Show time with the girls

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Logan and Kendall got their girls fed and taken care of before they had to get ready for the show that night since it was the first show on the tour

"Okay Ellie and Ella stay here and play nice while daddy is on stage performing for the fans, and when daddy is done performing it will be bedtime for you girls. Don't worry daddy is going to tick you in as always and don't you forget that" Logan says to the twins after him and Kendall fed them dinner that night cause the twins had to eat dinner with daddy that night and they ate everything that daddy gave them

"Otay daddy" the twins say to him as he goes and changes into his stage clothes while Kendall took care of Bristol who was quite fussy at the moment and he couldn't figure it out to save his life why Bristol was so upset after he fed and changed her before stage that night

"Good girls" Logan says as he changes from his street clothes and into his stage clothes for the night

Once Logan was ready he went out to get his ear piece in his ears and come back to spend time with Scarlett who was still up and wanted daddy cause she wasn't feeling too well at all that night

"Princess what is your trouble huh?" he asks as he picks her up to hold her in his arms after he got his ear piece in his ears, so he could listen to the band play the songs for the crowd that night

Logan took her over to the rocking chair to rock her to sleep, and maybe she was a bit cranky and it was getting close to bedtime for Scarlett that night, and she was fighting sleep as usual

"Do you want daddy to rub your tummy huh?' he asks as he rubs her tummy a little bit to help her settle down on her own, and hopefully go to sleep so all he had to worry about is the twins and getting them to bed after the show that night

Scarlett did not want her tummy rub at all she just wanted daddy to hold her is all

"Oh baby girl " he says as he picks her up and rubs her back to calm her down that way, so she could settle down as he rocks side to side with her as he waited for Kendall to finish getting ready as well for the show that night

"Scarlett not settling down either?" Kendall asks Logan as he comes back out with Bristol who was quite fussy aw well and wasn't settling down anytime soon either like her best friend

"Nope not at all she is still fussy, and she isn't getting her first tooth yet, so that isn't the problem. Right now I don't know what her problem is, and I want to get it taken care of before the show tonight" Logan says as he goes and puts the sling on, so he could carry Scarlett with him on stage while he is performing cause he hates to go out with her crying her head off like this, and he wasn't there to make it all better for her, and he didn't want her to be extremely upset while he was on stage

Logan was able to put the sling on, and has it in the back, so Scarlett wasn't facing the crowd of screaming fans while her daddy was on stage that night performing for the fans and in front of the band

"Logan where did you get that at?" Kendall asks him as he sees Logan with the sling on and Scarlett starting to settle down

"Somewhere i forget the name of the store" Logan says as he puts the plugs in Scarlett's ears, so she doesn't hear the screams and the loud noises that she will be around that night while he was on stage

"Do you have a spare one cause it looks like I am taking Bristol on as well cause she isn't settling down for me at all" Kendall says as he looks at Logan to see if he had a spare one that he could use to hold little Bristol behind him

"Yeah i always have spares just in case" Logan says as he goes to get the spare sling that he keeps on hand just in case Scarlett gets sick using one of them

"Thanks buddy" Kendall says as he got Bristol ready to go out on stage with daddy since she wasn't settling down anytime soon at all

"Welcome" Logan says as he comes back with a spare one for Kendall

Kendall got the sling on with Logan's help of course and was able to go on with Bristol who was still a little fussy since she couldn't see daddy right

"Logan do you have anything that I can use cause I am bringing little Pepper on stage with me tonight since she seems a little colic and she isn't settling down for Peta?" James asks as he comes onto the bus that Logan and Kendall shared that your with his little girl that was quite upset as well

"Say no more I got ya covered buddy" Logan says as he gets the third one that he keeps on hand for James

Logan helped James get the sling on and Pepper secured in it

"She seems a little happy now" James says when he doesn't hear Pepper screaming so loud at daddy

"Yeah she does" Logan says as he checks on Scarlett to make sure she was okay back there in her sling

"Logan what does this stimulate?" Kendall asks as he rubs Bristol's cheek since he turned her to the side, so she could see daddy's eyes since they had a couple of minutes before show

"The womb. It is comfy cozy, so the babies can lay their heads, and go to sleep on their own, and they can hear our heartbeat" Logan says as he turns on Scarlett's, so she could hear daddies heartbeat

"That is brilliant Logan" James says as he does it for Pepper, so she could hear daddy's heartbeat for her

Kendall does the same for Bristol and soon all three of the babies started to settle down on their own while they heard daddy heartbeat for them and they were sucking their thumb

"Logan how do you know all this?" Kendall asks as they head to stage with all three of the babies who were sealed in their slings, but they were able to breathe inside of it

"I get a newsletter, and it explains when the baby is really fussy, and everything as worked. They need to hear either mommy or daddy heartbeat, and that helps them settle down on their own without any problems" Logan says as he checks Scarlett who was now dozing off inside cause she heard daddy heartbeat for her inside her sling

"That is perfect I think Bristol is falling asleep as well" Kendall says as he checks on Bristol really quick before stage that night

"Logan I swear you are the perfect dad" James says as they take their places for the fans that night who have come to see the show

"I know i am and sometimes i wear the bigger sling for the twins cause they want me to hold them in my arms and I am more then happy to do it for them cause I love them with all my heart and I will do anything for these three girls who need me more then ever" Logan says as the music starts that night for the boys to go on stage

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