Getting Brielle

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"Okay Ella we are going to get your sister, and bring her here to stay with us" Logan says as he buckles her in her car seat after he washed off all of the sand that she had on her

Ella was excited for that

"Logie we better stop and pick up another seat, and some clothes for Ellie" Erin says as she looks in the car

"Yeah we got to get her a crib cause Ella is pretty happy  with sleeping in the cib by herself I don't think she wants any company in there with her" he says as he closes the door in the backseat

"That is for certain cause she loves her space" Erin says as she gets in, so they could get Ellie, and bring her home to stay with Ella 

Erin couldn't believe that very soon her and Logan were going to have two cute little girls that they need a home, and love

"Stay here i want to go shopping for Ellie" Erin says when they reach babies r us

"I'll see where the lady wants to meet her at, and later me and Ella can come in to shop for the baby" he tells her

"I won't be long Logan I'm going to be right back" Erin says as she goes into the store

Logan calls the lady to see where the meeting place is going to be, and they will have a ways to go before they could meet Ellie and bring her home for good

"I'm back" Erin tells Logan

"You weren't gone that long" he says as he gets out to help her with what she got for Ellie

"Told ya I just got a car seat, and some clothes as well as a crib that will go in room, so they could share" Erin says as she puts the clothes in the trunk of the car

"We have a ways to go before we meet Ellie" he says as he installations the car seat behind Erin

"How much further Logan?" Erin asks him

"Two hours to go cause she is coming from the upper part of California, so we have a long drive ahead of us" he says as he gets back in the driver seat, so they could continue on their journey to bring Ellie home for good

"She is that far?" Erin asks him

"Yes but it will be worth it when she is in our arms once again, and we are holding her close" he says as he gets back on the highway

"We might as well spend the night up there since we are in our pajamas why not" Erin suggest

"That is a good idea make it happen cause I'm not driving back with two one year olds in the backseat especially when one is really scared" he says as he drives

Erin calls the hotels in that area to see if they had a room available, and they did, so Erin booked the honeymoon suite for her and Logan in one of the hotels, so they could have a bit of a romantic getaway just the two of them

"Hotel is booked, so all we have to do is show up with Brielle" Erin tells him

"I can't wait it is going to be great" he says as he continues to drive

"Yes it will I can't wait until I meet her" Erin says as they continue to head where they were going to meet Ellie

(Two hours later)

"That's her" Logan says when he sees the vehicle

"I want to go to her" Erin calls to him

"It's best if I go" he says as he gets out to go meet the lady that had Ellie

Erin wanted to get out as well, so she did

"Erin stay with Ella" he says as he turns around to face Erin

"I'm coming whether you want it or not" she tells him as she gets out of the car as well, so she could meet her daughter

Logan turns around to grab Ella when he turned around the lady in the mini-van drove off with Ellie, so he called her to tell her that they wanted Ellie more then anything, and the lady returned with the little girl that was in the backseat

"She has been missing her sister terribly since the mother was caught" the lady says as she gets Ellie out of the van

"Well we are more then happy to have her join our family, and be reunited with her sister" Logan says as he gets a peak at the little girl that was really scared cause she was going to go somplace different other then her foster home where she was staying at the moment

"This that her?" Erin asks the lady who was holding Ellie

"Yes this is Ellie and she is really scared right now about going to a different home to stay. I told her she will be reunited with her sister, and her baby sister will be joining her soon. I also told her she will be in good hands with the couple that was going to be adopting her" the lady says as she gets the paperwork out that Logan and Erin needed to sign, so they could have full custody of Brielle

"Don't worry we will" Logan says as him and Erin do some paperwork for Ellie before the lady hands her over, so she could go to her new family

"Hi cutie pie" Erin says when she sees the little girl peaking out from behind the lady neck

"She a real cutie she looks just like Ella" Logan tells the lady

"I know she is I gave her some comfort items to help with the transition" the lady says as she hands Ellie over to Logan

"Hi sweetie aren't you adorable" he says as he looks down at Ellie who was starting to cry a little bit

"She will have a good life with us all we got to do is wait on the baby to come, and we will be complete" Erin says to the lady

"The baby will be born down by where you guys live cause that the closest jail that has a unit for mothers, so she will be delivering at the hospital there. I will call you guys when the mother goes into labor" the lady tells Logan and Erin

"We got to get her room ready first" Logan says with a chuckle

"You guys have time cause she won't be having the baby until the new year anyway" the lady says as she gets in her car

"Okay Ellie you get to be by your sister" Logan says as he buckles the little girl in her car seat

Ellie didn't want to leave go of Logan, so Erin drove to the hotel that they will be staying at with Logan in the backseat with both girls

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