Getting Snowflake and her siblings checked out part 4

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Okay after working and then getting sick out of the blue here is the chapter you guys have been waiting for as well i hope you like it and it will be a work in progress since i am off for six weeks for my wrist 

"How close are we to the doctor's" Logan asks him

"If i can do it we can be there faster then the hospital" Kendall says as he was looking at the perfect way to get out of the traffic jam cause this was a health emergency

"Do what you need to do" Logan says as he was trying to keep her breathing on her own

Kendall was able to cut but he was picked up by an officer

"License and registration please" the officer says to Kendall

"I have a good reason for speeding officer we have a baby in the van and she is having a hard time breathing right now" Kendall says as he gave the officer his license and he was looking for the registration for the van as well

The officer looks at the baby that was still purple as Logan was working on her

"I'll give you an escort where you headed?" the officer asks Kendall

"To the doctor's for check-ups for the babies" Kendall says as he was checking on the babies that had mirrors so he could check on them as well

"Let's go" the officer says as he was going to lead the way to the doctor's office for Kendall and Logan

"No ticket?" Kendall asks

"Not this time" the officer says as he hits his lights and Kendall got the four by fours going so people could move it

Logan was grateful they were going to get her help and Kendall was calling ahead to let them know what was going on with the littlest one of the bunch

"It's okay baby we are going to get you taken care of soon baby" Logan says as he was trying to keep her alive as Kendall headed for the doctor's office

(Doctor's office)

Logan got out with the littlest one who was trying her hardest to breathe now and Logan knew that she might not make it

"Nurse oxygen now" the doctor says since he had to cancel the rest just in case this was going to be a while with her

The nurse got oxygen on her quickly and she started to breathe again slowly

"Kendall, Logan I am going to have the others go into the other room while i work with this one to see what is going on with her" the doctor says to Kendall and Logan

"Can i stay with her?" Logan asks the doctor

"Yeah that's fine" the doctor says as Kendall took the other little ones to the other room that was connected to the other

Logan was stroking the little one head as she was coming back slowly

"Keep the oxygen on her i want to see what caused this" the doctor says to the nurse as he was going to check her over first since she was the worst right now

Logan was close by the little fighter who was breathing slowly


"She has a heart problem" the doctor says to Kendall and Logan after the results were delivered to the office quickly for the baby girl so she could get better 

"Can it be fixed?" Kendall asks him a little scared since she was the littlest one of the bunch 

"Yes it can we are placing her on the transplant list until then she will be on oxygen to help her breathe" the doctor tells Kendall and Logan

"Thank you doctor" Logan says as he started the exam to see if she was okay otherwise and she will have her shots as well so she stays healthy

Logan picks her up and holds her in his arms to comfort her a little bit since she was not happy at all right now and he was okay with that cause he loved her to death and he will do anything for her since she was so little and so helpless right now

"Okay she is good to go guys" the doctor says to Kendall and Logan before he went to do the others and see how they were doing as well

She was going to have her portable oxygen with her and something bigger was going to be brought to the house later on for her

"Hey little girl" Logan says as he was holding her as her eyes were wide opened and looking around at where she was

The nurse taught Logan how to care for the oxygen tank and the tubes as well until she had her transplant in the near future to replace her heart 

"Let's see your brothers and your sisters, and see how they are doing" Logan says as he was going to carry her to the other room where  the others were right now cause she needed to be seen right away so her siblings were stuck in one of the rooms with daddy  

Logan was holding her for a little bit since Kendall had the other under control at the moment until they had to get their shots and that was not going to be fun at all since they were not happy campers either 

"She looks better than what she was before" Kendall says as he was looking at her as she was cooing up a storm for her parents that afternoon  

"Yeah time to be with the others then go home and get these babies down for their nap since they will sleep for a while and we have to move her out of the one room and put her in her own room" Logan says as he was going to put her in her car seat for the time being so she was safe and secure as they went home to the others   

Snowflake went first and she was a picture of health and very healthy for her age 

"Now for the boys" Kendall says as the doctor started to check over the boys and see how they were doing as well 

The boys were going to need to have surgery to have the top part removed since their mom didn't do it when they were born, and the doctor didn't want to have infection set in with the boys either 

"Okay now for the rest of them" Kendall says as the doctor checks over the other girls and see if they were healthy especially the twin of the one girl who was sick 

The babies were healthy as could be and Kendall and Logan were grateful that they were healthy and happy too so they were going to be normal and live normal lives 

"I am going to do the surgery on the boys in due time so they will be healthy and happy babies" the doctor tells Kendall and Logan after the check-up was complete and the babies were talking to each other 

"Sounds good and we will take care of them" Kendall says as they were leaving to go home with the babies 

The little girl who went on tour and found her new family wattys 2023Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang