Arizona's eating disorder

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Arizona nods cause she was fully ready for her huge feast that night after she had ran her first cross country meet of her life and she needed to eat cause she has been starving herself lately cause she is going through that weird phase of her life and Kendall and Logan were going to get her help after the season is over with and they will tell her that she is beautiful and she looks lovely she doesn't have to starve herself to look like a model cause all of the girls in her class were doing the same thing and they were encouraging her to do it and it ended with her having heart problems a little bit so she was going to make new friends as well in time once she joins band or the arts cause her friends were a bad influence on her and Kendall and Logan saw that cause they want their girl back once again better then ever as well and it was going to look promising once she gets involved in the arts somehow cause she loves music and dance just as much as her parents do and still do to this day which is a good thing right now anyways

"Arizona how much do you weigh sweetie?" Logan asks cause he was going to carry her to the bus so they could go home cause Kendall drove one wile Logan drove the other bus cause they had a lot of kids so it made sense

"She weighs 60 pounds papa" one of the girls tell him as she was getting on the bus cause she had the aisle and Arizona was in the back of the bus

Kendall and Logan were shocked that she weighed that much and they knew that was not a healthy weight for a girl of her age at all so they were going to make sure that she ate that night no matter what

"How long has this been going on for?" Logan asks her cause he wanted to know right that minute as well that way he could see when she started this whole weight loss journey and why she was doing it for

Arizona did not answer at all she was quiet until she had passed out and Logan knew they had to get her to the hospital right away cause she passed out from not eating and that was not going to be good at all either for her and Logan was really scared as well cause she was going to be in the hospital for a while cause they were going to treat this as a sickness and they were going to put weight on her and they were going to be watching her heart rate as well cause she might have had a heart attack from running and having that little much fat on her as well which was not good at all either for her since she was so skinny too which worries Kendall and Logan cause they were wondering if she was getting sick after she ate and she makes sure nobody sees her getting sick at all either and she goes about her day like nothing even happened at all which was scary for Kendall and Logan

"Arizona come on we are going to the hospital to get you checked out" Logan says cause he was not going to be dealing with this today no not at all so he was going to get her help and get her to eat again and hopefully she keeps it in her this time and she doesn't bring it up at all either

Arizona goes out to the car to go get treatment for her eating disorder cause she knew it was getting out of hand and this was a wake up call for her cause this could be fatal and could have done bad consequences as well from this whole situation that she was going through and it wasn't easy hiding it for as long as she did and she was shocked her parents didn't notice it right away at all either but now she has to pay the mega price

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