Loading up 4 tour

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Logan was up late past the girl's bedtime the day before the band headed out on tour. Making sure he had everything packed and stocked up for the tour bus cause the next day him and Kendall were going to be moving into their new home. Logan was a bit nervous about how the girls were going to adjust to life on the road. Plus, he was scared about Scarlett a little bit and how she will be on the road. Since she is only a baby after all

"Okay I got diapers, bottles, formula, paci's all of the girl's clothes, extra clothes, food, supplies, their favorite crib bedding, my clothes" Logan says as he looks at the loaded U-Haul that he got to haul everything from his house to the tour bus cause tomorrow tpur was going to start and they will be off to their first town where they were going to be performing at

Logan got the strollers and the wagons from the garage and loaded them into the u-haul trailer, so he could set-off to his and Kendall's tour bus, and get everything ready for the girls to come aboard

"Hey, Logan, are you finishing loading up for tour?" Kendall asks as he comes over since he just loaded everything that he was bringing onto the bus

"Yeah, and I got quite a lot, so James is going to help me get everything onto the bus, and our under the bus" Logan says to Kendall

Kendall transfers the car seats over to his car cause Logan is going to crash on the bus after he got loaded up

"Thanks again for bringing the girls tomorrow when we start out for tour" Logan says to Kendall

"Don't mention it go before you can't get on the bus" Kendall says to Logan

"I will" Logan says as he heads to where the tour buses were at

Logan explains to Kendall where everything was located before, he took off, so he could get everything on the bus. Once Logan was gone Kendall went to his car to get his little bundle of joy that was left at his doorstep a few days ago and he had to get another bassinet for the bus

"Come here sweetie" he says as he gets the little baby that was sleeping out of its car seat

The baby didn't stir at all as it was moved from its car seat into daddy arms

(Tour bus)

"Well, it's time to get everything unloaded and onto the bus" Logan says as he pulls up to the tour bus to load everything up onto the tour bus

"Hey Logan" James says when he saw his best friend

"Hey, James, are you loaded up?" Logan asks him

"Yup Peta is staying here with our little one" James says to him

"James, I didn't know you had a little one" Logan says as he starts to unload the U-Haul a little bit, so he could get unloaded

"Yeah, she came one night while Peta was dancing, and Peta did not know she was pregnant at all. The baby is happy and healthy, and I can't wait to be with her on tour" James says as he gets his little one

Logan continued to load the bus while James went to get his baby girl who was sleeping at the moment

"James she is adorable" Logan says when he saw the adorable baby that his band mate had in his arms

"I know she is" James says as he lays his angel down, so he could help Logan with bringing everything onto the bus that he was going to need to take care of his girls while they were on tour

Logan and James chatted it up as they loaded the bus and put everything where Logan wanted it to go since he wanted to get the girls wardrobe set up, so it was ready for him when the girls needed a new outfit. Once the wardrobe was set up and together. Logan got the cribs together with the bumpers and the girl's sheets in the crib

"Logan, do you want me to do the changing table and put the bottles and everything away for you?" James asks him

"Yes, that will be great cause I got to get the girls toys from the U-Haul that is outside. With three little girls you need a lot of stuff to bring with you when you go anywhere" Logan says as he gets his wardrobe together cause he wanted to get his clothes put away before the girls come on the bus the next day

James had everything else together, so Logan decided to have Kendall bring the girls down to the tour bus. To get the girls comfortable living on the bus for the next several months

"The girls are going to be spending the night on the bus as well, so I can get them comfortable with living on the bus. I'm afraid they won't adjust and have a challenging time sleeping in their new beds" Logan says after he got done talking to Kendall who was going to be bringing the girls down to get them used to their new living arrangements for a while


"Hey girls" Logan says when he saw his three girls in Kendall's car

"Daddy" the twins say to him as he gets them out of their car seats and carries them onto the bus. He was able to get all the toys that the girls wanted to bring onto the bus and put away in the storage locations that was installed on the bus cause the girls had a lot of toys that they wanted to bring with them

"Kendall, I didn't know you had a baby too" Logan says to his best friend when he sees Kendall get the baby out of its car seat and brings it onto the bus

"She was left at my doorstep weeks ago and I couldn't bear to tear myself away from her" Kendall says to Logan

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The little girl who went on tour and found her new family wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now