery for their check-up and their shots as well

"Might as well get the straps adjusted for the girls" Kendall says as he was going to get the straps adjusted for the weight for the girls

"Yup might as well cause the straps are not right now" Logan says as he was going to help Kendall with the straps for the girls

Kendall and Logan loved seeing the girls and they hated when they heard them cry for their parents

"Luckily I packed a few other outfits that could fit them" Logan says as he was getting the outfits out for the girls so they could go home when they get released in a few minutes probably    

"I love those outfits" Kendall says as he was looking at the outfits that Logan had laying out for the girls         

The nurses put Kendall and Logan in a room to wait until the girls were ready to go home and there was going to be one more baby joining the mix

"We just had this baby girl born a bit ago she was a result of an unplanned pregnancy and the mother didn't want her" the one nurse says as she bring the small baby girl in

"We will take her" Kendall says to the nurse cause they always had room for one more

"Okay I'll bring her in" the nurse says to them

Logan could not believe they were adding another baby to the mix, and they will feel complete

"Here she is" the nurse says as she brings the baby in   

"She is darling" Logan says to the nurse

The new ones go home part 2 is next when I don't know we are losing another one

The little girl who went on tour and found her new family wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now