First night

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"Okay right this way Esme to your new room" he says as he shows her the room that was going to be her room when it was all done after a while cause Logan loved his girls and he wouldn't trade it for anything right now cause he loved them with all his heart

Esme was a little scared when she saw her room

"I know it's scary but you can sleep with me tonight until we get your room done tomorrow and then daddy will have cam lights up that can be on as you sleep to make your room feel more homey for you" he says as he sees the lights that were in the room that weren't the best right now

Esme really liked that that she could sleep with daddy that night since she didn't have a place to sleep right now

"This is my room, and you can sleep with me on the bed or on the couch" he says as he gives her some opinions

'Couch please" Esme says to him

Logan got the blankets and some extra pillows for her so she was comfy on the couch that night

"Here we go Esme all nice and comfy" he says as he tucks her in for the night

"Thank you" she says to him

"Oh you are quite welcome" he says as he gives her a kiss before going to get ready for bed himself cause it was a long day for all of them, and tomorrow was going to be even busier for Logan and his girls 

Logan checked on all of the little one's to make sure that they were okay and they were sleeping okay 

"Marcie it's okay" he says as he comes into the room to get the little girl that was crying her eyes out 

Logan took her down for some warm milk and he heard footsteps on the stairs as well

"Esme you okay?" he asks as he looks at her

"Can't sleep" she says to him

"Would you like some warm milk?" he asks her 

Esme nods as she sat at the table that night

"Okay three warm milk's coming right up" he says as he warms up some milk for the girls so they could sleep okay 

Logan let's Esme's cool a little bit before he gave it to her   

"Here you go Esme" he says as he hands her the cooled milk for her to drink 

"Thank you" she says as she drinks her warm milk that she was given 

"You are so welcome" he says as he fed Marcie some milk too 

Marcie drank her milk as he held her

"Will we have another daddy or a mommy?" Esme asks Logan 

Logan didn't know what to say at the moment with that question

"In time you might have a mommy or another daddy right now I want to enjoy the both of you and just spend time with you girls" he says as he looks at Marci who was starting to go back to bed on her own

Esme was okay with that right now and loved her new daddy a lot

"I think sissy is going to sleep with me tonight" he says as he looks at Marcie who was hugging daddy a lot right now

Esme was okay with sharing the room with sissy and she didn't mind cause she was going to be sleeping on the couch that daddy had in the room

"Okay girls bedtime" he says to the girls as he cleaned up the kitchen a little bit

Esme headed up to the room so she could go to bed that night cause she could feel sleep come on once again and she needed to go to bed cause in the morning they were going to go shopping for her bedroom

"Night princess" he says when Esme got under the covers to go to bed that night

"Night daddy" she says as she went to sleep that night

"Okay baby doll I'm going to change you and maybe we can rock" he says as he laid Marcie down so he could change her diaper since the baby was sound asleep in her room that night as well as the twins

Logan was quick to change the little girl and he took her to the rocking chair that he had in the room for the twins or for the baby when they were sick and weren't feeling the best at all he would rock them a little bit and they would go back to sleep on their own

"Here we go sweetie it can be just me and you" he says as he heads to the rocking chair so we can get you to sleep and maybe get

Logan stroked her cheek as they were rocking

"It's okay Marcie everything is going to be okay daddy is right here" he says as he gives her a kiss as they were rocking in the rocking chair that night

Logan was loving this and maybe he was going to adopt a sixth girl so it was all balanced out

"Oh night Marcie I love you" he says as he laid her down in his bed after he got into bed with her

Logan got close to her to make sure she was okay as she slept

"Daddy is right here sweetie" he says as he kissed her one last time before he went to sleep himself just in case she would wake up from her slumber and she was scared from the nightmare she might have had, or her being in a new place too

Logan was able to get some sleep before she woke up again crying her eyes out and that led to the twins waking up from their slumber too, so he had to get the girls back to bed which was not going to be easy for him cause they should of been in bed a while ago

"Okay this is going to be a long night for sure" he says when he put Marcie back to bed for the third time that night 

Logan was figuring out a way how to make it less scary for her he could see that she was really scared when she woke up and he was going to figure out what was bugging the little girl, and what was making her wake up almost every hour crying her little eyes out 

"Maybe a night light might work" he says as he turns on the little lamp that he had in the room for little Marcie so she wasn't that scared

Once Logan went to sleep he heard little Scarlett wake up from her slumber, so Logan went to the nursery to see what her problem was


"Scarlett it's okay daddy is here" he says as he picks her up and holds her in his arms to soothe her cries

Scarlett was quite fussy and was not calming down anytime soon either 

"Daddy will give you some milk" he says as he takes her downstairs for some formula 

Logan talked to her the whole time he was warming up the milk

V & C

The little girl who went on tour and found her new family wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now