Scarlett's first tooth

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Scarlett Henderson was four months old and was super cute. She was sleeping through the night without a problem, and Logan and Erin was enjoying her presence as well as the teins who were in nursery school to help them get ready for preschool that fall

"I can't believe how big you are getting Scarlett" Logan says as ge picks her up from the play mat where she was playing at happily with her toys

Scarlett squeal with delight

"You are quite happy come on let's go to the park to play cause mommy is at the store shopping, and maybe we can pick your sisters up from nursery school later" he says as he takes her to her stroller that he used when he takes her out for a walk when Erin wasn't home

Logan sat up the sit a little bit, so Scarleet can see where there were going

"Daddy is going to put your cute shades on your head, so the sun doesn't blind you baby girl" he says as he puts her shades on her

Scarlett wanted them off cause she hated them

"Okay I'll take them off" he says as he takes her shades off her face and puts her cute sun hat on her head, so the sun doesn't blind her when they head to the park for their playdate together a little bit before he had to pick the twins up from nursery school

Scarlett was babbling up a storm as he pushed her in the stroller to the park

"Are you talking Scarlett?" He asks her as he continues to push her to the park to play on the baby playground a little bit

Scarlett continues to babble up a storm as they go tot he park that morning after she woke up from her slumber

"Daddy can't wait to bring you here more as you get older love bug" he says as they continue to head to the park 

That made Scarlett really happy about that she was going to be spending more time with daddy when her sisters were at school

"I can't wait to see how you grow up" he says as they approach the baby playground, so they could play together for a little while

Logan parks the stroller and gets her out of the stroller

"What would you like to play with first love?" he asks as he takes her onto the playground

Scarlett wanted to go to the swings first

"Okay daddy will push you in the swings we will go in the baby, baby swings to see if you can go to the next baby swing" he says as he lays her in the egg shape swing to see if she still fits

"You can still fit love bug" he says as he buckles her in her swing and starts to push her in the baby swing

Scarlett squeals with delight as daddy pushed her in the swing

"Okay daddy is going to move you to the next swing cause he thinks that you are ready love bug" he says as he puts her in the next swing up

Scarlett was happy in the next swing and was quite excited that she was ready to move up to the big baby swing

"Here we go baby doll" he says as he starts to push her in the swing

Scarlett loved going high

"Okay sweetie daddy is going to stop the swing" he says as he stops the swing after she started to get fussy a little bit

Logan gets her out and takes her over to the slide and has her go down the slide like a big girl

"What sweetie?" he asks after she continued to cry after she went down the slide for the first time since they were there last

Logan looks into her mouth to see if he saw anything sticking up

"Well by gum you are getting your very first tooth" he says when he sees a white bump sticking up in her mouth

Logan reaches down to the diaper bag and gets the teething cream out to help her with that nasty tooth that was coming in at the moment

"Here sweetie is that better huh?" he asks after he put the gel in her mouth to help with the pain that she was experiencing at the moment

Scarlett laid her head on daddy

"Are you getting sleepy princess?" he asks as he rubs her back

She nods

"Here daddy has your paci that you can suck on to help you sleep" he says as he gives her the paci in question

Scarlett accepted the paci and started sucking on it

"I think we are going to head to the nursery school now, so when sissy's get out we can head home" he says as he lays her in the stroller, so they could head to the nursery school to pick the girls up from school, so they could go home for lunch

As they headed to the nursery school Scarlett fell asleep in the stroller

'Ah night love bug" he says as he pulls the cover down on the stroller, so the sun doesn't damage her eyes as they continue to head for the nursery school

Logan continued the walk until they reached the nursery school

"Daddy" Ellie says as she runs out of the classroom to him cause she wanted to leave that place right that minute

"Sweetie what happened today?" he asks as he hugs her tight when Ella comes out to him the same way Ellie did

Ellie and Ella continued to cry on daddy shoulder

"Come on girls we are going home maybe you guys might want to talk about it" he says as he leaves the school with the girls who were upset about what happened that day

The twins were quiet as they walked home that day from nursery school

(Henderson house)

Once Logan and the girls got inside the twins ran to the rooms to cry it out cause they felt completely miserable and didn't want to live anymore

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