Brielle's first night on the tour bus

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Brielle fell asleep during Worldwide, and Logan kept her with him the whole time he was performing on stage, and as soon as the show ended he took her to the tour bus

"Here we go baby girl" he says as he lays her down on her bunk bed while he gets a shower and changes into his jammies

"What Brielle?" Kendall asks as he hears her from the back of the bus

"Bad dream" she says to him

"Do you want daddy to hold you while i make you a bottle?" he asks her

She nods

"Oh Logie Brielle wants you to hold her" Kendall calls to him

"I'll be out soon" Logan calls inside the bathroom

"Daddy will be out soon to hold you" Kendall tells Brielle

She nods with a sniffle

"Sorry baby doll daddy had to take his contacts out and put his glasses on" Logan says coming out of the bathroom in his pajamas

As soon as he appeared she wanted him to hold her

"It's okay sweet pea daddy Logan has you" he says as he takes her to the front of the bus where Kendall was making a bottle for her

"Here we go Loges a bottle for our little traveler" Kendall says handing him a bottle of warm milk

"Are you hungry doodle bug?" Logan asks as he gives her the bottle

She nods and takes the bottle from daddy

"There we go is that better huh?" Logan asks as Kendall fixes the two of them something to eat

"Here we go Logan" Kendall says as he serves his friend dinner

"Thanks Kendall" Logan says as he starts eating while Brielle had her bottle

Soon Brielle started to whimper

"What sweetie are you still hungry?" Logan asks her as he takes the bottle out of her mouth that she drank half of

"Would you like some of what daddy Kendall and Logan is eating?" Kendall asks her

She nods

"I'll fix her a little plate" Kendall says as he gets up to fix her a plate

"Would you like to try what daddy is having before papa makes you a plate?" Logan asks her

She opens her mouth for the bite

"Is it good huh?" he asks her as she chews it

She nods as she rubs her eyes

"After you eat me and you are going to go to the back lounge and cuddle" he tells her as Kendall gives the little girl a plate of her own

Brielle ate everything on the plate and looked at the night sky as they continue to go on the road

"Do you see the stars sweetie?" Logan asks her

"Yes daddy i do" she says as she lays her head on him

"Try to find one once you found it make a wish and don't tell me or Kendall what your wish is or it won't come true" he tells her

"It's way past a certain little girl bedtime" Kendall says after he cleans up the kitchen

"Come on you can sleep with me" Logan says as he picks her up and carries her to his bunk

Kendall grabs his guitar and heads back to get ready for bed

"While Kendall changes into his jammies would you like to watch something?" Logan asks her

"Yes please" she says as she snuggles close to daddy

Logan looks for Blue Clue's on his laptop and watches it with her

"What she watching?" Kendall asks Logan

"Blue Clue's" Logan says as he watches it with her

"Mind if i watch too?" Kendall asks

"Come on we'll watch in the back lounge" Logan says as he gets up with the laptop

Kendall converts the two couches to a bed just in case the three of them fall asleep

"Daddy i see stars" she says when Kendall turns down the lights

"That's good would you like to sleep there so you can see the stars?" Logan asks her

"No i want to sleep with you" she says as they continue to watch Blue Clue's together

After her show ended she fell back to sleep with Kendall playing the guitar as she slept

"Night princess I love you" Logan says as he gives her a kiss on her forehead

He takes off his glasses and goes straight to sleep next to his little princess

(Later on that night)

Brielle was crying that caused Logan to wake up

"Sweetie what is it?" he asks as he grabs his glasses

"My tummy hurts" she tells him

"Let daddy rub your tummy to see if that helps" he tells her as she still cries

Logan was talking to her and letting her know that everything will be alright

"Nothing going to happen to you Brielle" he says as he continues to talk to her as he rubs her tumy getting her to calm down

"Promise?" she asks him

"I promise" he tells her as she drifts off to sleep once more

(Much later)

Brielle woke up to thunder, so Kendall and Logan figured they were in the next state

"Brielle it's okay" Logan says as he hugs her and takes her to the bunks causse he sees that Kendall got up and went to his bunk just in case she was scares of lighting

"Is she scared of thunder?" Kendall asks Logan

"Yeah, so i figured I change her to help her sleep better" Logan says as he changes Brielle

She was wet and Logan was grateful she didn't have no stinky's yet

"There we go all dry princess" he says as he lays with her

"Thank you daddy" she says as she goes to her bunk that Logan made for her

"Are you going to sleep there tonight?" he asks her

She nods

"Okay if you need daddy I'm not that far away" he says as he covers her up and turns on her night light and kisses her good night

Brielle sleeps with her stuffed animal, and sucks on her paci to help her sleep through the thunderstorm

Logan decides to tell his parents that he was a dad to a beautiful one year old little girl that loves him before going back to sleep for the third time that night

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The little girl who went on tour and found her new family wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now