Tour rehearsal with three girls Part 1

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Logan got the girls ready and then took them down for breakfast and fed them before loading all of them in the van to go to the venue for rehearsal that day to prepare for tour

"Ellie check, Ella check, Scarlett where is Scarlett" he says as he checks to make sure he has all three girls in tow before leaving the house

Logan realizes he left Scarlett in her nursery yet, so he runs into the house to get her

"Daddy is very sorry that he forgot all about you love bug" he says as he quickly changes Scarlett into a cute outfit of choice 

Once Scarlett was ready he grabbed the diaper bag that was always ready with diapers, outfits, powder formula, bottles, binkies, and whatever else Logan needed to take care of her when he goes out with all three girls in tow

"Okay Scarlett daddy is going to buckle you in your car seat" he says as he lays her in her carrier that morning after he locked the house one last time before putting her in her car seat

Once all of the girls were secured Logan made sure that the older girls had activities for them to do while he was at rehearsal for the tour. He realizes the girls don't have their backpacks at the moment, so he runs back in to grab snacks, the backpacks, blanets, the portable cots, blankets, extra change of clohes, more diaper, and a few extra bottle for the twins as well as their graduates that they can eat when they had a break

"Table and chair" he says as he goes back in and get the portable table and chair for the girls, so they could color on or play on during rehearsal

"The couches" he says as he goes back into the house to grab their couches and anything else that he could think of for the twins and Scarlett, so they were occupied during rehearsal

"Okay that is everything I think" he says when he sees that the van was fully loaded with everything that he could think of for the girls, so they were busy or occupied during rehearsal 

Once the trunk was shut he got back in the front seat and head to rehearsal, so he could get there

"Hey Kendall" Logan says when he saw who was calling him

"Logan where are you man we are completely ready to start rehearsal, and you ain't here" Kendall says to him

"I am on my way Kendall cause I woke up kind of late, and I had to get the girls fed and everything" Logan saays as he continues to drive to the rehearsal location

"Why did you get up late?" Kendall asks Logan

"Did you forget that I have a almost two month old daughter at home that isn't sleeping through the night yet" Logan says a little angry that morning cause he didn't get much sleep that night before

"Scarlett isn't sleeping through the night yet?" Kendall asks him

"Nope she is still waking up to feed and sometime she stays awake for almost an hour at night" Logan says as he rubs his eyes as he drives

"How are the twins otherwise?" Kendall asks him

"They are good right now and they can't wait to see their Uncles this morning" Logan says to Kendall as he continues to drive

"We can't wait to see them as well it has been forever since we saw them" Kendall says to Logan

"I know I am almost to the venue, so I will se you in a little bit" Logan says as he hangs up the phone, so he can continue to head to the venue that morning


"Morning Logan" James says as he comes out to greet his nieces

"Morning James" Logan says as he gets out to get everything out of the van for the girls that moning

"Logan why did you bring everything from home with you?" Carlos asks him

"That way the girls are occupied while we are rehearsing cause it will be hard for me to focus if the girls are bugging me right now" Logan says as he continues to unload the van, so he can get the girls into the venue that day

The guys help Logan bring everything in, so the girls could come into the venue that mornng

"Hi Uncle Ken" Ella says as he gets her out of her car seat while Logan got Scarlett's stroller out of the van that morning

"Morning munchkin" Kendall says to her

"Uncle Jam" Ellie says to him when James get her out of her car seat

"Hi sweetie" James says as he kisses her as he gets her out of the car seat

Logan gets Scarlett out cause she doen't want anyone else besides daddy

"Come here big girl" he says as he puts her in the stroller 

Once all of the girls with one of the guys everyone headed into the venue where rehearsal was going to take place at

"Girls I brought everything with me, so you can be occupied while daddy is busy doing his thing" Logan says as they head into the venue

Ella and Ellie was okay with that as long as they had everything that they need they were fine

"When you guys get sleepy daddy will tuck you in on your cot, so you guys can have nap time" Logan says to the girl when they hed in where they were going to rehearse at 

"Otay" the twins say to him as they continue to head in

Kendall and James put the girls down, so they could go play with their toys while daddy rehearsed

"Okay Scarlett I'll feed you" Logan says as ge gets a bottle and the formula from the diaper bag for her

Once the bottle was mixed he fed it to her

"You are hungry aren't you sweet girl" he says as he feeds her the formula that morning while he joins the others for rehearsal

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