Prepping & Packing 4 tour

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After many rehearsals it was time to get ready to go on tour once again with the band, and this time Logan was going to be building his tour bus that him and the girls are going to all home for the rest of tour

"Hey Logan" Kendall says when he sees Logan pull up to where the tour bus is going to be made at 

"Hey Kendall" Logan says as he starts to get the girls out, so they could go in to pick ot where they are going to be sleepin at this tour cause the beds were going to be going in soon, and he wanted them to be happy at where they were going to be at

"Your motorcoach is going to be long I can feel it Logan" Kendall says as he comes into the shop where the tour bus is being made at 

"Yeah you are going to be on it with me. This is going to be the family tour bus for when we get families each of us can have their own tour bus" Logan says as he gets the stroller out for Scarlett cause she was quite asleep right at the moment, so it was nap time and she did not want to be disturbed for nothing at the moment cause she hated being woken up for loud noises and everything

"Thanks Logan are you sure?" Kendall asks him

"I'm sure cause we travel two by two anyways, so I want you as my other half" Logan says as he puts the leashes on the twins, so they stood close to daddy as they were in the bus shop to se ethe bus that they are going to be calling home for a few months cause he wanted to get the girls comfortable living on the bus, so they had a mock tour bus what the tour bus is going to look like when it is complete with the beds and everything in place

"Thanks Logan" Kendall says as he takes one of the leashes, so he could keep an eye on one of the twins while they were in the shop

Logan and Kendall head in to see about the bus and to see how it was coming along

"Are you ready to see the tour bus?" the leader of the tour bus company asks Logan and Kendal

Logan and Kendall nod happily as they head to se etheir bus that was in the shop still being worked on

"Okay right this way to the bus that is going to be your home on wheels for the next few months" the leader says as he leads Logan and Kendall through the shop to where the bus was

Kendall and Logan were ready to see it cause they wanted to put the final touches on it

"Here it is" the leader says to them as he shows them the bus shell of how long the bus is going to look when it was done

"Why is there anything in or on it?" Kendall asks 

"Cause it is in the planning stages, so over here is the digital tour bus that you guys can go on completel with everything that the other tour bus will have" the leader tells Logan and Kendal as he opens the door where Logan and Kendall will be ebtering the motorcoach at 

"Makes sense" Logan says as he gets Scarlett out, so he could take her on the bus, so he could get comfortable moving around the coach with her in his arms

Kendall helps the twins onto the bus, so they could get comfortable with their surroundings

"The driver will have their own separate entrance into the motorcoach" the boss of the company says to them as they enter the bus with the girls in tow

"That's good" Logan says as he looks to see where the toys and everything could go at while they were on the road 

Logan and Kendall talks about the kitchen arranagment cause that was pretty big for them since they had little ones coming on the road, so they needed plenty of storage for snacks and foor for them as well as high chairs or booster seats for them to sit in as they eat their meals

"Here can be the lounge area where the Tv and the couch can be at" the leader says to them

"Can there be staorage throughout the whole coach cause the twins are coming on biard and i want to bring as much toys as possible this tour" Logan asks him

"Sure that can be worked out in the design" the leaders says as he takes them to the back end of the motorcoach

"Laundry area with side by side washer and dryer and area for folding and everything" the leader says to them

"That is nice and the bathroom is over here i preseume" Logan says as he sees what the bathroom looks like

"Yes here is going ot be two bathroom son here one for you guys and one for the little ones" the leader says to him

"No wonder why it is so long" Kendall says to Logan as they head to the bedroom area

"Can it be possible to have a changing station here or something?" Logan asks 

"Yes that can be worked into" the leader says to him as they head for the beds cause each of the girls bedrooms is gong to pull out when the mototcoach is stopped and parked

"This is fabulous the girls get their own rooms when we are parked, but what happens when the bus is moving?" Logan asks 

"Then crib bunk beds with depth for the girls to move and everything" the leader says as he heads to where Kendall and Logan is going to be sleeping at with little Scarlett who will have her own crib as well

"That's a good idea" Kendall says as they enter the huge bedroom

"Yes it is, so far I am happy, so build it" Logan says after they have seen what it is going to look like when it is going to be done

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The little girl who went on tour and found her new family wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now