The nanny

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"There isn't a bed for you to sleep on at night" Kendall says to her as she got comfortable on the bus

"I'm pretty sure we can handle the little ones by ourselves without anything getting in the way" Logan says as he leaves to get Scarlett from her crib

"Nonsense I got her" the nanny says as she immediately starts in with her duties

"It is best if I get her, she is not use to strangers holding her" Logan says as he tried to beat the nanny to the crib that way, he could hold Scarlett in his arms once again

Sadly, the nanny beat him to it and picked up the baby that wasn't happy at all

"Hey pumpkin" Kendall says as he grabs his daughter from her crib

"No one told me about two babies" the nanny says as she grabs the second baby that was up from her slumber that morning

"Well, I guess you know" Kendall says as he helps Logan with the twins that woke up from their slumber

"Kendall, do you want to help me with the twins?" Logan asks him

"I thought you never ask" Kendall says as he follows Logan to where the twins were not a happy a camper that morning

"Dada" Ellie says as she calls out for him

"I'm coming baby girl" he says as he goes to where the girls were located on the bus

"Hi Ella" Kendall says to the other little girl who was still sleepy

Ella just waves to him

"You isn't a morning person at all aren't you" Kendall says as he picks up the sleepy toddler from her crib

"Fabulous the others are up come on girls" the nanny says as she comes to get the twins and take them to give them their breakfast, and then she will get them dressed and ready for the day

Ella and Ellie do not want to go with the lady that was trying to get them away from their daddy and their Uncle Kendall

"These girls do not like strangers at all and these girls are fussy with who holds them and everything. It is best that I take care of the twins myself. Right now, they only want me and me only to care for them. Since they are scared if you right now" Logan says to the nanny that was trying to get the twins use to her. Since she is going to be taking care of them when daddy was performing

"Yeah, Ellie and Ella are different girls, and they do not like you at all" Kendall says as he lays Ellie on the changing table to change her diaper, so she doesn't get a diaper rash on her little bum

"Yeah, Ella is very attached to me, and she won't like going with you" Logan says as he lays Ella down on the other changing table to get her ready for the day

The nanny steps in and tries to take care of the twins, but Logan and Kendall were able to stop her cause the twins were not having anything of the nanny that came into the picture that morning while they were being changed on the changing table

"Its okay baby daddy is right here" Logan says to Ella as he comforts her the best that he could since she was quite upset

"Ellie is still upset too" Kendall says as he tries to comfort Ellie

"This ought to be a fun tour with a nanny" Logan says to Kendall

"Yes, it should" Kendall says to Logan as he finishes changing Ellie who calmed down when Kendall was able to calm her down with his magic

Once the girls were ready Logan and Kendall took them to the kitchen to give them their breakfast

"Oh, there you are come here girls and I will feed you this morning" the nanny says to the girls who came into the kitchen happily

"No, I will feed my kids myself thank you very much" Logan says as he gets the girls breakfast out, so he could feed them their breakfast before him, and Kendall go to their first TV appearance of the day

The nanny hurries up and ushers Logan and Kendall out of the door, so she could tend to the girls that morning

"Dada" the twins call to Logan as the door closes on the tour bus

"Girls I am right here I am not going anywhere" Logan says as he tries to see where the other entrance to the tour bus was just in case the twins wanted to escape

Ella was the smart one and was able to see the extra escape exits that was placed for the little kids just in case there was a fire or something on the tour bus, and Kendall and Logan will have to get the girls out quickly, and the babies as well

"The bus company thought of everything when they made this bus" Kendall says to Logan as they search under where they had all the extra storage for the kids since there was going to be a lot of stuff coming on board, so Logan could care for his girls the best way he could

"Dada" Ella says from one of the storage compartments that was under the bus

"Kendall quick check all of them to see where she is at" Logan says to Kendall as they searched the outside of the bus for Ella to see where she was and everything in the bus

Logan was able to find her cause the bus crew made a little ball pit under the tour bus and Ella was loving it cause she loved the balls that she was able to throw

"Come here baby and we will get you some food for your tummy cause you are probably hungry" Logan says to his daughter as he got her out of the ball pit that was under the bus for the twins to play in at stops and when the bus was not moving

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