Arizona's first meet

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"Ready papa" she says as she looks at him cause she was ready to run again and she wanted to see how far she could go cause she had to make it the course the best that she could right now and she was going to go the right speed so she does not get winded really easy as well too, and Logan was going to be with her as well as she was still running the course and she was doing good

"Can I have some water please papa?" she asks him cause she was going to walk as she has her water and she was going to let her breathing come back down

"Sure then how about we start heading back home you did good your first time doing this I am really proud of you" Logan says to her as they headed home that night to get ready for school the next day


Kendall had gotten all of the other kids their baths and they were just chilling and watching a movie before bed

"How she do?" Kendall asks Logan when they came home

"Good I am going to have her hit the showers and then go from there I guess cause she might go to bed or something after her shower too cause I am going to have her go out with me if the babies wake up tonight and a run is in the cards to help soothe them cause she is going to be having a lot of water after each run and when she is running so we will have to make sure she is having a lot of water with her" Logan tells him

Kendall knew she was going to be practicing in the morning as well to get ready for her first meet and her school was going to have a tent set up and they were going to make sure she was going to be really hydrated as well as she was running as well, and she has been having a bunch a day of bananas as well to help her legs

(Meet day)

Kendall and Logan were able to get a spot on the course to watch Arizona race her heart out for her family and Kendall and Logan were able to set up their tent and the kids and the babies were able to watch their sister as she races as well cause she has been training really hard and as much as she could cause she wanted to be the best that she could cause she wanted to go all the way to state if she could

"Does everyone have their signs?" Logan asks as he was holding one of the babies right now cause they wanted to be held by papa and Logan was going to respect that as well cause they were really little and they wanted attention as well, so Logan was going to hold them to their content as well          

All of the kids and even the little kids held up their signs as they were going to take their seat cause the race was going to be getting started here soon and they were going to be cheering on their sister as well cause she was going to be running her heart out as well for everything cause this was going to be just the beginning as well for her and if the other kids see her run they would want to run as well later on and then they will have their own team that they could enter as well

"Okay get comfortable the race will be starting" Logan tells them as he was going to set up some of the chairs that were going to be used to watch the race

The family started to get comfortable and many of them had their binoculars to see the race a little better and they could see their sister as she was running her race

"Okay it looks like the race is starting lets look for Arizona and cheer her on" Kendall says as he hears the famous take your mark

The kids were excited to see their sister race in her first cross country run in her life and see how she does as well cause she has been practicing for some time now and she has been timing herself to get the best time as well cause she wanted to do good her very first meet and of course Uncle James and Carlos was going to have water stations set up and the other kids have their water station set up on the course for their sister as well cause she needed to keep hydrated as she was running for her life as well cause she had to grab her water and continue to run as well cause she had to do the whole course

"Look at the runners go kids keep an eye out for your sister as she is running" Kendall says as he was seeing all of the runners run and they had to keep an eye out for Arizona as well as she was running like a mad woman

Logan was able to spot Arizona easy cause she had the go pro with her so they could watch the race that night cause the course was going to take her on different paths and she was going to see all of the scenery

more next week maybe

Part 2 will come hopefully

Happy Holidays everyone

Merry Christmas everyone

The little girl who went on tour and found her new family wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now