Going back on tour

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"Logan where are you going?" Erin asks him as he was leaving the house

"To a meeting apparently our manager wants to see us" he says as he puts his coat on, and grabs his bike helmet once again

Soon the twins coming running at Logan's leg

"Daddy don't go" they say as they hug his leg really tight

"Girls I have to go I will be right back why don't you keep mommy and Scarlett company while I am gone" he says to the girls once agin

The girls weren't buying it at all

"Logan just take them i will be fine with Scarlett" Erin says as she plays with Scarlett a little bit on her blanket

"Okay come on I'll get your shoes on and I will take you girls with me to the meeting" he says as he gets the girls shoes on and goes up and gets the girls coats so they could stay warm as they headed outside cause he didn't want them to get sick at all

"I think I am going to get you girls new shoes as well cause it looks like you girls are outgrowing your tennis shoes already" he says as he continues to get the shoes on the girls feet

"You can do that after the meeting babe" Erin says as she brings the baby in cause she forgot that she has an audition and she can't take Scarlett with her to the audition

"Why am i taking Scarlett all of a sudden?" he asks as she hands him the baby

"I totally forgot that I have an audition until my phone beeped telling me about it" Erin says as she grabs her car keys and heads out the door

"Okay good luck babe" he says as she leaves the house

Once Logan had the girls ready he went upstairs to get the diaper bag and changed his motorcycle keys and exchange them for his car keys, so he could get going to the meeting

"Daddy is going to text Uncle Kendall, and let him know that daddy is going to be a little late cause daddy is bringing you girls to the meeting " Logan says as he texts Kendall to let him know that he is on his way to the meeting, but he is bringing the girls with him to the meeting cause Erin has to go to an ausition

Logan gets the girls buckled in their car seats, and gets in the front seat to head to the meeting

"Daddy is going to put a video on, so you guys can keep occupied while he drives" he says as he turns the girls favorite show on to watch as he drives

The girls were quite contented with the video that he put on for them to watch

"Now let head to the meeting" he says as he heads to the meeting that he was supposed to be at a few minutes a ago

The girls watched their video while Logan was able to focus on driving at the moment, so he could get to the meeting with time to spare

"Are you girls okay back there?" he asks as he continues to drive to the meeting

"Yes daddy" they say happily as they continues to watch their video that they were watching at the moment

"That's good" he says as he continues to drive


"Okay Scarlett daddy is going to put you in the stroller and girls I need you to walk besides daddy as we head to the meeting cause daddy is already late" Logan says as he gets the stroller out of the trunk for Scarlett, so she could be safe as they headed into the building

Once Scarlett was in the stroller Logan took the girls into the building, so he could get to his meeting, and to see what was next for big time rush

"Am i late?" Logan asks as he takes a seat at the table next to Kendall

"A little bit Logan" Kendall says as he hands Logan a piece of paper that explains what was going on at the moment at the meeting 

Logan got the girls their coloring books out, so they could be occupied while daddy was in his meeting at the moment

"Guys as you can see we are going on another tour, and we will be discussing the songs you guys will be performing, the cities you guys will be going to, the appearances, and evrything else that goes into making another tour" the manager says to the guys

"How will this tour work cause I am a dad right now I can't drop everything with the girls. I am raising the girls with Erin" Logan says as he interupts the talk that was going on with the new tour that was going to happen

"That's easy bring the kids with you on the tour we are working on the beds that they could sleep in while you are on tour" the manager says as they get the meeting back on track

"This ought to be interesting taking three kids under the age of four on tour" Logan says under his breath as he continues to go back to the meeting

"Careful Logan" James says to him

"James I do not want to expose the twins to this at all once the first tour was done I wanted to enjoy the girls a little bit. I was going to take the girls to the beach, and maybe on a family vacation. I want them to meet my parents, so my parents can get used to being grandparents" Logan says to James

"I take it you don't want to get Scarlett involved either?" Carlos asks Logan

"No she will be learning to crawl soon, and I already have the house baby-proofed for her" Logan says as he gets angry cause he didn't want to go another tour with the girls getting used to their surroundings, and they are finally on a schedule 

"Logan calm down dude" Kendall says as he tries to keep Logan from getting more angry then what he already was at the moment

"I am not going on tour and that is that" Logan says as he gets up and leaves with his girls

"He will be going on tour" the manager says to the other three

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