Part 5

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"Logie we're home" Kendall says as he comes in with the animals that they have got at the pet store

"Oh lord" Logan says when he saw what Kendall had bought

"The snake is for the boys, the cat is for the girls, and the fish is for all of them" Kendall tells him

Logan was going to help bring in the cages that Kendall had in the trunk as well as everything else like the food, water dishes and homes, litter pan for the cat and food for the cat as well

(Much later)

"Okay time to put the fishes in the tank" Kendall says to the boys cause they were watching the fish cause the snake cage was going to be easy to put together cause all they had to do was put the cage together and put the water dish in as well as the heat lamp and a home for him to sleep in

The fishes loved their new home, and the girls were going to watch the fishes swim cause their cat was sleeping right now under one of the beds cause it was scared of where it was and who all of those people were.

"Girls, what did you name your kitty?' Logan asks as he was going to check on the babies and see how they were doing cause they were going to be waking up here soon to eat, and they were going to need change as well

"Garfield" one of the girls tell him cause their kitty was orange like Garfield the cat

"Oh brother" Kendall says as he looks at the girls cause he had to get two more kitties so they could have Nermal and Liz

"Oh, brother indeed I think you have to take them back down to get the other two cats" Logan says to him 

"Yeah, I better then we will have three cats and a zoo" Kendall tells him cause they were literally going to have a zoo with all of the animals that they were going to have or going to be getting

The girls were excited to get three more cats so Garfield could have a friend or two and if they bring home a dog poor Kendall and Logan

(Much later)

Logan heard a puppy and two cats meowing and he knew Kendall got the dog as well for the girls cause all of the girls have Kendall wrapped around their finger as well and he was going to give in to anything that they want

"Logie I swear we have a zoo now cause I got the girls that was for sale and don't worry it's a miniature horse and I had to make a deal that they help out with taking care of their animals and they will and one of them wants to take care of the miniature horse right now so I am going to take her tot he horse so she can meet her, and we can get the girls used to the horse as well cause the horse was going to go get made into glue if it wasn't sold and Kendall saved it

Logan heard the babies, and he was going to feed them and Kendall was going to help him since the girls were getting right to work on caring for their animals cause their IPADS were not much anymore, and an animal was much more fun

"Papa, can you hide our IPADS?" one of the girls asked him cause the girls were giving up their IPADS cause they had responsibilities right now and they did not have time to be on their IPADS

Logan was shocked that they had asked him to hide their IPADS and he was going to do it for them

"Once you shut them down so the battery doesn't drain at all" Logan tells them

The girls shut off the IPADS and Logan was going to hide them from the girls cause if the girls could it the boys could surely do it as well, but they may not give it up so easily either

"Well that was easier said then done so I hope the boys can give theirs up as well so if the girls can do it just like that the boys shouldn't be that hard hopefully and if they don't I'll tell them that their sisters just gave up theirs so fast it was so easy" Logan says as he was going to see if the boys can give up their iPads as well and he could hide all of them so they could take care of their animals as well their siblings too

The boys did not want to give up theirs so Logan was going to leave them alone and he was going to try again later to see if they will surrender them and all of the iPads were going to be hidden from the kids

Part 6 will come

The little girl who went on tour and found her new family wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now