Mother's day chapter

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Okay I am planning to do a Mother's day chapter in all of my Sunday stories and they might be long or they might be short cause I got so many stories any way on with the story

Kendall made sure Logan was out of the house one day cause him and the kids were going to be planning Mother's Day for him even though he was not a mom he was a papa to the kids and him and the kids were going to shower him with gifts and love on Sunday and since the kids were saving their allowance and their extra chore money cause the older kids went out to help the neighbors with what they needed done cause they were not able to do it anymore, and if they did a fabulous job they got rewarded by the neighbors, and since Christmas they were going to buy him something that he wanted and it was not going to be a car cause his cars were the only gifts that he could get for himself and since his motorcycle was wearing out they were going to try to get a motorcycle that was in their budget

"Kids come on" Kendall calls cause Logan took his car and he went to the gym with Arizona to train for her next meet cause he was going to be lifting weights while she went around the track and later on those two were going to hit the treadmill as well to help keep her speed up and ready to go for her next meet as well and that was not going to be easy

All of the kids came down and Arizona's bunkmate had her jar cause she had baby sat a lot for the couple that needed a date night away from the house and for the kids and she was baby sitting after school and if the couple had a treadmill she would hope on a train for her next meet between baby sitting session and if the couple had multiple kids they paid her more cause she was such a great baby sitter cause she was one of the few sitters that was CPR certified in baby, toddlers, and older kids as well and she was working to keep that kept up as well cause she did not want that to expire

"Is that Arizona's jar?" Kendall asks her sister cause Arizona had a lot of money in that jar

"Yeah, she has close to a thousand dollars in this jar and I think her baby-sitting jobs had her stay with the kids until early in the morning cause the parents went out to the bars or to the clubs after they had dinner and her pay rate increases after curfew of course and if the child was hurt the parent paid more cause she was the only responsible baby-sitter that they would trust, and some parents must tip as well as the elderly" her sister says as they were leaving the house to get the motorcycle for Logan for Mother's Day that year definately

Kendall was going to count it and see for himself, and Arizona had the most out of all of the kids which shocked him cause her baby-sitting was adding up a lot cause she baby-sat on school nights for an hour or more and if it was close to curfew the parents paid more even on the weekends as well and if it was an overnight baby-sitting job she kept security items on her like her phone and a tase gun as well

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