Going back to Logan's place

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Before they knew it the tour was over and they were boarding the plane to go back to L.A

"Logan do you have a room set up for Briella?" James asks him

"Yeah I had Erin do it cause she wasn't doing anything at the moment, so I figured it will be the perfect project that she could do" Logan says as he checks in all of the suitcases that he had with him

"Is she asleep?" Carlos asks him

"Yeah, so this is going to be an easy flight" Logan says as they go to the gate

Logan gets her out of the stroller and carries her onto the plane

"Here we go big girl" he says as he sits her on his lap once he sat down

Logan comforts her as she sleeps on him

"We are going to be home soon, and daddy is going to get you settled in his place" he says as he sets her down cause he had to buckle up

Once he was buckled he picked her up cause she started to whimper

"It's okay baby girl I'm here" he says as he rocks her in his arms

Logan was able to hold her the entire flight

"Here we go baby doll" he says as the plane lifts off

Briella didn't like the turbulence that she was experiencing during the flight

"Here Briella I brought Teddy on board" he says as he hands her her bear to hold

Briella holds Teddy tight

"Daddy is right here sugar bear" he tells her as he rocks her in his arms during the whole turbulence

"What does your parents think of Briella?" Kendall asks Logan

"They are fine with it and they can't wait to meet her" Logan says as he looks down at Briella Marie Henderson who was still sleeping like a little angel

"Did she sleep at all last night?" Kendall asks him

"Here and there" Logan says as he yawns

"Why don't you sleep Logan for a bit I'll wake you when we land" Kendall says as he reclines Logan's chair, so he could sleep

"Sleep does sound nice" Logan says as he falls asleep

"Night daddy Logan" Kendall says as he covers up his friend

Logan and Briella slept the entire flight

"Logan wake up we are getting ready to land" Kendall tells him

Logan wakes up and puts his seat back up. When he put his seat back up Briella woke up

"Hey sleeping beauty did you have a good nap?" He asks her

She nods as she rubs her eyes

"That's good, so now daddy is taking you to where he lives" he says as he grabs the diaper bag from the floor

The flight attendants let parents get off first, and Logan was grateful cause Briella needed a new diaper, and he didn't want to change her on the plane

"Daddy is going to change you little one" he says as he heads for the men's room to change her

Briella had quite the messy diaper for her daddy. It was so bad he had to change her whole outfit

"There we go all better" he says as he fixes her up

Erin met him at the airport

"Hey" she says when she sees Logan and Briella

"Hey I have missed you so much" he says as he kisses Erin

"I missed you too" Erin tells him

Logan and Erin talked as they left the airport with all of the luggage that he had with him

"Okay Briella daddy is going to put you in your car seat, so he can drive us to his place" he says as he buckles her in

Briella was fine cause she got to hold teddy tight while daddy loaded the car up with all of the luggage that he had for her

"Now to go home sweet girl" he says as he starts the car to go back to his house

On the way to his house Briella saw lots of cool things that she hasn't seen before in her life get favorite was the ocean

"Maybe sometime we can go to the ocean" he tells her as he continues to drive


"Here we are Briella this is where daddy lives at" he says as he opens the garage door to his place

Briella was scared

"There is nothing to be scared of Briella you are going to have a good life here I promise you baby girl" he says as he pulls into his garage

Logan gets her out and brings her into the house

"This is where daddy lives at, and you live here now too" he says as he lets her explore a little bit while he brought in the luggage and everything

Briella was scared to walk anywhere new without daddy being there

"Come on I'll show you everything" he says as he starts the tour of his house

Briella stayed close to daddy the entire time as he gave her the tour of his house

"This is your room little bear" he says as he opens the door to her room

Briella was a little scared, so Logan helped her get adjusted to her new surroundings

"I know this is going to take you some time to get use to this" he says as he hugs her tight cause she was really scared

Logan carried her the whole time and didn't mind it at all

"Don't worry Briella Henderson you have me, and you always will no matter what" he says as he hugs her tight

"Promise?" she asks him

"I promise" he says as he gives a kiss

After a while Logan decided to take Briella on a walk around the neighborhood, so she can used to it, and she didn't like it at all

"Okay baby girl we will head back to daddy's place where we can cuddle until the laundry is done, and are you hungry little bear?" he asks her

Briella nods

"I'll feed you when i go check on the laundry" he says as he heads back to his house with her in her stroller

Once he got home he put her in her high chair and gets her something to eat

"Here we go little bear" he says as he serves her lunch

Briella wanted Logan to feed her, and he was just fine with that

"Maybe later I will read you a story" he says as he gives her yogurt which was her favorite to eat while on tour

Briella ate everything for daddy

"Good girl now stay here daddy will be right back" he says as he gives her a kiss on her forehead

Briella didn't move she ate her fishes while daddy was busy with the laundry

"Go play while daddy cleans the kitchen" he says as he lifts her out of her high chair

Briella toddles over to her toys that daddy got out of the suitcases

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