Back to school shopping & first day of school part 2 preview

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I have to close tonight so part 2 preview is going up for now maybe when i am off i can get the other part up later i hope when i don't close

"I guess you are set now to get you some outfits and you will be set for the first day of school baby" he says as they were leaving with everything that she needed for the first day of school which was coming up soon and they were going to see who she has for a teacher and they were going to see her classroom and have her get use to going to school then the little ones will go to nursery school

Logan and her were going to stop for lunch before they hit the mall to shop some more for outfits and everything else she needed for the first day of school

"Pit stop so we can be fully ready to shop for clothes, and shoes and everything else that you need for the first day of school" he says as he parks in one of the restaurants that was near the mall so they could shop right after lunch was done

Esme was happy about that a lot cause it was one on one time with daddy while papa was at home with the others

"How many?" the waitress asks them

"Two" Logan says to her as they went to their booth to have lunch just the two of them

Esme got a booster so she could see and she could eat as well cause she was really short and the table was really high too and she wanted to talk to papa as they ate


Logan and Esme headed to the mall to shop some more for school since they had so much more to get before she starts school

"Papa" she says when they got in the mall

"Yes baby?" he asks her

"Can i ride in the stroller please?" she asks him

"Sure you can baby that way you can save your legs a little bit" he says as he was getting the stroller out for her 

Esme got in and Logan pushed her into the mall 

"You are light as a feather baby" he says as they headed into the mall to go shopping 

Logan knew she will grow she was just small for her age is all 

"Okay baby let's get you your shoes" he says as he headed into one of the shoe stores to get her shoes for school

"Okay papa" she says happily cause she wanted to pick out her shoes for school 

Esme slowly picked out some styles she wants to try and she wanted to learn how to tie her shoes as well so Logan was okay with that cause she was going to be independent and he liked that about her 


"That was a good deal" he says as they left the shoe store after a while 

"Yeah it was" she says cause she got for pairs of shoes to wear to school and two of them were rain boots for when it rained and she will change when she got to school later in the day

Logan was going to get other things for her since she has been up all morning and she fell asleep right after the show trip      

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