Getting Brielle checked out

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Logan finally reached the hospital a few minutes later with Brielle who woke up from her slumber

"Morning lady bug did you have a good nap?" He asks her

She nods as she rubs her eyes

"Daddy is going to get you checked out to make sure you are okay" he tells her as they enter the emergency room together

Logan gets her registered, and sits down with her

"Do you want out of your stroller?" He asks her

"Yes daddy" she says happily

"Okay I'll hold you" he says as he gets her out of the stroller

Logan read her a story that the hospital had in the waiting room

"More daddy" she says as she claps her hands

"Maybe later we can go to the bookstore to get you some books, so i can read to you whenever you want me to" he says as he holds her in his arms

Logan loved being Brielle dad and wouldn't change it for anything

"Brielle Henderson" the nurse calls from the doorway

"Come on big girl let's see if you are okay" he says as he gets up with her

Brielle holds his hand as they go to triage to get her height and weight checked

"She is on the small side with height and weight" the nurse says when she sees how much Brielle weighs

"Is that a concern?" Logan asks the nurse

'The doctor will have to wait and see" the nurse says as she takes Brielle temperature

"I hope you are okay every place else princess" he says as he holds her

Brielle checked out okay, so she was put in a room to be examined

"Daddy hungry" Brielle says after they got situated

"Okay I'll give you an animal cracker while i getyour baby food out, so i can feed you" he says as he reaches for her animal crackers

Brielle nibbled on her animal cracker while daddy got her baby food out, so she could properly be fed

"Come here princess and I'll feed you" he tells her

Brielle toddles over to where daddy was, so he could feed her

"Let's put your bib on you, so you don't get messy" he says as he puts her bib on her

Brielle ate everything that daddy fed her

"Good girl come here, so daddy can burp you" he tells her

Logans lightly pats Brielle until she out a couple of good burps

"Now we wait for you to be checked out" he says as she cuddles up against him

Ever since Logan had Brielle she has been extremely cuddly and he couldn't get enough of it

"My little bear" he says as he looks down at her

Soon the other three members of the band show up to be with Logan and Brielle

"How is she?" James asks as he comes in with Peta who decided to join him on this tour

"She is under weight and she is a little small" Logan says to the others

"I hope she is okay in all of the other departments" Carlos says as he comes in with Alexa

"Me tooo she had a pretty rough life until now" Logan says as he lets out a breath

Everyone play peek-a-boo with Brielle, and she loved it

"Are you going to give her a sibling?" Carlos asks Logan

"Maybe i don't know i want to enjoy my little princess" Logan says as he hugs Brielle

"I think she was an only child i didn't see no siblings with her" Kendall says when the doctor comes into the room to examine little Brielle

Brielle wanted daddy to hold her, and he was fine with that

"I'm going to have her blood drawn to see if she is okay as far as i can tell she is perfectly healthy except for the weight and height" the doctor says after he checked her over

"Will she have to get any shots?" Kendall asks

"Yes I called the hospital that she was delivered at, and her parents didn't give her no shots at all up until , so she is going have to get a couple of shots today I'm afraid" the doctor says as he goes and gets the shots that Brielle needed

"Brielle you are going have to be brave when the doctor gives you the shots, but if they hurt you can cry if you want to" James says to her

"Me and Alexa will go out and get some movies and toys for you to have after you get yur shots" Carlos says as they leave

"Me and Peta are going to get you a couple of costumes cause daddy told me that you want to go trick or treating, so I'm going to pick out cute costumes, so you can wear one tonight" James says as him and Peta leave

"Kendall are you going to stay or you going to go too?" Logan asks him

"I'm going to go I figured this dad stuff isn't for me, so I'm going to get some stuffed animals for her" Kendall says as he leaves

"It looks like I'm a single dad" Logan says looking down at Brielle who was scared out of her mind

Brielle cried and screamed when her blood was taken

"It's okay sweetie the mean lady is gone" he says after the nurse left with her blood

Brielle hated needles and Logan was doing everything that he could to make it all better for his little girl

"Don't worry Bri daddy is right here" he says as he rocks her before the doctor came in to give her some shots that she desperately needed

While the shots were being given Logan sang to her and that kept her calm and from crying so much

"I know you hate this, but daddy doesn't want anyhting to happen to you baby doll" he says as the doctor continues the shots

"Brielle didn't like the shots that she had to get in her leg at all

"When we get back to the tour bus we can cuddle until daddy has sound check, and when daddy is on stage you will have to go with Aunt Peta and Aunt Alexa until daddy is done" he tells her as he puts her back in her stroller

The hospital was going to call him with the results of the blood work

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